Star Citizen - media blowout, Chris Robert's new game

I do the same with Dual GTX780's. The problem is when in actual combat, the fps does not go above 40 or 50 , even if I have the cap set to 70-80. Another issue is when your ship gets damaged, there is a 2-3 second time frame where everything gets artifacted no matter what.

Also looking directly at the dying star causes massive artifacting.
Since we know artifacting is caused by the actual frames per second that is generated by the video card to fall below the maximum number that is set in the game, I can safely say that currently getting damaged by a missile and looking at the center of the dying star causes massive lag spikes and causes very low frame rates.

So how did you get your GTX780 SLI to work? Because I can't do anything in the game with my setup (also GTX780 SLI, but in Surround). It looks like a typical dead video card, with massive graphical artifacting, rainbow effects, tearing, etc...
So how did you get your GTX780 SLI to work? Because I can't do anything in the game with my setup (also GTX780 SLI, but in Surround). It looks like a typical dead video card, with massive graphical artifacting, rainbow effects, tearing, etc...

After the game launches:
1) type ` enter
In command console type

2) sys_maxfps 20 ( This will limit your max fps to 20)
3) r_vsync 0 ( will turn off vsync)

then if your video card can handle more fps, adjust line 2) with a number that does not exceed the maximum frames per second that your video card can generate given the resolution and texture quality.
The trick to not getting artifacting is to make sure the game does not have a fps cap which is more than what the video card can provide at that specific time. So as sson as your fps dips below the max defined in the game you will get artifacting.

I would also not bother with fps'es greater than 50 or so since they only work in the hangar. My fraps tests show me that no matter how low the resolution and how low the texture quality, I can't get the game to go over 50 or so fps in arena commander.
Gamescom, August 15th event:
4 Constellation variants (yes, four)
New ugraded hangars
Asteroid Hangar

There's a chance the hangars will be released earlier but probably won't.

PAX Australia, October 31 - Nov 2 event:
FPS module REVEAL similar to the reveal of Arena Commander/DFM module. RELEASE the following week(s).

In between those events there'll be more Arena Commander patches and another batch(es) of invites.
Gamescom, August 15th event:
4 Constellation variants (yes, four)
New ugraded hangars
Asteroid Hangar

There's a chance the hangars will be released earlier but probably won't.

PAX Australia, October 31 - Nov 2 event:
FPS module REVEAL similar to the reveal of Arena Commander/DFM module. RELEASE the following week(s).

In between those events there'll be more Arena Commander patches and another batch(es) of invites.

and those of us with LTI connies can upgrade to a LTI connie variant correct?
Yup, still don't know if I wanna do a variant, I like my vanilla.

but vanilla is so plain, it really needs some nuts and sprinkles and maybe a little chocolate fudge drizzled on stop, and dont forget about the reese's pieces you cant have it without the reese's.

i think i am going to plan to have enough money on hand for upgrading my base connie to a variant and then get a second variant upgrade that i might also like to have if they are unique hulls and hold on to that second one for awhile.

i am still unsure if i want to keep this khartu or not, not sure how i feel about starting with an alien ship. so i may or may not melt it to pay for half of one of the connies. and i can also just get a connie variant "upgrade" and not the base ship and wait until i fully decide on the khartu and then melt it for the base connie for the variant if i dont want to keep it. i do want to fly the khartu tho and see how it feels in flight.

i am most likely only going to keep 1 connie tho, the second one is just going to be there in case i change my mind and want to change up its role, the one i do not keep will be used to pay for a retaliator when they come back.
but vanilla is so plain

That is a common misconception. Or maybe misperception. (not a real word I know...) Anyway, vanilla is hardly plain. Maybe its coloring where ice cream is concerned is, but it's actually pretty exotic. It comes from tropical orchids. You can't get too much more unplain than that. It's also a lovely sweet and complex flavor.

So there...
Vanilla Connie is like the Millennium Falcon, its not a plain ship, it has character and I'll hold of judgement until I see the revamp version. I might buy the limited variant and just keep it until I fly the Connie in AC to see if I wanna upgrade it.
That is a common misconception. Or maybe misperception. (not a real word I know...) Anyway, vanilla is hardly plain. Maybe its coloring where ice cream is concerned is, but it's actually pretty exotic. It comes from tropical orchids. You can't get too much more unplain than that. It's also a lovely sweet and complex flavor.

