SSE4.1 is it in any drivers yet?


[H]F Junkie
Oct 27, 2003
I know most encoding apps, etc... have to be recomplied to take advantage of SSE4.

But I was wondering if anyone knows if any of the drivers from Nvidia or ATI are using SSE4 yet ? Graphics companies probably have known about SSE4 for a long time, so you'd think it would already be in current drivers. It would be nice to compare an e6750 vs e8400 (clock for clock) and possibly see the advantages of SSE4 (and 6mb vs 4Mb). Or compare a recent non SSE4 driver vs a newer driver with SSE4 included.
Do you mean have the drivers take a different path for this particular proprietary instruction set that is only on this particular family of chips? I guess it would be cool for them to be able to accomodate all instruction sets in this manner but it would make things really hard to QA, with all the potential paths to be taken...
Do you mean have the drivers take a different path for this particular proprietary instruction set that is only on this particular family of chips? I guess it would be cool for them to be able to accomodate all instruction sets in this manner but it would make things really hard to QA, with all the potential paths to be taken...

Its not a "cool if they did it". Drivers already do that, its just whether or not they've updated the drivers for the latest instruction set (SSE4.1).

Like back when AMD had 3dNow & Intel had SSE(1), the drivers would use which ever was more appropriate.
If you are using Firefox, be sure to get the SSE3 version here.

Direct links

(1) Firefox SSE
(2) SSE3 DLL for Firefox (extract into the Firefox folder, replacing the SSE version of the DLL)

If you prefer the Firefox 3.0 beta, he should have an optimized version of 3.0b3 in the next few days.

I contacted tete but he said he has no plans to upgrade to a new Penryn-based CPU, so we're not going to see a SSE4 version anytime soon.
It worked fine until I posted it. What did you guys do, cut another undersea cable? :eek:

Edit: The site is back up.
Do you mean have the drivers take a different path for this particular proprietary instruction set that is only on this particular family of chips? I guess it would be cool for them to be able to accomodate all instruction sets in this manner but it would make things really hard to QA, with all the potential paths to be taken...

It's always been done in the past starting back with 3dfx and 3dNow :rolleyes: