SSDNow V Series 40 GB SSD $83.96 FS

is this drive intel based or toshiba?
I know originally it was the same as intel without trim, but not sure if they are making these again with the toshiba chips
i don't know if they're intel or toshiba based. i got a couple of the 64GB V+ drives though, put them in Raid 0, and they fly. my hdtune benchmark ...

Would these work in an Asus PC1101HAB?

I just built my wife a rig for use with CS4. I may pick up a pair of these for that rig as well. I've got a pair of WD 640 Blacks in a RAID0 (300 Short Stroke for OS & Apps & 900 for data, it's all backed up to an internal Seagate 1.5TB). This in RAID 0 (also would be backed up to 1.5TB HDD) would make that rig just sing :)
Deal's still alive, and the workaround to get TRIM support working went perfectly for me. My drive is several months old and I'm considering picking up another one of these for RAID 0 when I get paid, if it's still alive then. Which isn't likely.
Would these work in an Asus PC1101HAB?

I just built my wife a rig for use with CS4. I may pick up a pair of these for that rig as well. I've got a pair of WD 640 Blacks in a RAID0 (300 Short Stroke for OS & Apps & 900 for data, it's all backed up to an internal Seagate 1.5TB). This in RAID 0 (also would be backed up to 1.5TB HDD) would make that rig just sing :)

Your wife deserves the best. Do not be cheap.:D Get her a nice OCZ or Intel and she will love you even more for that.;) Mine gets the best.:D
man is this too hawt to pass up? Even adding bing would make me bite on this! so close!
You guys getting these for Raid Support, to my knowledge, Trim isn't yet supported via Raid, so it wouldn't matter if it had trim support. If you intend on only raiding for now. If anyone has new info on that, let me know.
You need to read the update mate. Has since been determined the drivers can only pass-through to drives not in your array (ie: single SSD + RAID0 hard drives, TRIM makes it to the SSD now)

Oh cursed be.

Anyway, from what I hear, TRIM isn't necessary, and its absence is less noticeable in RAID.
hoping to pick one of these up when some money comes in, looks like a nice deal to me :D
cant believe they are still in stock. if i had any sense in me i would order another one for main rig. have one in my htpc right now, and it rocks!
Oh cursed be.

Anyway, from what I hear, TRIM isn't necessary, and its absence is less noticeable in RAID.

I agree I have 4 of these in a raid 0 getting about 600MB/S Even if performance drops in 1/2 or 2/3 I prolly won't notice a diff and will still be faster than most ssds.
What if you got 2 of these, and software raided it...then trim would work, and the software raid would not be as good as a hardware raid, but it would still kick butt...right???
ugh... i want to buy one... i hait waiting for money. wont be able to buy one till wednesday... prolly be sold out by then.
BTW, for all of you that may not know about the company. They are great to deal with. I had a SATA Power port break on my ssd and called them and they avanced RMA'd me another overnight at no additional cost. My wife was in and out of the hospital at that point and the lady asked me if I wanted her to add my wife to Kingston's prayer list. I did, and not an hour after that, I got an email from a lady having similar problems as my wife and it made my wife feel better.

Now, we all know that not all companies are as bold as taking a stand as a Christian company, but Kingston did, and now they get all of my business.

Very bold Kingston, very Bold.

Much respect to them for that.

Thank you.
ok the write speeds look horrible but are they any worse than your 7200rpm notebook drive? I thinking about slapping one of these in my laptop.
damn price drop, just got 2 more for 6 in raid0 lol.

I would also recommend these bay adapters if anyone needs them. I have 2 for my current raid in a cm scout and they work like champs for $8 and FS>
I ended up ordering this bay adapter since I got 3 and my floppy bay is already taken and I ripped my hard drive bay out for more airflow
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the only thing that has me pausing to buy one of these is that ive seen the OCZ agility 60gb drives sell for $130 after rebates. double the price but you do get 20gb more storage close to top of the line SSD performance. decisions decisions.
So basically this thing is equal to performance of an Intel 40gb X25-V?

I want to get one for my desktop just to play around with and then move this to my laptop when I get a faster/bigger drive. Hmmmmmm so cheap.

Edit: In for 1, I can't wait :)
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So basically this thing is equal to performance of an Intel 40gb X25-V?

I want to get one for my desktop just to play around with and then move this to my laptop when I get a faster/bigger drive. Hmmmmmm so cheap.

exactly how i feel about it.
from what i understand it's basically a Intel 40gb X25-V, has intel chipset in it.. thus be able to do the work around and flashing it with the latest intel firmware. enabling trim. but by looking at the intel write speeds and this one... kingston may have a faster write speed by 5mb/sec .... not much.. can't confirm it either just by looking at spec sheets
Yes, it's a rebadged drive. Officially it doesn't support TRIM, but there's a workaround (posted earlier in the thread) that allows you to enable it, as well as update to Intel's latest firmwares. There's also another workaround that allows you to use Intel's SSD Toolbox Optimizer with it (after doing the first workaround)
at 75 dollars a piece. It makes more sense to get this instead of the following solutions

(a) (2)Kingston 40gb in Raid > X25m-G2 80gb
(b) (4)Kingston 40gb in Raid > X25m-G2 160gb

the performance in raid will just blow your mind away.
bah, i got one to play around with. so cheap why not. if i dont like it, i'll slap it into my dad's notebook.
yes changed my order.. bit the bullet again bought a 2nd to put in raid...