stacks of ps3s

We are starting to get returned PS3s (Working and non-working)

Two are on ebay now, with more coming after christmas...

Wiis soon? I hope...
Ya...sort of feeling like I got suckered into an impulse buy. I just don't know what to do, return and wait till something worth it or just be lazy and hold on :D

I downloaded Resistance and not impressed. I just really don't like FPS on consoles. GoW didn't feel like a FPS to me though *shrug*

Motorstorm seems liek it has potential.

GT HD didn't impress me either (graphically or fun factor) screen shot stills, yes it looked impressive. But when playing, pretty hard to notice the difference between a wii game and a PS3 game (I'm KIDDING!) a 360 game and a PS3.

Still got time to think about it though if I'm going to return or just stick it out till march (Lair, Motorstorm)
the average family in my area makes a net total of 30K a year. There are PS3's everywhere, only an idiot parent would buy one, where thats a months rent or a used car.
Scotch77 said:
the average family in my area makes a net total of 30K a year. There are PS3's everywhere, only an idiot parent would buy one, where thats a months rent or a used car.
I as well as many of my friends make considerably more than that and still none of us have bought one.
Thing is, we all know they're gonna drop in price and whilst there is nothing like FFXIII, MGS4, GT5 then there's really not a lot of point paying the premium.
I went shopping today and Best Buy, Circuit City, and Target all had at least 5 PS3's in stock. Did Sony make more or are they really selling so poorly?

I've yet to see a Wii anywhere.
Wondernerd said:
I went shopping today and Best Buy, Circuit City, and Target all had at least 5 PS3's in stock. Did Sony make more or are they really selling so poorly?

I've yet to see a Wii anywhere.

I think what happened was Sony got production ramped up way to late, and they missed the Christmas season. Its like that here, lots of units. Not much interest anymore. Probably due to cost.
Alias2 said:
I think what happened was Sony got production ramped up way to late, and they missed the Christmas season. Its like that here, lots of units. Not much interest anymore. Probably due to cost.

i thought there haven't been any replenishments in the US.
After owning a PS3 for nearly a month I'm not impressed enough with it to keep it. Going to keep my 360 and replace the PS3 with a Wii instead. Honestly if anyone is debating whether to get a 360 or PS3, go for the 360. It's the superior console in almost every way from a gaming viewpoint. Now if you want a cheap BR player then the PS3 is for you.
yea PS3 needs some good, and it doesnt look like its gonna be gettin gonna wait and see, until then i have my Pc:D
KidzMD said:
I as well as many of my friends make considerably more than that and still none of us have bought one.

I make triple that and I won't be buying one until the PS3 *slim* comes out, and it's $199 or less :).
DragonMasterAlex said:
I make triple that and I won't be buying one until the PS3 *slim* comes out, and it's $199 or less :).
Wouldn't be so funny, but everyone I know that has tons of money (I'm talking about company directors that earn 500k+) is exactly the same way. Tight as it gets.
I walked into walmart yesterday over lunch and saw a guy returning 2 PS3s.... haha guess ebay didn't work out so well for ya buddy.
5150Joker said:
After owning a PS3 for nearly a month I'm not impressed enough with it to keep it. Going to keep my 360 and replace the PS3 with a Wii instead. Honestly if anyone is debating whether to get a 360 or PS3, go for the 360. It's the superior console in almost every way from a gaming viewpoint. Now if you want a cheap BR player then the PS3 is for you.

Just curious, but why would you expect a PS3 to be magically enjoyable when you knew the release schedule ahead of time?

it is like you guys were born yesterday or something and have never experienced a new console release. Launch libraries are always, ALWAYS small. It ALWAYS takes time for the good game pipeline to start flowing.

Instead of blaming the console, blame yourself for making an impulse buy.

Funny thing is, unless you can be happy playing something as shallow as Wii Sports indefinitely, you'll be in the same boat with the Wii. Best game out for it is a gamecube port and there isn't anything shiny in the immediate future.
eastvillager said:
Just curious, but why would you expect a PS3 to be magically enjoyable when you knew the release schedule ahead of time?

it is like you guys were born yesterday or something and have never experienced a new console release. Launch libraries are always, ALWAYS small. It ALWAYS takes time for the good game pipeline to start flowing.

Instead of blaming the console, blame yourself for making an impulse buy.

