Spike TV video game awards :insert expletive:

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Oct 23, 2003
OK, I'm spawning this thread out of a discussion in another thread because I feel it deserves it's own thread and so maybe, just maybe, a few more potential gamer victims can be saved from watching this farce.

This link posted in the other thread gives the details of the show. (credit to airlox for posting it)

and the following quote sums it up nicely for me:

Look man, the real heroes are the hip-hop artists who contribute a couple of hours of voice work to a title entirely designed by the marketing department. The actual developers who make quality games? Feh, unimportant. One category is good enough for them.

I actually find this award show too comical to be offensive. I don't doubt that there are some frat-boy types who find it badass beyond words, but apart from them, it so horribly triangulates its target audience that it is practically surreal.

Pop culture really has no idea what to think about gaming. It is too popular to keep dismissing as solely for nerds, but then it is too much of an enclosed and established subculture to be easily integrated. We have our own language, with a wide body of works that we reference. You have to be able to understand references to FF7, HL, the Blizzard games, etc., all the greats of our gaming culture, in order to be able to speak intelligently about modern games.

And make no mistake, it is impossible to sound hip or cool while you speak intelligently about games (same goes for film geeks or literature geeks, of course). So you end up with the dilemma: seriously engage gamers by speaking our language, or have "gaming" multimedia events which mostly consist of B-list Hollywood and hip-hop personalities patting each other on the back for contributing a few hours of voice work to a multi-year game project. The advantage of the latter is that it is easier to get sponsors on board, I'd wager. Reebok likely wouldn't pony up very much if the PA guys were hosting the show, with musical numbers by The Minibosses.

So it is goofy and mildly insulting, but it doesn't really impact actual gaming culture in the least. We know who we are, we know who our celebrities are (and most are too ugly to ever be on TV, bless 'em), and we know what the good games are. We're a real bitch of a demographic, and that's how we like it.

Anyways, I saw the idiocy that was last year's SpikeTV VGAs and I highly recommend skipping it unless watching for the comedic value. Just prepare to have your intelligence grossly insulted.

Discuss. :)
Sorry, but this is what the so-called "mainstream" gamer is all about. The car-stealing, whore-beating blood-loving boob-wanting uber-gun-wielding and last but not least, cool-looking, gamer... KNOW YOUR ROOTS! (as you know, I display them quite often here). Gamers suck.
Someone should find the people behind this crap and beat them senseless.

If you're not going to do it the right way then don't do it at all.
Not watching because I don't watch TV. If I had a TV, I wouldn't watch for the same reason that G4 place sucks: catering to the masses. Idiots who pretty much only play console games and think that GTA and Halo are the omgbestgamesev4r!
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