Sprint Ranks Worst in Customer Satisfaction

HardOCP News

[H] News
Dec 31, 1969
I would be "disappointed" too if Consumer Reports ranked my company worst in customer satisfaction.

"Sprint was understandably disappointed in our survey results, and noted that in the last few months, the company has made 'dramatic changes in the two areas that matter most to customers—price and network,'" Consumer Reports stated. "Sprint's representative highlighted the company's new pricing plans, and said there had been improvements in voice and data quality."
I haven't had too much of an issue with them. No billing surprises, cheaper cost. The only complaints I can really have is not enough 4G towers, not fast enough and sometimes crappy signal. But I can't support non-unlimited plans on other networks. I will not do it.
When they have decent coverage in your area, they aren't too bad.

It's where they are lacking coverage that the problems start.You start getting dropped calls, delayed text messages, slow or non-existant 4G speeds, etc. Then the customer service calls start and if you are lucky to get a USA based rep, you are greeted by the barely trained and inexperienced person who just replaced the thousands of thousands of veteran employees that were part of the yearly layoffs.
It all depends on where you live or go to.
Sprint has never invested much into the West-coast market.:mad:
It all depends on where you live or go to.
Sprint has never invested much into the West-coast market.:mad:

It works much better in the SF Bay Area since their upgrade earlier this year. I have seen several "upgrades" and they did nothing, data was still non existent. Now it works in most areas but it is no where the speed of other carriers.
I paid for Sprint 4g for three years. Never got 4g. I was lucky to get 1.5g. And it's not like I live in the sticks, I live in a pretty big metropolitan area.
I've had them in Michigan for quite a few years and haven't had much trouble. I traveled ~1000m/week for 2years and dropped about as many calls as coworkers with verizon and att did. The 3g speeds are generally pretty bad, and my 4g speeds weren't competitive with Verizon around here though.

Once they gave me $200 in free accessories free and clear for renewing my contract, which was a nice bonus. That was about 3years ago IIRC.
The problem with sprint is they constantly make really bad and really big deals. And then it harms them so they have to screw customers over in weird ways to make up for it.

Nextel merger, killed customer service for years due to the cost. Instead of taking the best of Nextel CS they tried to cut costs and lost almost all the subscriptions they gained.

Wimax 4G, this deal set them back in time and money against the other carriers that just waited for LTE, sprint held on too long. They had to charge $10 premium data charges which pissed people off instead of just rolling it into the price.

Iphone deal, they made a contract for way to many iphones as iphones were losing popularity. Now they cannot sell enough of them so they spend all their time trying to pawn iphones off on customers and force them to buy iphones. They have done such dirty things as charging $50 extra for Samsung phones to try to push people over. How customers view this is that sprint just charges $50 extra for the same phone because they don't understand what is going on behind the scenes. The iphone deal also resulted in them just not carrying a lot of phone choices.

In the end there is one and only one thing sprint needs to do they NEED to get their network up to speed. As long as their network sucks they have to sell service cheaper than everyone else. And as long as that happens they cannot afford to properly take care of customers in most other areas.

That said I have been on sprint for a decade and no matter what other people say I get good enough service and its cheaper than anyone else. Ultimately that's all I care about. I don't need to have the fastest service on a phone. It just has to be good enough to get the jobs I need done.
Sprint needs better data. Its dog slow and doesnt exist lots of places.
The problem with sprint is they constantly make really bad and really big deals. And then it harms them so they have to screw customers over in weird ways to make up for it.

Nextel merger, killed customer service for years due to the cost. Instead of taking the best of Nextel CS they tried to cut costs and lost almost all the subscriptions they gained.

Wimax 4G, this deal set them back in time and money against the other carriers that just waited for LTE, sprint held on too long. They had to charge $10 premium data charges which pissed people off instead of just rolling it into the price.

Iphone deal, they made a contract for way to many iphones as iphones were losing popularity. Now they cannot sell enough of them so they spend all their time trying to pawn iphones off on customers and force them to buy iphones. They have done such dirty things as charging $50 extra for Samsung phones to try to push people over. How customers view this is that sprint just charges $50 extra for the same phone because they don't understand what is going on behind the scenes. The iphone deal also resulted in them just not carrying a lot of phone choices.

In the end there is one and only one thing sprint needs to do they NEED to get their network up to speed. As long as their network sucks they have to sell service cheaper than everyone else. And as long as that happens they cannot afford to properly take care of customers in most other areas.

That said I have been on sprint for a decade and no matter what other people say I get good enough service and its cheaper than anyone else. Ultimately that's all I care about. I don't need to have the fastest service on a phone. It just has to be good enough to get the jobs I need done.

Spot on. It's bad enough that they have spotty reception and slower than dial-up data then they do silly things like charging more for the Nexus 6 full price than direct from Google and Motorola. LOL

Just for shits and giggles I enabled WIMAX on a Sprint phone that I now use on WIFI only and the reception hasn't improved since I jumped to Verizon three years ago and I'm in a major metropolitan next to an airport. Sprint operates on the basis of poor management decisions, over-provisioning and empty promises.
I can't wait to dump Sprint. When they first turned on lte in Charlotte I was getting 15-20 mbps down and 3-6 up. I thought it could only get better, right? No. Now I'm lucky to get 1-3 down and .10 up in the same areas. So much for them upgrading their network. Garbage. Fuck Sprint.
I like them because they are really cheap.

