Spontaneous Quad-Core?


Feb 15, 2005
So........this is sort of an odd situation. I went to shut down the system in my signature as I do every night. Right before it shut off however, it went to a BSOD, and rebooted automatically. On the motherboard splash screen, there was a new graphic that said "4th Core Activated!" or something of the like. Upon loading into windows, I went to check system properties.My processor now displays as an AMD Phenom II X4.

So did the BSOD spontaneously unlock the dormant 4th core on my X3 or what? I'm beyond confused atm.
check your bios and see if ACC is enabled.. its possible that the crash caused your bios to reset which ACC might be turned on by default.. but sounds odd to me as well..
Does it really matter?Got a quad for a blue screen.As long as there is no damage play with it.
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try three hours or so of prime 95 to test if the unlocked core is stable. I don't understand why your mobo would enable aac by default.