Spire_X Problems...


Feb 26, 2001
I know there was a thread about Spire_X being a troll, but then he responded and told his problems and whatnot, but I still haven't gotten my stuff. Its been about 2 weeks since he said he shipped it (10/15). I never got a tracking number and I haven't received any responses from him ever since.

This deal was originally made on 9/30, to cross trade my P4 3.0E ES cpu for an AMD mobo and cpu. He never cross shipped, but told me that he didn't have a system to use in the mean time. He should have told me this before I shipped since I had better heat than he did. Then after he got it all working he told me that he would ship, but after that I got nothing else from him. No Tracking, no PMs, no IMs, no responses at all.

I don't know if what Spire_X wrote in that troll thread was true or not, but you gotta keep your end of the bargain. Please do not trade with Spire_X until this is resolved. I've seen lots of bumps for Spire_X saying that he's a good trader, but I've had nothing but trouble. I think 1 month is more than long enough for him to get things straight.

I repeat:
Don't trade with Spire_X
One month in a situation that he is in, nope, that takes time man. He is still a good trader, sorry, bt he is. I'll aim him about to see.
Catsonar said:
One month in a situation that he is in, nope, that takes time man. He is still a good trader, sorry, bt he is. I'll aim him about to see.

If he's in that situation, what's with all the trades he's making with other people? Please do contact him and tell him to contact me. I've tried so many times but have got nothing.
I agree with WTH are people trading for if they have a "bad" situation at home or whatever? Disaster never seems to strike someone TAKING your stuff/money, only when its time to complete their end of the deal. :rolleyes:
Summoner said:
I agree with WTH are people trading for if they have a "bad" situation at home or whatever? Disaster never seems to strike someone TAKING your stuff/money, only when its time to complete their end of the deal. :rolleyes:

ok I can give you that, true.
Ok so I got on last night, and he was on but on his Cell, I still tried and ask to speak to him as soon as possible, I'll be trying some more to get in touch. Don't worry I'll keep trying till I get a chance man.
Catsonar said:
Ok so I got on last night, and he was on but on his Cell, I still tried and ask to speak to him as soon as possible, I'll be trying some more to get in touch. Don't worry I'll keep trying till I get a chance man.

I hope that you are right, but things just don't seem right.
im still waiting for my multi-tap from my ps2 that he forgot to ship back to me. that reminds me i should email him again about that...
Hm... so now what's going on? I emailed him again, I guess I'll have to email/pm his once again. He hasn't logged in since though...
What other unfinished transactions does he have right now?
hummmm well sry about this kun u have e-mail.........I was away on a bizz trip it was a last min thing.......
Ok, I got an email back from spire_x, saying that UPS didn't ship cuz he had to pay for some gas charge. Oh well, hopefully this time it will ship and everything is cleared up. Stay tuned for updates.
I have traded with him, there were problems but nothing major, just a mistake that he corrected (His wife thought she stepped in the video card I bought from him, it turned out to be something else) It took alittle longer then normal but it came. I was waiting on it for someone else so I was edgy but everything went fine, and I hope things do with yours as well.
I had an ok deal with him, no real problems just alittle shipping debunkle. He did not leave me heatware though... LOL wanna catch me on that Spire X? I was actually going to go through the user list trying to find your user name and I remembered this thread so i came here, hope things have come through for you, I will send you a PM in hopes this is a dead thread and everything went for the best!
Its always some kind of lame deal or another with this guy......... mine came out ok finally but geezus.....like has been said, if that much is going on don't trade at all....good luck to you getting everything resolved.
Bro I have tried so many times to contact him but I had not had any luck. Its as if he's avoiding me now too. Hes seemed like a cool guy. Sorry about this whole situation. If in anyways I could help just LMK.


I've gotten into contact with Spire_X over AIM.
It appears that he's been out for the past 2 years in Iraq.
Apparently right when he left, he still had some pending deals going on and he asked his wife to take care of things. Unfortunately, she did not.

Here is my chat log with him. He has told me that he will fix all the bad transactions with equivalent funds. Please sticky this so that others who may have been trolled at the time may be reimbursed. This is another thread about spire_x problems: http://www.hardforum.com/showthread.php?t=811553&highlight=spire_x