The bad thing is that I get 1 or 2 bars at my house - I solved that by getting a new phone that does WiFi calling.

Their data coverage is adequate, but we have a 2GB plan - we never even hit 500MB because we're on WiFi most of the time.

Not a ringing endorsement, but I like my bill....
My company's still grandfathered into an unlimited plan.

God, I could practically hear the salesguy crying when we refused to move over to one of their metered plans.

It would have saved us maybe about $30 a year at our current data usage rate AS OF LAST MAY.

As of right now? We'd be paying HUNDREDS of dollars extra a month.
4 years a Sprint customer, about 3 months of trouble free service after they upgraded the towers on my area to LTE.
Then they oversold the area, calls went back to constantly dropping, I didn't get half my texts and I'd have to send every text AT LEAST twice, sometimes up to a dozen times to get them through. Data went from 17mbs down 1mbs up to 2mbs down and about .1 up on a good day where I could manage to connect.
After months of 45+ minutes on hold, being transfered till the call dropped, being told all supervisors were busy or unavailable to call back other times or they said they'd call me back then never would, I told them on a Wednesday I was transferring my # to Verizon that Saturday.
The support calls would not stop then. Every hour on the hour someone from Sprint was calling begging me to reconsider to the point I had to BLOCK them, then they started calling me on my new Verizon phone, asking me what would it take to come back, after explaining everything a dozen times I blocked them again. No way in hell I'd ever use those bastards again. I couldn't even get account credit when their network would go down in my area, which happened at least once a week.
Can't stand em, and would go without a phone before I'd use them again.
I haven't had too much of an issue with them. No billing surprises, cheaper cost. The only complaints I can really have is not enough 4G towers, not fast enough and sometimes crappy signal. But I can't support non-unlimited plans on other networks. I will not do it.

This. So long as you're in their service range. Then they suck.
Customer: My service sucks.
Customer Service: What is your zip code and cross streets?
Customer: 94101
Customer Service: Oh I see here we have a technical problem and will submit a ticket to our techs. (bullshit)


Customer Service: Take your phone to your nearest store and have them look at it, there is something wrong with your phone.

Rinse and repeat. Look at the Sprint forums, gangs of people with the same issues (crappy service) and robotic customer service. So glad I dumped them.
My last conversation with Sprint CS...

Me: I'm paying the $10 forced fee for 4G WIMAX and in a coverage area according to your service map but have no or spotty reception.

Sprint: Have you tried standing outside your residence?

That's when I paid the ETF and jumped on Verizon unlimited data offer. One of the best decisions I ever made.
I beg to differ: ALL OF THEM rank worst in my book. :D

No, NOONE is as bad or ever will be as bad as sprint. I have used them all and the experiences I had with their cs was mind boggling. It took 3 minutes to open Google.com no matter where I was in town and all they would tell me was that there's nothing wrong since I was connected to their towers. I grew weary of paying for unlimited connections to their towers so I paid my etf and switched to T-Mobile and have never been happier.

For those of you who have good service now with sprint, their MO is it starts out good and then all of a sudden it starts to suck then it sucks even more and then you get the picture. Basically it will suck.
I already know that Sprint sucks, CS-wise. What I've learned from this thread is a lot of people on [H] still have contracts! Probably an even bigger waste of money than cable.
I had Sprint for years and was fairly happy. But I discovered (and this might have been fixed by now) that when you crossed their coverage area their signal dropped off like a cliff. I literally could not go 2 blocks south from my house to a grocery store without losing signal and switching to roaming mode which cost a fortune. I used to turn my phone off when going to said store, to avoid paying for texts etc on their insane roaming plan. Wife used to yell at me, did you get my text? Did you pick up XYZ? No, no I did not. (love her but she texts a ton). $1 for each text or something similarly insane.

Breaking point came when I got a new job (only 20 mins from my house/good coverage area) and the signal was like a dead zone at work. I would be in the parking lot walking between buildings and my phone would sometimes grab a tiny bit of signal and connect to the network and POW and I would have 10 voicemails and 20+ texts from the Mrs freaking the hell out. Forget using the phone indoors. She made me switch to another company that worked slightly better just "in case of emergency".

Don't think I'll be switching back any time soon though, no matter how cheap. I tried MetroPCS for a year (cheap! cheap!) and it sucked so hard it was barely usable. Going to stick with what I got I guess.
I was a Sprint customer for 12 years. The voice coverage was great up until about 2008, when it started to drop more calls around populated areas.