So there...

it is debatable, but when some one says vanilla is plain, it usually refers to it being just 1 flavor and vanilla is the base flavor in many different icecreams likely more than any other flavor. it does not refer to how exotic that flavor might be because it is likely the standard flavor in ice cream.

and i didn't mean for it to be taken literal lol, but it does fit the situation.

almost every ship that has had variants fits the example. the base ship is vanilla and the others are vanilla with sprinkles and other toppings then you have the custom hull ships which have more exotic toppings like the reese's that you might not find every where.

but they all start from that vanilla ship.

latest 10ftc

Confirmed when SC is released to we get sausage!
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it is debatable, but when some one says vanilla is plain, it usually refers to it being just 1 flavor and vanilla is the base flavor in many different icecreams likely more than any other flavor. it does not refer to how exotic that flavor might be because it is likely the standard flavor in ice cream.

and i didn't mean for it to be taken literal lol, but it does fit the situation.

almost every ship that has had variants fits the example. the base ship is vanilla and the others are vanilla with sprinkles and other toppings then you have the custom hull ships which have more exotic toppings like the reese's that you might not find every where.

but they all start from that vanilla ship.

latest 10ftc

Confirmed when SC is released to we get sausage!

I was mostly being silly. I do actually feel that way, but... :D
sillyness leads to a 1 way trip to shifty's silly shaping sanity sucking ship.
I don't mean to get off track here, but I don't see an Elite Dangerous thread. ED went into beta today with a major patch, can't wait to go home tonight and try it out. Will give me something to do while I wait for 12.5 to release.
Apparently I didn't read the details properly on my Elite package and my $73 backer package I bought a year ago didn't include Beta access, I think I just assumed it did for the price lol... Anyway in order to get beta now I would have to pay another $22.50 (it's a $75 package) and that isn't going to happen so I'll be waiting for release or open beta.

Elite looks ok so far and I can't wait to play it but the combat does seem way to slow, in comparison to SC where it seems a bit to to fast.
Wait so nearly $100 for a package with no alpha nor beta access? I guess you could justify it since their game is much further along than SC but still that's pretty pricy. I saw some vids when they introduced capital ships and it looked pretty cool I'll have to check it out if there's open beta.
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i still find it funny so many people bought ships and what not for a game that's not out. and for a mmo this makes it pay to win in my book. i just do not get it how when this game does stuff like this every one is happy and buying stuff but when other games are pay to win every one is up an arms about it. gamers are wired folks.

btw i hope this game turns out ok but i would like to see how many people feel that all the ships buy ins whit free lti are pay to win vs how many are 100% ok whit it and how many are somewhere in t he middle
Yeah I really dislike how Elite did the Alpha, Premium Beta, and then normal Beta. The prices where crazy for for Alpha something like $300 for alpha and $150 for "Premium Beta" and then $75 for normal beta, also the store only shows that I paid 30 GBP (instead of 42) so it's not like I get full credit for the discount for the beta access. It's not a bug it's just the way they did it, a bit sketchy in my book, but perhaps I've been spoiled by the Star Citizen model lol...

Anyhow, I wish I would have paid closer attention to it, but then again I'm not that big on Alpha or Beta really, hell I still haven't jumped into multiplayer for AC yet and I've had access for weeks. I just like to stick my head in a take a peak at how things are progressing, if they want me to do bug reports they can pay me...
i still find it funny so many people bought ships and what not for a game that's not out. and for a mmo this makes it pay to win in my book. i just do not get it how when this game does stuff like this every one is happy and buying stuff but when other games are pay to win every one is up an arms about it. gamers are wired folks.

btw i hope this game turns out ok but i would like to see how many people feel that all the ships buy ins whit free lti are pay to win vs how many are 100% ok whit it and how many are somewhere in t he middle

It has been said a hundred times before, but this is a skill based game. It isn't like an MMO where if you allow someone to buy an item with uber stats that they have a huge leg up. MMO's are primarily a stat based game, with some light skill components, maybe 80% stats 20% skill. Star Citizen is the opposite distribution, 80% skill 20% stats. You can buy yourself a fancy ship, but if you suck as a pilot someone in a crappy ship is going to run circles around you and blow you up all the same.

LTI has been stated many many times to be a very small perk. The cost of insurance isn't going to be very high.

So no I don't really see it as pay to win. You are paying to cut out some of the grind in getting the money for the initial investment in the hull you are buying. You can't buy the skill to use it well.
I don't mean to get off track here, but I don't see an Elite Dangerous thread. ED went into beta today with a major patch, can't wait to go home tonight and try it out. Will give me something to do while I wait for 12.5 to release.

