Spider-Man "Raimi" Suit Drama: Insomniac Speaks against Gamer Entitlement


Aug 20, 2006
Spider-Man developer Insomniac Games was allegedly harassed for months by Sam Raimi fans who demanded the suit from the original movies be added to the PS4 exclusive. While the outfit was ultimately released this week, Community Manager James Stevenson called gamers out for being “jerks,” as the studio “listened all throughout development” and “done lots of things fans asked for.” Insomniac claims the harassment had nothing to do with the suit’s availability, as it was in the works for “months and months.” GameSpot and VG247 thought this was all overblown; the former called it “the worst version of the character.”

We are not required to do everything. Nor should we be harassed. Passionate is not an excuse for harassment. Having paid for a piece of software or a service does not entitle you to be a jerk. You are not always right. And again, we have nothing else we can say on that – as has been the case for a while. Our position has always been we don’t comment on future possible suits (besides ruling a couple out). We know there are many desires, and we’ve heard them. Just know things take a LONG time sometimes (months and months!) and even then go down to the literal wire. We obviously never stopped listening.
I like it, they demanded it be added to PS4 exclusive, which tells me they have PS4 consoles, but more importantly it tells me they sick and fucking tired of console exclusive content that's released. "Oh you want to play with this character? Well you better buy the Xbox version.!"
So don't do it. If you don't like somebody doing something then you don't fucking reward them for it.

Considering he said it can take "months and months" to get suits done I doubt it was done in response to the assholes. They were probably working out the details and designs for most of the post-release suits before the base game even launched (or close to it).
I like it, they demanded it be added to PS4 exclusive, which tells me they have PS4 consoles, but more importantly it tells me they sick and fucking tired of console exclusive content that's released. "Oh you want to play with this character? Well you better buy the Xbox version.!"

Wait Xbox is not getting the new suit??
Considering he said it can take "months and months" to get suits done I doubt it was done in response to the assholes. They were probably working out the details and designs for most of the post-release suits before the base game even launched (or close to it).

As an actual professional cg artist: nope. It doesn't take months. Especially if it's just a skin that doesn't require any new 3d modelling.
We have progressed from the day1 dlc era to the lootbox era. I have little sympathy for devs these days when everything is monetized out the wazoo.
I'm tired of devs crying about gamer "entitlement." You either listen to the fans and give them what they want or don't. I have a feeling a lot of these soy boys were never on the internet prior to 2010.
So don't do it. If you don't like somebody doing something then you don't fucking reward them for it.

Or do like I do. If said game doesnt have a game feature that I want, guess what. I dont buy the fucking game. That is pretty much the only thing game devs understand these days are sales losses. But most gamers these days will just buy the game anyway and just bitch like entitled pussies.
With the amount of harassment devs apparently got from idiots being super pissy about the suit not being in the game the moment they demanded it I think his reaction is pretty appropriate.

How you deal with these people as a company? Release what your going to release and let your work speak for itself. His reaction isn't appropriate, it's just fueling the fire
How you deal with these people as a company? Release what your going to release and let your work speak for itself. His reaction isn't appropriate, it's just fueling the fire

It is stupid back and forth stuff like this that is one of the reasons I hate retail. (That is why I am never going to work in retail again. It is great to never bring my work home with me, ever again, literally. If I am not there at work, I cannot do anything with it.)
How you deal with these people as a company? Release what your going to release and let your work speak for itself. His reaction isn't appropriate, it's just fueling the fire

There is no good way to deal with douchebags. Saying nothing gives them permission to continue harassing people, saying something "fuels the fire". No matter what they said or didn't say it wouldn't change. It doesn't help that this massive social media thing is still relatively new and industries are still trying to figure out the right way to interact with their customers.
There is no good way to deal with douchebags. Saying nothing gives them permission to continue harassing people, saying something "fuels the fire". No matter what they said or didn't say it wouldn't change. It doesn't help that this how massive social media thing is still relatively new and industries are still trying to figure out the right way to interact with their customers.

I completely disagree, saying something empowers them. No one has to listen to harrasment online, people chose to, that is a very important distinction.

Spiderman is a huge hit and massively well received. His comments will only be interpreted as butt hurt by those doing the harrassing.
its a "Vocal minority". Welcome to the internet. This is exactly whats shot DICE in the foot. Yes people are obnoxious on the internet. Don't respond if you don't want them to continue harassing you. It's that easy. Laugh it off over a sweet white wine...or a white russian...or just eggnog and bourbon with a cinnamon stick and a shake of nutmeg on top. Merry Christmas.
I completely disagree, saying something empowers them. No one has to listen to harrasment online, people chose to, that is a very important distinction.

