Spam Turns 30

HardOCP News

[H] News
Dec 31, 1969
Now here’s a milestone nobody wants to celebrate, the 30th anniversary of spam. Makes you wonder how you would send out invitations if you were to celebrate? Spam?

This week, the world will mark an anniversary that has changed the face -- and other anatomical regions -- of email inboxes everywhere: the first known spam email was sent 30 years ago on Saturday.
Sadly, I wish spam would go away as it is the worst invention for the receivers.
Now that my isp provider has put caps on my bandwidth, the spam is now eating up said bandwith so I am paying for it. Not to mention the time wasted sorting through the spam to make sure there was no important email in there that had been tagged wrongly. I wish spam would die and not celebrate another birthday/anniversary.
I remember spam 20 years ago... Make money fast... sort of like what you see today and on TV infomercials too... But 30 years ago? WOW what was it on? The spam I saw 20 years ago was on the old BBS networks (yes there were networks before the INTERNET/INTERWEB/INTERTUBES of today)
It's difficult to believe that spam has been around that long, I'd like to know how much spam goes out each year...that would be an interesting statistic...

I use Gmail, and I NEVER get any spam at's filters are amazing...
It's not called "spam" due to the reptitive nature of the song. It's called "spam" becuase "I don't want any spam!" Sheesh.

AGAIK the first "real" spam that really kicked things off was the greencard lottery usenet spam in the early 90s. After that it was all downhill, and it accelrated agressivly once AOL users got out of the walled garden.
It's difficult to believe that spam has been around that long, I'd like to know how much spam goes out each year...that would be an interesting statistic...

I use Gmail, and I NEVER get any spam at's filters are amazing...