Funny thing is, unless you can be happy playing something as shallow as Wii Sports indefinitely, you'll be in the same boat with the Wii. Best game out for it is a gamecube port and there isn't anything shiny in the immediate future.
Agreed 100%, i do buy consoles at launch, but i dont get rid of them straight away, i like to have the latest and greatest, i am bored with the wii atm but i expected it Hammered Wii Sports and Rayman over christmas with the family, PS3 is getting a hammering atm with gthd, resistance, Ficght Night Round 3, Ridge Racer 7 and stacks of bluray movies. The 360 is still getting a hammering with GOW and Burnout. Back on Topic, i dont give a rats ass what people personally witness at stores, i want hard facts from a reliable source.
saw my post got bumped at work so i went to the same best buy and toys r us on the way home and guess what!!! I saw ps3s sitting on the shelf at both locations again AND still no wiimote for me....
i was just at my local wal-mart and i saw 2 PS3s, 60 gigs. NO Wii's and abt 8-9 360s.....and i wanted a Wii, now im thinkin PS3. im gonna end up with a Wii and PS3 but dunno which one to buy first :confused:
Slade said:
If this was Sony's attempt to generate demand before Xmas it backfired on them.

If this was because Sony couldn't make enough at launch and finally ramped up production in order to get enough supply out, then it still is a bad situation.

The point is I walked into a Best Buy and picked up a 60GB PS3. There were litterally 20 of them sitting in a caged area, all 60gb.

Unlike my 20gb purchase a month ago (and subsequent sale for $1k), this felt completely empty of a purchase. I didn't feel like I lucked out, I felt like after all that, I could have just waited till a day before Xmas and walked into a store and buy one???!??

Oh well, I'm pretty set that I will keep this one this time around and considering what I spent vs what I sold the previous system for, I didn't spend too much for it save for my time.

Another matter is a policy that the store clerk informed me of... if a PS3 controller fails to charge in future, simply come back to the store to exchange for a new one. I was like seriously??? It's set by Sony that there is enough of a failure rate for the controller's battery packs that it may die that soon???? Laptop batteries ring a bell.. damn...

Oh come on man. If you're going to go to all that trouble to say that the PS3 is a let down, at least you could have told us WHICH Best Buy it was that had 20 PS3's in stock and WHEN you saw them, so that I can go and buy one!

I can't find one in my town:(
They had a couple at North Star Mall in San Antonio (Game Stop). I decided to throw caution into the wind and buy one since I wanted to try it out.

So far its okay, I like the 360's interface better and the PS3's controller feels cheap. Well its only been a couple of hours so I guess I should wait awhile before I give anymore opinions
Dash said:
They had a couple at North Star Mall in San Antonio (Game Stop). I decided to throw caution into the wind and buy one since I wanted to try it out.

So far its okay, I like the 360's interface better and the PS3's controller feels cheap. Well its only been a couple of hours so I guess I should wait awhile before I give anymore opinions

Glad I'm not the only one who didn't like the controller. It felt different to me, I was kinda hoping for a redesign.
Dash said:
They had a couple at North Star Mall in San Antonio (Game Stop). I decided to throw caution into the wind and buy one since I wanted to try it out.

So far its okay, I like the 360's interface better and the PS3's controller feels cheap. Well its only been a couple of hours so I guess I should wait awhile before I give anymore opinions
is it that its way too light or bcs the buttons or build is wonky?
Psychotext said:
Wouldn't be so funny, but everyone I know that has tons of money (I'm talking about company directors that earn 500k+) is exactly the same way. Tight as it gets.

Actually, I'm not tight *at all* (though I should be a bit more, heh). I bought 3 Wii's, for example, 2 of which were gifts for family who couldn't really afford them but were interested. I'm more than willing to spend on frivolous nonsense if it's useful and enjoyable, but I don't see anything useful or enjoyable about PS3 *at all*. It's butt ugly, has no good games out for it, it's overpriced, and--oh yeah--it's sporting a Betamax 2.0 drive that I just don't see myself every buying a single movie for. EVER.
miskari said:
is it that its way too light or bcs the buttons or build is wonky?

Yeah it just feels too light. When I first took it out of the box I thought it was missing a battery pack or something becuase it felt hollow. Also I feel like I am going to break the L2 and R2 buttons becuase they just don't feel right(its hard to explain).

Either way I am liking the system better than before. The photo slideshow is awesome, although I know it will get old. Also the mp3 station is nice although I wish I could listen to music outside of that menu (ie while browing the web or looking at pictures).