Spiderman is a huge hit and massively well received. His comments will only be interpreted as butt hurt by those doing the harrassing.

by saying nothing they will just bitch louder and louder because the developers are ignoring them. It is like the kid in a store throwing a fit because the parent isn't responding to them asking for something. If you ignore then they get louder and cause more of a scene. However answering them with the answer they don't want just fuels the fire and also pisses them off causing a scene. The only way to get no scene is to give into the little fucker in the first place and spoil them however they then just keep crying for more stuff. So only real solution is to force feed the little bastards bleach along with their parents who allowed them to get that bad. Same problem here. Saying nothing and not releasing the suit will cause people to scream more. Releasing the suit when done but not saying anything still causes outrage. Releasing it right away causes them to think they won and demand more. So the same applies, force feed the whiney gamers bleach.
As an actual professional cg artist: nope. It doesn't take months. Especially if it's just a skin that doesn't require any new 3d modelling.

so what 1 hour to get a license, create your drawings to work from, and get your perfect 3d skin?
by saying nothing they will just bitch louder and louder because the developers are ignoring them. It is like the kid in a store throwing a fit because the parent isn't responding to them asking for something. If you ignore then they get louder and cause more of a scene. However answering them with the answer they don't want just fuels the fire and also pisses them off causing a scene. The only way to get no scene is to give into the little fucker in the first place and spoil them however they then just keep crying for more stuff. So only real solution is to force feed the little bastards bleach along with their parents who allowed them to get that bad. Same problem here. Saying nothing and not releasing the suit will cause people to scream more. Releasing the suit when done but not saying anything still causes outrage. Releasing it right away causes them to think they won and demand more. So the same applies, force feed the whiney gamers bleach.

You realize that the best option is to say nothing and just do what you where going to do in the first place, given they will whine anyway. Literally, saying things like what he did only makes things worse. You want to attack someone, attack the media that gives license and audience to these whiny morons.
most gamers today do nothing but bitch, whine and cry about every little thing so not surprised by this.

Everything thinks they are owed the world.

That's what happens when folks are raised on the bullshit premise of "equal outcomes" aka, "I'm entitled to what I want because I believe everyone else around me gets what they want". Rampant entitlement syndrome.
so what 1 hour to get a license, create your drawings to work from, and get your perfect 3d skin?

he is pulling stuff out of his ass, they first need to get permission, then they will need to concept it, then fire up Marvelous Designer or Houdini (Vellum) then knit the clothes digitally, then send it to Zbrush for final fitments and adjustments, then it gets sent into Maya/Modo/3dsMax etc for retopology and unwrapping, and finally they use Substance(Designer +Painter), Quixel(ND0, DD0 and 3D0) or plain old Photoshop to texture the Garments.
most gamers today do nothing but bitch, whine and cry about every little thing so not surprised by this.

Everything thinks they are owed the world.
"no one is more offended and wounded than the PC gamer"
posted in bluesnews forums by Beamer
That's what happens when folks are raised on the bullshit premise of "equal outcomes" aka, "I'm entitled to what I want because I believe everyone else around me gets what they want". Rampant entitlement syndrome.

the problem is that this isn't just the young generation. People who have been gamers since the 70s and 80s have this same entitlement syndrome. All you have to do is look at this forum and you will find people that think they are entitled to having the world revolving around them because of some bullshit.

nothing is worth paying for because it is not as good as what they wanted it to be. No movie created is up to their standard anymore. No music is as good as music 20+ years ago so no artist deserves to be paid. Online stars aren't stars and shouldn't make a cent as all online content should be free and no site / online entertainment company should expect to make money. All games are shit. Everyone online hurts their feelings and should only have the opinion they have...
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This is blatant propoganda for corporations to do the bare minimum while customers should just keep shelling out, nothing more.
This is blatant propoganda for corporations to do the bare minimum while customers should just keep shelling out, nothing more.

Making a game with 28 different Spiderman suits but not including every single version of spider man ever created in any medium is doing the minimum? Like I said, all you have to do is look at this forum and you will find plenty of people with entitlement syndrome, over the age of 25. Thank you for proving my point right away.