Spectre? I'm confused.

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Jun 9, 2003
I just noticed for the first time...Spectre is a mod. When did this happen? I didn't think it was that way even yesterday, though I'm really tired right now, so I could be very very wrong. But still...as Moose said earlier, something is afoot....explain!
Looks like someone was POOFED!
The bottom of the page still shows only DR_K13, and Moose as mods!

Mayhem33 said:
Looks like someone was POOFED!
The bottom of the page still shows only DR_K13, and Moose as mods!

I actually spend most of my time in the Power Supply forum. That is why I am not in here all the time.

Yeah basically behaving yourself one day....the next your tittle changes. Go figure.
errrr. who done and let spec be a mod? next thing you know Mary will want to be one too :rolleyes:

congrats man :D

us DC'rs are taking over the forums... one mod at a time..
Yes, Spectre is now one of the venerated Mods...although not of this forum...he still bows before me. :p

I kid, I kid....
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