One of my friends who is in ED says it has a huge ganking problem right now. He said that the way they did the phases, they haven't wiped anyones progress. So the people who were in the early alphas are all kitted out. The only thing they have left to do is camp areas waiting to kill the newbies.
$75 for Game + Beta access.... I thought star citizen was expensive... at least with SC you could buy Game+Alpha+beta+starter ship for about $30.
You have to think that ED isn't going with the same pledge model as SC is, no citizen numbers, they went with staggered alpha beta pricing for people who were fans of the original games and wouldn't get turned off by the extreme risk reward of the Elite series. Price also kept away some of those same people who are now ragging on SC for its current state even though it's really early access. ED is Eve on crack, I'm right now in no shape to fight so I'm running like no ones business and the game encourages risk reward, either your good at fighting, good at trading or take on risky trade routes and it can get really dangerous. 1.01 was released this morning so I'm gonna see if I can find some ppl to group up with to learn.

ED and SC are different games and right now I can enjoy ED while I wait for 12.5, once that is out I'll play 12.5 again.
Edit 2 - M50 Goes on Sale tomorrow and it is HANGAR ready so we will be getting it in the hangar too.

Chris Roberts is deciding on the paint.

link lets you see them, BUT HELL YES finally M50 in the hangar i can not wait. i am almost tempted to pick up a second one. i may keep my LTI M50 just for collector reasons and leave it untouched and pristine condition. and then get a second one for actual use. so 10 years form now i can look back and be like yeah there is my m50 baby in the hangar mint condition lol.

Edit, This weeks around the verse

also the new enemy in 12.5 looks sexy, i wont post pictures in case you are wanting to see it for the first time in arena commander

Have they opened up multiplayer for everyone yet?

i would expect some testing of 12.5 for a week or so before they open it to everyone.

Here are the patch notes:

Added subscriber jukebox
Adding cockpit shaking and sounds from damage and impacts
Missile sounds polished and improved
Additional shield sounds added (power down, power up, taking damage)
Added new Vanduul ship designated [REDACTED] by UEE Naval Command
Added Victory/Defeat/Draw message on end of round scoreboard
Added voice over announcement to denote which team has won the round
Added additional Hornet top bar warning lights
Freelancer bunk beds now interactable
Freelancer bathroom and toilet now interactable
Revised the Aurora interior to increase fidelity
Added Aurora warning indicator lights


Power plant charge reduced
Thruster power drain decreased
Shield HP increased
Shield regen delay decreased
Hull piece health increased

Shield HP reduced
Shield regen delay increased
Shield changed from bubble shield to a front/rear shield
Shield face power allocation rate reduced

Thruster health increased
Shield regen delay increased
Health values for shield and ship parts modified to impart a sturdier feel

Mantis Gatling Gun
Damage decreased
Heat per shot increased

Bulldog Repeater
Power recharge rate has been decreased
Repeater fire rate increased

Badger Repeater
Increased rate of fire

Behring M3A
Rate of fire decreased
Damage increased

Omnisky VI
Damage decreased
Rate of fire decreased
Bullet mass increased (to knock around ships with more force)

Damage decreased
Missiles now properly deal damage to the shields instead of going straight to the hull

Vanduul Scythe
Decreased shield regeneration

Networking Improvements
Fixed issues that resulted in being kicked back to hangar during match load
Positional correction fixes to reduce rubberbanding
Failed connection attempts to HubServer will now timeout after 10 seconds
Removed socket disconnections due to login timeouts
Networked physics is now independent of frame rate
Reduced server load caused by console logging
Creation of http interface to capture server statistics
Fixed players not connecting to matchmaker
Added a handshake system to guarantee the correct initialization of servers
Server-to-server connection improvements
Adjusted ship network packet priorities
Fix for disconnections while in the hangar
Reworked network correction to use network sync’d packets and direct physics pushes instead of IFCS system
Greatly reduced hitching and performance issues associated with players joining or exiting a match

Mantis cannons no longer takes damage without overheating
Player can no longer zone into a match standing in the cockpit
Helmet is no longer invisible
Fixed 300i landing gear placement
Fixed rare crash when loading into Vanduul Swarm
Fixed crash when receiving connection error
Fixed crash caused by players spawning on top of each other at beginning of map
CPU optimizations to improve client performance
Gatling gun audio stops when no longer firing
Destroying an asteroid no longer counts as a final kill
Energy bolts now scale properly when fired to the side
Winning music no longer plays at match end for losing team. You get nothing, you lose, good day sir.
Fixed ships in holotable no longer showing hologram model
Notifications, points, scoreboard and timer should now show in third person
Player movement prevented when interacting with helmet stand
Friendly killed audio no longer plays Hostile Eliminated, Target Destroyed or Enemy down
Removed use icon on ladder
Correct game mode descriptions added in Arena Commander UI
Adjusted bloom of objects on radar
Projectiles scale properly when firing in decoupled mode
Particle emitters now properly destroy themselves, reducing lag
Ship Energy system optimizations
Fix for sound velocity/speed being calculated incorrectly if its position is changed multiple times per frame.

