SSD, 2x 160 hdd, 1tb hdd


Mar 15, 2012
so i recently picked up a crucial m4 ssd. i installed windows on it and used my 1tb for storage for all of my music, pictures, docs, etc. now for steam, i wanted to put all of my games on the ssd, but i realized i would be cutting it close with space. so i dug up two 160gb wd's that are in good shape. same model and everything. now my question is would i benefit if i had these two drives in a raid 0 formation and put all of my steam data on them? i know raid 0 is for performance but would there be any real world gains? all of the hdds are sata II and the ssd is sata III.
you probably would see an improvement in level loading performance in raid-0 2x160GB vs normal 1x160GB. However, if these are old drives, and your 1TB isn't the slowest drive in the world (what model is it?) it might just be better to leave steam on the 1TB. Newer drives are generally faster.
What type of drives, green/black? Might not be a big difference, you could just put the games you play the most on the SSD and the rest on the 1TB.
in most cases todays 7200rpm drive will be faster then 5y+ old 2x160g r0
even if the 1t you have is 5[4-9]00rpm for safety and simplicity of yr setup, id go with ssd+1tb ... and get rid of those 160g while hdds have some worth due to year old shortage
the 160's arent that old, they are from 09 and the 1tb is from 2010 so there not that old or so i think
well in that case, as long you dont mind having 4 drives giving ya just 1,5tb, go for yr idea
though, if yr network speed aint the best and yr playing alot, be carefull about r0s and steam, takes great time to redownload 200g worth of games when yr on sub50mbit line ;)
i can just export them not a big deal. nice guess i can finish up my sunday with some reconfig for the week to come. thanks a lot