When Wimax came out and my GF got a Galaxy S2, the coverage was initially very good because we were in Baltimore, one of their major roll-outs. But when we switched to the 3G/LTE-only Galaxy S3, it became apparent that Sprint had bitten off more than they could chew, with phones dropped from the network constantly. And with the phasing-out of Wimax, everyone was stuck on the old 3G network, which was quickly overloaded. I paid the ETF rather than endure the next 1.5 years of pain.

So yeah, if you're lucky you might get good service form Sprint. But don't expect things to last.
Sprint is the absolute worst.
My first carrier was Nextel right around the push to talk walkie-talkie era. Sprint bought them out and I got my first touch screen phone was an S1 (Epic 4g, wimax). I was getting about 8-12 mbps for the few months then started getting dropped calls and the phone couldnt hold 4g at all. Sprint kept telling me it was my phone so I upgraded to the iphone 4s.

Now having that phone on sprint was the worst cell phone experience of my life. I live in the metro Atlanta area and the 3g on that phone was abyssal. on a GOOD day at 2am-5am I would have 1-2mbps down. during the day it would be 0.1mbps. Sometimes my speed test would complete with 0.00mbps down 0.02mbps up.

2011 I ended up paying my ETF, buying one of those simcard trays that unlock the iphone, jailbreaking it then buying a T-Mobile $70 prepaid unlimited data sim. Immediately I was getting 8-12mbps on hpsa 3g. Present day, Im still on the same plan but postpaid, with 40+mb down on a Note 4. There is just something about watching twitch streams, youtube, netflix and hulu in the highest possible quality on this screen. Im 10 days into my billing cycle and already at 22GB.

Did you guys negotiate your ETF with Sprint? I did and it wasn't bad at around $100 and lucky me at the time in 2011 Verizon was offering unlimited data. With company discount my total bill is $60. Should've gotten a second data only line for $20 before discount when it was offered for dedicated home backup connection or in-car. Darn...
Another issue with Sprint is only visible if you live or have family / friends that live in rural areas. They are horrible at trying to do least cost routing and as a result just not routing calls to areas. Then when told about it instead of fixing the issue tell their customers that the local Telco is the one at fault and not handing the call off to the person at the other end. Requires getting the FCC involved for them to fix the routing.
I was a Sprint customer for 16 years up until a few months ago. I signed up back in 1998 with their $30/mo PCS Free and Clear plan. Loved it. Had service pretty much anywhere and everywhere. Then along comes the 4G WiMax clusterfuck...I got an HTC EVO back in 2009, no 4G in my area until 2011, then they shut it off to transition to LTE. Constant on-again, off-again dropped calls, no service (voice or data), and excruciatingly slow data speeds for almost 2 years. When the LTE towers were completed, I couldn't even get Sprint service on my own home property, and I can visibly see the cell tower. 2G roaming only. Placed a lot of calls to CS, after 6 months they finally provided an AiRAVE booster, but that would constantly drop service, as well.

When my contract was up on my S3, I went in to talk about my upgrade options and a cheaper plan since I was paying $160/mo for 2 lines on an old unlimited data plan and that was AFTER a 25% discount.

They said I could go two routes:
1. Buy a phone at full price with 2 years worth of payments and pay $65 per month for 4GB plus all the taxes, fees, and surcharges - about $110/mo with a 1 year contract.
2. Get a subsidized phone and pay $350-400 immediately out of pocket for the phone, and get the same plan with a 2 year contract for around $80-85 per month plus all taxes, fees, and surcharges which would be around $110/mo.

They've turned into the exact same scam artists that AT&T and Verizon became with their fraudulent data tiers and bullshit phone payment plans, despite preaching that they would never follow such shrewd practices.

I ended up buying an LG G3 D850 for $603 out the door from a local retailer, popped in a Straight Talk SIM, and am now enjoying $50/mo inclusive of all the taxes and fees for proper LTE service. The plan saving every month alone will pay my phone off in 10 months (instead of 24)...everything after that is pure money in my pocket.
4 years a Sprint customer, about 3 months of trouble free service after they upgraded the towers on my area to LTE.
Then they oversold the area, calls went back to constantly dropping, I didn't get half my texts and I'd have to send every text AT LEAST twice, sometimes up to a dozen times to get them through. Data went from 17mbs down 1mbs up to 2mbs down and about .1 up on a good day where I could manage to connect.
After months of 45+ minutes on hold, being transfered till the call dropped, being told all supervisors were busy or unavailable to call back other times or they said they'd call me back then never would, I told them on a Wednesday I was transferring my # to Verizon that Saturday.
The support calls would not stop then. Every hour on the hour someone from Sprint was calling begging me to reconsider to the point I had to BLOCK them, then they started calling me on my new Verizon phone, asking me what would it take to come back, after explaining everything a dozen times I blocked them again. No way in hell I'd ever use those bastards again. I couldn't even get account credit when their network would go down in my area, which happened at least once a week.
Can't stand em, and would go without a phone before I'd use them again.

The bullshit is strong in this one.
Indeed it has. Every time I've seen the rankings, it's Verizon, AT&T, T-Mo, then Sprint.r
Yep, which is coincidentally also how expensive the plans are from most to least. I guess you get what you pay for.