Stacker 830 wiring/fan question...


Sep 20, 2004
I just installed a system into the 830 stacker for the first time and my wires are a mess, rofl. Especially the 4 coming from the side fan door.

Any 830 owners care to give me some advice on wire management/routing?
Cable ties for the wires. It depends on how you want to route the cables that is in your case. At this point, we have no idea how it looks now or how many cables are running in there to give any suggestions on what is best.
Very easily put, tape, velcro, or do something of that nature to the
bundle of wires you've tied up against the frame (+) of the fan door.

I went Watercooling with my 830, so I don't have any fans on it
right now, but I used to have 4 fans on the door, and all I did was
neatly bundled up my wires with black wire and taped it to the frame
of the fan door. I used black tape, and it looked clean inside and out.