Star Citizen Backers No Longer Able to Get Refunds

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Aug 20, 2006
Star Citizen backers who want their money back are out of luck, as CIG has reportedly ignored all refund demands since December 2017. One redditor took the company to court but essentially lost his case after CIG managed to convince a judge that the arbitration clause present in the current TOS applies to transactions that occurred before it existed.

CIG has removed almost all backer’s rights through their revisions to the TOS. This includes CIG’s obligation to be financially accountable to their backers, something that they explicitly promised during the project’s initial drive for funding. They apparently don’t really have to deliver a final product either.
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That’s pretty scummy. Especially since they are years behind schedule, the alpha state it’s in runs like trash, and they’ve consistently missed deliverables. I wonder if this means they’ve blown all their cash on H&B.
Star Citizen backers who want their money back are out of luck, as CIG has reportedly ignored all refund demands since December 2017. One redditor took the company to court but essentially lost his case after CIG managed to convince a judge that the arbitration clause present in the current TOS applies to transactions that occurred before it existed.

CIG has removed almost all backer’s rights through their revisions to the TOS. This includes CIG’s obligation to be financially accountable to their backers, something that they explicitly promised during the project’s initial drive for funding. They apparently don’t really have to deliver a final product either.

How many of you CIG backers are going to defend this kind of bs? The fact that the judge sided with CIG on this point hurts my brain. I've stayed on the sidelines long enough. This is just despicable behavior.
I was done with CIG's bullshit 2 years ago... Glad I didn't dump thousands into their 'plan' like many others have.
Whoah, this is huge news isn't it? I wonder how they will spin this, but it seems to me that this is a public admission that they have no confidence in their own product.
I was actually considering getting a refund now.
Congratulations, this kind of stuff is the reason fewer and fewer of us trust any of these backing type deals. They're almost less reliable than preordering...
They're almost less reliable than preordering...
Almost? They were always less reliable. When pre-ordering you have a fixed delivery date. At least I never preordered anything that didn't yet have a set date. And you have a pretty good idea on what the game will be. With crowfunding it's all a gamble.
Almost? They were always less reliable. When pre-ordering you have a fixed delivery date. At least I never preordered anything that didn't yet have a set date. And you have a pretty good idea on what the game will be. With crowfunding it's all a gamble.

Semi true, I was going to edit that post while adding "depending on the maker". Because some series, such as Disgaea, have a very standardized quality of delivery. But you always have crap getting released. But you're right, at least you're guaranteed a semi complete to complete product. It's just a gamble when it comes to certain new ones though, like the much lauded No Man's Sky...
How many of you CIG backers are going to defend this kind of bs? The fact that the judge sided with CIG on this point hurts my brain. I've stayed on the sidelines long enough. This is just despicable behavior.
Yeah they basically set precident than any company can retroactivily change a contract is kind of scary. That said arbitration is not necessarily a bad thing, and in many cases means you get more of your money
Got my refund nov 2016. Went back in with just a starter package. Have ignored the game since. I try not to think about it . . . EVER.
I had access way back in 2014 from AMD free code with some lame ass ship, guess i still have that account
was not impressed , cant understand why someone would put down serious money on this
I tossed a little money at this years ago, about what I would have spent on a just released top tier game. Have pretty much adopted the attitude of if something good gets released great. If not, the money lost was spent long enough ago that it has no impact on current budgeting. Wonder if the folks that spent the $10k or so for the 'super duper' packages are feeling the love yet?

The lawsuit thing sucks. This whole retroactive TOS/PP/EULA/Warranty where the company lessens or removes the customer's rights is getting way out of hand.
Got my refund nov 2016. Went back in with just a starter package. Have ignored the game since. I try not to think about it . . . EVER.
Assuming that you are not installing, playing and testing each new alpha release. Why in the world did you put money back into the boondoggle? Was it to support the game (which I'm guessing you did at a higher level before refund), or was it to save a few schmeckles because after it gets released the price would go up by ten bucks.
Funny, I got a partial refund less than a month ago.

I love watching people polarize on Star Citizen.

I've still had a good, if not great time with the early Alpha. Still am.
Assuming that you are not installing, playing and testing each new alpha release. Why in the world did you put money back into the boondoggle? Was it to support the game (which I'm guessing you did at a higher level before refund), or was it to save a few schmeckles because after it gets released the price would go up by ten bucks.
I would think it was the latter.

But at the current rate the game(s) have no hope of ever becoming released products. I should know by now, to get ready to be disappointed whenever I decide to install the 'alpha'. But based on the believers praise I always set my expectations way too high. Last time I installed was 2016 december, and then just last week. The progress is appalling. What changed in 19 months, should've been done in 2 months. And the state the game was in at 2016 was representative of a 8-10 month development. So basically the game is in a state now that I'd expect after 1 year of development and not 5. and a half.
Oh nice :)
I'm starting to feel that pre-order wasn't such a bad thing after all, I get the feeling I'd be feeling regrets if I'd thrown money at SC (too many feelings in that sentence, time to go shoot something).

NMS was a day 1 purchase for me, and I've enjoyed it everytime I've played it. I'm excited to see what the update brings, and, they're adding a lot of neat shit that sure it took a bit, but it's being added at a lot quicker of a pace than SC...
Oh God here we goooo!!!! More blind uneducated stupid opinions about a revolutionary game that's done more technologically than most games all while being hated on by people who AREN'T AFFECTED WHAT SO EVER!!!

Who CARES that they're meeting their goals!

Who CARES that the people playing it are ENJOYING IT!

Who cares that this SCAMMMM is employing hundreds of employees, has weekly videos showing updates and progress all over the studios!

You people are a special kind of outraged clueless mass.
You know a studio is batshit crazy when Smart is absolutely correct with scathing criticisms of your operations.

What is Smart doing right now? Does he have hundreds of people and millions of dollars creating a game he could only dream of? Oh...he doesn't? Sounds like a salty baby if you ask me.
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