[15:40] AngryGook01: hi
[15:40] Spire X 23: hey?
[15:41] AngryGook01: do you remember me?
[15:42] Spire X 23: nope....but it has been like 3 yrs since i have been back here in the states
[15:42] AngryGook01: where have you been?
[15:43] Spire X 23: over seas iraq mostly......4 times and afgan 2 times.....goin again on the 17th of jan
[15:44] AngryGook01: oh really? military service?
[15:44] Spire X 23: army
[15:44] AngryGook01: ic
[15:44] Spire X 23: if u know me u should know that
[15:45] AngryGook01: you've never told me
[15:45] Spire X 23: ohhh
[15:45] Spire X 23: that's odd
[15:46] AngryGook01: this is how I know you: http://www.hardforum.com/showthread.php?t=825116
[15:46] AngryGook01: this is starbuck8968 from hardforums
[15:46] AngryGook01: now do you remember?
[15:47] Spire X 23: no sry bro I haven't touched a pc in yrs.......this is the first time
[15:47] AngryGook01: yeah i can see that being away in iraq
[15:48] AngryGook01: but these transactions happened in september 2004
[15:48] AngryGook01: just 2 years ago
[15:49] Spire X 23: that's about right........been about 2 yrs.....since i have been on
[15:49] AngryGook01: we agreed on a trade of my p4 3.0e cpu for an amd cpu/mobo combo
[15:49] AngryGook01: i sent you the cpu and you received it, but you never sent your stuff to me
[15:50] Spire X 23: wow........well I am not gonna just sick u ........I was doin alot trying to get ready and dealing with my now ex-wife
[15:50] Spire X 23: what can I do to make it up to u
[15:50] Spire X 23: ?
[15:50] AngryGook01: i suppose if you still have that processor you can send it back
[15:51] Spire X 23: I can see what I have in storage back home...I am in NY now.........if not I will work sumthing out with you
[15:52] AngryGook01: ok, at the time of the trade, the cpu for the cpu/mobo trade was around $200 in value
[15:52] Spire X 23: u sent me a cpu and a mobo?
[15:53] Spire X 23: or I was sendin u that?
[15:53] AngryGook01: no I sent you a cpu, you were suppose to send cpu/mobo
[15:53] Spire X 23: like I said it was soooo long ago bro
[15:53] AngryGook01: yeah i know
[15:53] Spire X 23: ohhhhh ok........well like I said I will make it up to u
[15:53] AngryGook01: thanks, i hope
[15:54] Spire X 23: I should be on here again tommrow.......I am at the base Libary......till I can get a new pc
[15:54] Spire X 23: I will and here is my cell just in case
[15:54] Spire X 23: 734-564-1908......still a mich # don't know if u still had it
[15:55] AngryGook01: alright thanks for the information
[15:55] AngryGook01: i just wish you gave me some explanation of what was going on 2 years ago
[15:55] Spire X 23: np like i said I am sry that things didn't go smooth....but I willing to own up and take care of it.......
[15:56] Spire X 23: sry my ex-wife was suposed to be taking care of all of my affairs
[15:56] AngryGook01: alright, i understand
[15:57] Spire X 23: I feel like shit now......god she is a bitch
[15:57] AngryGook01: :( sorry man
[15:57] Spire X 23: no......sry is what I am saying to u
[15:58] Spire X 23: don't worry she wasn'
[15:58] Spire X 23: t worth it
[15:58] AngryGook01: okay, then good for you then i guess
[15:58] Spire X 23: but her fucking with my rep like that does
[15:58] Spire X 23: are u the only one???
[15:59] Spire X 23: do u know if there were more that she didn't send
[15:59] Spire X 23: ?
[15:59] AngryGook01: i don't think so, i think there were more
[15:59] AngryGook01: http://www.hardforum.com/showthread.php?t=811553&highlight=spire_x
[16:00] Spire X 23: ok nova.......I will need to get ahold of him
[16:00] Spire X 23: atleast sum ppl backed me up lol
[16:00] AngryGook01: i actually made a thread at the time, I will update it with your contact information if that's okay with you
[16:00] Spire X 23: np
[16:01] AngryGook01: yeah it seemed like that there was a point where everything just hit the fan
[16:01] Spire X 23: yea when I got the news I only had 2 weeks till I rolled
[16:01] AngryGook01: everything was fine before, but after everything went bad
[16:01] AngryGook01: yeah, i can understand that
[16:02] Spire X 23: well I want to get this taken care of asap......give me a lil time to get my stuff back here to NY and then I will get u taken care of.......200 ok then?
[16:02] AngryGook01: yeah
[16:03] Spire X 23: ok then we will get that taken care of by the latest 5th of jan
[16:03] Spire X 23: deal
[16:03] Spire X 23: ?
[16:03] AngryGook01: yup, my paypal is [email protected] if you're gonna send through paypal
[16:04] AngryGook01: otherwise reply to the thread on hardforums that i will be updating
[16:04] Spire X 23: sry I don't have paypal.....would have to over nite u a mo
[16:04] AngryGook01: that's fine
[16:04] Spire X 23: are u on this sn alot/
[16:04] Spire X 23: ?
[16:05] AngryGook01: from time to time, if you don't see me, send me a pm on hardforums
[16:05] Spire X 23: wow i haven't used those in a yr and I am sure i am banned now because of this mess lol
[16:06] AngryGook01: not sure, might want to check or create new one
[16:06] Spire X 23: lol ya
[16:06] Spire X 23: thanx
[16:08] AngryGook01: alright, i gotta go
[16:09] Spire X 23: ok keep in touch plz
[16:09] AngryGook01: i'll talk to you later
[16:09] AngryGook01: yup, thanks for not being a troll, lol
[16:09] Spire X 23: that I am not sir
[16:10] AngryGook01: alright, cya later
[16:10] Spire X 23: later
[16:10] Spire X 23: and sry again
umm yeah my thread was locked. and I had all but forgotten this until i got an email of a thread reply with my name in it. But yeah I never got the multi-tap back I don't care to anymore either since I have since then sold my ps2 and accessories.

But if more people would like to call me out for a false troll post, please you can wait 2+ weeks for the original re-shipment (now 2+ years.. lol) and tell me if you feel cheated.
