Space Sim/Combat Fans Enter Here


Supreme [H]ardness
May 24, 2005

A new game on the horizon. I haven't seen much news on it but the trailers look pretty stellar. Hopefully the game play follows suit. :D

"An open ended, beautiful and innovative 3D space environment decorated with stars, planets, moons, asteroids, comets, black holes, star bases, floating cities and open for exploration, trade, crafting, diplomacy, fight."

"Space Force - Rogue Universe is an action RPG space simulation with an emphasis on some key elements as ship development, exploration of immersive Universe and a freedom of choice."

Hopefully this game is a little gem. :cool:

EDIT: The demo was released 5/29/07. Here's a link for it: A faster link:;7640701;/fileinfo.html
This is one class of gaming that should have never died. Its been far too long since a space combat sim has come out. Yay! I'm glad to see that more space flight games are coming out.
This is one class of gaming that should have never died. Its been far too long since a space combat sim has come out. Yay! I'm glad to see that more space flight games are coming out.

I think we have Battlestar Galactica to thank, honestly. I'm not a fan of the show, if it can inspire more space exploration and combat games, I'm all for it.
I would pay almost whatever Lucasarts wanted for a new version of X-Wing or Tie Fighter. Why do all these game developers neglect us so? I imagine a game like X-Wing would have fairly broad appeal to console gamers as well, so I would think it would make good money for them.

Maybe if some smaller companies start having success with some good space games again we can hope the biggies will notice and want in.
i like the sound of it just reading the first post. wont get a chance to really look at it or dl trailer till i get my new pc setup. this one barely runs the internet :(
I would pay almost whatever Lucasarts wanted for a new version of X-Wing or Tie Fighter. Why do all these game developers neglect us so?

Agreed! I would pay real money.... more than I should actually to recreate an experience on the level of X-Wing or TF. They should come out with a bundle for any new space sim that is supposed to be really good, bundle it with a good joystick so people and get the full effect. I remember back in the day when pretty much everybody who had a computer with a game or two, also had a joystick. Now, nobody's buying joysticks anymore, I wonder how much of an effect this has on the space sim market, if one drives the other?
It sounds good. I just wish a good action first person space game would come out though. Another X-Wing or Freespace type game. The RPG element isn't needed to have a fun game. Not saying that will hurt this game though.
This game looks like what would happen if EVE online and Freelancer got together and had a baby. Not that that's a bad thing..
Sometimes I cry into my pillow at night at the memories of Freelancer and destroying Rebel scum in TIE Fighter CD. :(

Seriously, TIE Fighter was awesome. Destroy Rebel scum. What if you had to fight your own ships? ROGUE ADMIRAL! Such a leet game, its like 16 campaigns (of like 6, 7 missions each) complete with voice-overs back in the early 90s.

Missile Boat or the TIE Defender, bitches. Tractor those A-Wings and eat 'em alive. Ion cannon the shit out of Y-Wings and then blow 'em into pieces with concussion missiles. Mmmm, good times.
<-- loves the X-Wing series and has long been awaiting a good, new space sim game.

Good find OP. I hope the game turns out to be pretty sims are few and far between nowadays :(. Some of those screenshots look pretty nice though...DL'ing the trailer now.
Sometimes I cry into my pillow at night at the memories of Freelancer and destroying Rebel scum in TIE Fighter CD. :(

Seriously, TIE Fighter was awesome. Destroy Rebel scum. What if you had to fight your own ships? ROGUE ADMIRAL! Such a leet game, its like 16 campaigns (of like 6, 7 missions each) complete with voice-overs back in the early 90s.

Missile Boat or the TIE Defender, bitches. Tractor those A-Wings and eat 'em alive. Ion cannon the shit out of Y-Wings and then blow 'em into pieces with concussion missiles. Mmmm, good times.

Now I'm crying thinking about all the marvelous things you said...

I love you, Tie Fighter.

imagine how nice these games could look with the power of computers today. extremely complex ship models, absolutely massive capital ships and stations, and graet weapon effects. and of course, space.
They need to design an MMO similar to Colony Wars(Playstation game) that functions like Eve Online. This way you actually have to AIM at your targets...
I die a little inside every time I'm reminded that there will never be a Freespace 3
I feel your pain, sir. :(

Or the ill-fated Babylon 5 space shooter project that was canned years ago... sigh...

-Kiba <-- Still has *some* hope for Freespace 3..

BTW are they using the Freespace 2 engine modded or something for Beyond the Red Line??? Sure looks like it... DOH.. I just read the "about" section.. yeah.. tis a modded Freespace 2 engine.

Cool that an engine from a 1999 game, however much it has been modded, is being used 8 years later...
i like space games, so ive got the demo dling. i hope it doesnt dissapoint.
i hate the gameplay of EVE.... point,click,set distance,f1,f2,reload,f1,f2,reload,f1,f2...borring
I die a little inside every time I'm reminded that there will never be a Freespace 3
Agreed! Although I'm glad Derek Smart never got the license.

At this point I don't know what I want more, some more space shooter action or some answers to the Freespace plot. I'd take either at this point.
So any reviews on this game? I'm interested in it, will download the demo when I get home.
It was alright, I only played through the first objective. It felt exactly like an upgraded Freelancer (which I loved), but the controls didn’t seem as fluid. It probably just takes practice to get used to, it took me four attempts before I could kill the first 2 bandits.

The story and voice-acting was a let-down for me. I dare say I’ll play the demo more to see if it grows on me, but so far it’s not on my list of future purchases.
Ugh... Not impressed. Just like Coyote said the voice acting and writing is so horrible it detracts from the atmosphere. The controls are wishy-washy and the sound effects are tinny and cartoonish. The game looks really good and runs smoothly on my moderate system but that was about the only good thing I could find. I do believe I'll be skipping this space title, too. *sigh* O where, o where has my Freespace gone? O where, o where could she be?
Given the last two posts, it's what I've come to expect from JoWood...that Submarine combat game they came out with about three years ago (it was actually a sequel) had the same issues you are pointing out...poor writing, poor German-to-English translation and VO work, iffy gameplay...
I'd kill for a Wing Commander remake, keep the same story lines, just modernize the graphics....sigh
We just need someone to buy Earth & Beyond Rights and make a 2.0 version dx10 style FTW !!!!!! *sigh* I miss that game so much :(