Sprint mobile broadband?

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Nov 3, 2001
Anyone use sprints mobile broadband? I'm curious to how their ping times are and how you like the service.. I currently have isdn and would like to upgrade to something faster, but satellite and sprint seem to be the only options that are available in my area at the moment.

When will dsl be available? Hell, can't get a straight answer from bellsouth so i'm about tired of waiting around.. My local cable company plays mafia with their coverage and refuse's to expand to my area reguardless of the fact that theres just 3.8miles between me and the last cable line.. Between me and that line, theres 75 plus house's.. Heh.. comcast sucks when it comes to stuff like that.

Anyways, run into any Fap ((fair access policy)) issues with sprint? Can you game with it? Least Wow or maybe eq2?
Can a mod move this to the networking thread? I had two windows open and like a dumass posted under the gen software instead :rolleyes:
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