Space Rangers 2


Apr 2, 2003
I bought it long ago and only played it for a bit. Over the past few weeks, I've gotten far and it is an excellent game. I like how it's a combination of different genres. I'd recommend it for people who like those types of games.
Yea - I loved the game (I played the reboot version). DIdn't much like the strategy portion (could only do the first couple then they became too difficult for my feable ability). Loved the space combat and text games (wish there was another ad-on with 100 more text games of same quality of the 20 or so that are included with reboot).
It's pretty fun, i just kinda suck at it. Accidentally warping into a system full of dominators when i have a wee lil' transport ship with little weaponry and i need a refuel to escape? ouch.
Yea - I loved the game (I played the reboot version). DIdn't much like the strategy portion (could only do the first couple then they became too difficult for my feable ability). Loved the space combat and text games (wish there was another ad-on with 100 more text games of same quality of the 20 or so that are included with reboot).

Here's a tip for the robot strategy part of the game.. Missile Launchers and Tri-Weapon Chassis' are your friend :D
The missile launchers were definitely the only way to do the strategy missions, but even then I felt like they were the least fun part of the game