Known issues
Weapon ammo shown as missile rack models in holotable
Gap in geometry can be seen between the engine and fuselage on 325a, and 315p ships
Exiting the Freelancer variant starboard top bunk results in character becoming stuck in a falling state
After respawn a rare issue can occur where the character’s head shakes uncontrollably
After exiting a vehicle the third person camera can become slightly tilted
Unable to enter the Avenger ship
Avenger ship missing wheels
Arena Commander Menu lists the incorrect Hornet version
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Going to Gamescom? Are you a Golden Ticket holder? You might get a special surprise in the mail...

Note: This is not mine. It was posted by "Zyj" from the Star Citizen sub-Reddit -

This is an extra-special gift, so congratulations to those who got them! As I'm not from the EU, I'll probably never go myself, but I'm hoping to get to another event, like a CitizenCon in the US. Overall, its a very neat way for them to make use of some of the high-tier Citizen Cards that were "extras" - it was my understanding that the company (in China) manufacturing each design required a minimum number of each type (this is also the reason there is no Completionist card created as part of the second-wave, if I am correct; not enough people to justify hundred(s?) of cards!), so it is not surprising for them to have some "extras" of certain card types. Some patrons have expressed a bit of disappointment that rare cards are now available to those without the big bucks, but I see it as another unique collectable as these are named and numbered differently from personal Wing Commander cards that exist.
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Wow- that M50 looks really nice! I'm somewhat glad they stopped LTI, or I would be picking up one for general (lee) rumrunning type stuff...
Going to Gamescom? Are you a Golden Ticket holder? You might get a special surprise in the mail...

Note: This is not mine. It was posted by "Zyj" from the Star Citizen sub-Reddit -

This is an extra-special gift, so congratulations to those who got them! As I'm not from the EU, I'll probably never go myself, but I'm hoping to get to another event, like a CitizenCon in the US. Overall, its a very neat way for them to make use of some of the high-tier Citizen Cards that were "extras" - it was my understanding that the company (in China) manufacturing each design required a minimum number of each type (this is also the reason there is no Completionist card created as part of the second-wave, if I am correct; not enough people to justify hundred(s?) of cards!), so it is not surprising for them to have some "extras" of certain card types. Some patrons have expressed a bit of disappointment that rare cards are now available to those without the big bucks, but I see it as another unique collectable as these are named and numbered differently from personal Wing Commander cards that exist.

Just another reason CiG is awesome.
The M50 will be in the Hangar tomorrow!

(I may have said it'll be in today in the episode, for which I apologize - we decided to add it in a second, smaller patch after we'd shot the episode.)

Cant wait to see that sucker in the hangar.
hmmm M-fiddy or the tree-fiddy-arrr....

I'm currently working a 16 hour shift, 8 hours of OT will either buy me a new set of tires for my car or M50 and only 2 front tires lol.
jumped in 12.5 for the first time today and the Hornet feels a lot more sturdy now.

also they added the ammo box's for the 60mm K&W mass driver to the ammo section if the weapons were purchased off voyager direct, and it seems like they are more reliable in combat too. they still pack a pretty big punch also. cant wait to put those on an m50.

hmmm M-fiddy or the tree-fiddy-arrr....

I'm currently working a 16 hour shift, 8 hours of OT will either buy me a new set of tires for my car or M50 and only 2 front tires lol.

m50 trumps real life issues.
Edit- M50 is now up for sale. $90

apparently original and vet backers got it for 80, while at the same time during that end of LTI sale new backers paid $90 which i guess most people forgot about when assuming it was 80, myself included.

depends on the car. :p

unless the car is an m50... well then the m50 still trumps real life issues.



Added the M50 to the Hangar

It is possible to receive no match found when attempting to connect to multiplayer matches. If this happens click cancel and try again
Investigation into connection issues to the multiplayer game servers continues
Debug software may be added to some servers which can result in periodic slowdown of gameplay
Failure to stand clear of the M50 engines may cause you to be sucked into the ship. Game over man, game over. [Seriously you will get stuck and need to restart the game -Ed]

It is not for sale as of this posting yet, but mine is in the hangar.










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Cool cockpit, I may just pass though, up from $80 to $90 and no cross chassis upgrade yet. I'll take a look at it later perhaps.
M50 looking sweet, if you own that thing you'll have a nice way to earn some extra scratch by racing provided you are a good enough pilot.
Does anyone know if the M50 can equip a jump drive. It's a bit smaller than the Merlin and if I remember right, the Merlin can't.