SP2 is it safe?


Nov 18, 2003
Haven't heard news on this in a while, being that I have a 3000+ (64), I was wondering if I should upgrade to SP2. Is it still a no-go, or did I miss the ok?
serive pack 2 is fine.
i had it for like 3 weeks all ready.
and i have not had any problems of any kind.
all my games runs smooth on it.
doom 3 all the medal of honors
call of duty both of them.
i have an amd 64 3200+
Download the stand-alone update, boot into Safe Mode, and install SP2 from Safe Mode...

I would not recommend installing it from normal Windows.

I've been running SP2 for a while now, no problems what so ever.
SP-2 is fine, I installed it both by update, and later from a new Windows XP install CD I bought that had SP-2 already.

You may want to make sure you turn off the firewall and security center in control panel, then disable their processes by running services.msc. If you want a firewall, get something decent like ZoneAlarm.
I only have one customer with no issues and SP2.

Every other customer I have has had some issue with SP2, and most are not documented on MS's knowledge base.
Did it help in any way??? Why should I install it or Why I shouldnt install it??
EnforcerGT said:
Did it help in any way??? Why should I install it or Why I shouldnt install it??
The same reason you install any MS service pack. So you don't have 50 hotfixes in your add/remove programs :)
installed it on 6 computers the day after it came out, no problems with any of the 6 computers
I overheard that an install of SP2 will reformat your hard drive. I cant afford to lose all my video editing material so Im wondering if theres any way to install SP2 without a reformat or can someone briefly explain how I can partition my 120gb and move all my stuff?

Thx in advance.
SP2 installation does not format your harddrive, someone is pulling your leg.

any proper ways to install??? Or should I just let my little update do it all for me??
I have installed SP2 from both windows update and from an blahblah-ENU.exe file I dl'd from ms ...and have installed on numerous computers (over 20 ) ..and not an issue with any of them .. with the old sp2 beta it would block some stuff from working if you didnt enable the proggy in DEP ..and xp's built in firewall can cause probs if enabled ..

..other then above mentioned , no probs whatsoever
You can merge SP2 in your windows install disk. I did that so when I eventually reformatted SP2 came right along with.
I installed SP2 over Windows Update on my Athlon 64 3000 machine. Thus far (1-2 months later) I have had no issues. At first I had trouble getting my inter net to work, but that was due to some of my wireless LAN settings. I had trouble with those same settings when I used XP w/SP1. I wish I knew how to get XP to remember my wireless LAN settings when I reboot or logoff though. They keep resetting every time I logoff or reboot.
I haven't installed SP2 personally as I'm waiting a bit to hear more positive posts and reviews on it. Also, I run Nav Corp 8 from work and it doesn't play happy with SP2, more like it tolerates it.

Now my friend has SP2 on both his desktop and laptop and doesn't have a single problem. If you're really that nervous about installing it, I'd suggest backing up your hard drive first (Ghost is my personal favorite but any disk imaging program will suffice), install it and try it. If you don't like it or have problems you can always revert back to the image you made just before you installed SP2.

One thing I DO know for certain is that SPs are a bitch to try and uninstall. Personal experiance talking here with SP1.
sp2 fried my softmod on the 9700pro->fireGL x1. other than that no problems whatsoever within the months i've been using it. have reformatted and installed from scratch since (in order to get the softmod work again), so currntly i'm back on sp1a...
sp2 hasn't fried any of the machines i've installed it on, including mine.

only caveat is that if you do a lot of torrenting, you're going to want to google the sp2 fix for tcpip.sys.
obs said:
You can merge SP2 in your windows install disk. I did that so when I eventually reformatted SP2 came right along with.

yup, thats what I did.

this article gives you very explicit instructions on how to slipstream SP2 with your XP CD.
ozziegn said:
yup, thats what I did.

this article gives you very explicit instructions on how to slipstream SP2 with your XP CD.

for those wanting to slipstream SP2 directly into a bootable CD i highly recommend useing a program called nLite (which you can grab here). by far the easiest way to do it plus it makes a bootable ISO, you can automate the process by filling everything out in advance (so you put in the CD, come back 30 mins later and everythings done), add drivers etc etc. all through a nice and easy UI. truely a grand tool!
EnforcerGT said:
any proper way to install????

some boot into safemode and install SP then, i've heared the same about spyware as redshred already mentioned. i personally, however, have never seen any kind of difference. on some machines i used the update function out of pure lazyness, on others i downloaded the SP and did network installs - no difference in stability whatsoever.

however, as SP come out rarely, i download the SP when it comes out (or a couple of months later for security), slipstream it into my windows version with the app i already mentioned above, and do a clean reinstall on a freshly formatted C-drive. no big hassle really, as i have only the system on C and do not need to backup any data and stuff. that way i know it's clean, and a reinstall every year is nothing bad either... but is there actually a reason for this? i think not, just the feeling that everything is nice and clean :D
Please, please, please ALL OF YOU.

Use the search function. There has been like a gizillion threads on this in the OS Forum.

Bottom line, most issues you could have worried about are DEP & A64. And its been a long time since ive heard from this issues. The blame for them were to software manufacturers...
I have an A64 and SP2 has caused 0 problems. But then again I slipstreamed it into my XP CD and reinstalled it....