speedfan uses 99% CPU with DFI lanparty NF4


Feb 10, 2002
First, I have no idea what would be the correct forum to post this in, so move at will! :D Now, on to the problem:

If I leave speedfan running, it will start taking 99% of my CPU cycles. This bug is with the latest version, and it seems to be related somehow to my 6600GT vid card's temp sensor. I think this problem is shared by many, but I'm not too sure because I can't find a whole lot of discussion on it. Right now, my workaround is to not use speedfan, because other monitoring software works fine. :p However, I'm impressed with speedfan's functionality, and I'd rather go back to using it.

A surefire way to cause this bug is to have speedfan running, and open up nvidia's display properties->temperature settings tab. However, even if you just leave it running, it starts eating up your system by itself after a time.

Well, I think I may have figured out the answer to my problem. I don't know why I didn't see this before, because I did read this page. I swear. :D

CPU usage goes very high and/or my screen shows odd things This can occasionally happen if you have an nVidia video card and you are using some software combination. Due to the lack of documentation, the only option is to use the /NONVIDIAI2C command line switch when running SpeedFan. You can find further info about it in this article.
You know what, I noticed the same thing on mine. System started to chug bad for a few seconds and the soundcard got all choppy, didnt know if something was amiss, but the nvidia ntune crap detected everything just fine, no stutters.