Star Citizen - media blowout, Chris Robert's new game

I don’t have much to say to this, beyond that it’s not accurate. At this point, we are not adding additional features to the plan, we’re building out the ones we’ve already scheduled.

I.e. there isn't ongoing feature creep. That doesn't mean that the features haven't already crept, if you get my drift. And with regards to feature creep: I have significant reservations about this game doing everything it seems to want to do (and do it well), with anything less than a 150 or 200 million dollar budget, and being released in final state anytime prior to 2018 or so.

First of all: the phrase ‘delayed indefinitely’ being bandied around is incorrect. We do not have a release date to announce yet, which is not the same thing. I’m aware that there is an ongoing sub-debate in which one poster will insist it is delayed indefinitely accompanied by the dictionary definition of indefinitely, and then the counter argument is that the phrase has a different meaning beyond the individual words. This counter argument is correct.

This reminds me of CR trying to define what P2W means for the entire world, despite the fact that many many people do not agree with his definition at all. But I'll concede that the term does at least have some cancellation vibes to it, even if that isn't technically what it means.

Ben is not good at either.

I definitely agree with that.
I think we can all agree is, don't invest emotionally in a kickstarter game. I just think of it like a future gift to myself that I may or may not receive.
Does Star Citizen have problems, absolutely, was Ben outright lying in that response I don't really think so.

good pr is spinning the truth in a way that makes you look good....

Chris Roberts track record is not in his favor
If the fps module is that close, "delayed a matter of weeks and not months/years." Then I don't see why they would say delayed indefinitely instead of telling us several or even 6 months. That leaves more than enough time for bug smashing if it's only a few weeks out. I understand not wanting to miss a target date again but giving a new release date with a ton of room to address problems would have been better than delayed indefinitely.
I.e. there isn't ongoing feature creep. That doesn't mean that the features haven't already crept, if you get my drift. And with regards to feature creep: I have significant reservations about this game doing everything it seems to want to do (and do it well), with anything less than a 150 or 200 million dollar budget, and being released in final state anytime prior to 2018 or so.

There isnt really supposed to be a final game, since it is technically supposed to keep evolving for the next 10 years, there could be a "retail release build" that hits mid to late 2017 or even 2018, but its by no means final as they plan to fully support the game beyond that as long as they keep getting the funding needed, which is partly why i never want to see them stop doing concept sales or when people say to stop giving them money i give them dirty looks.

They have plenty of money to get to 2017 and give us a retail release product, what they do not have is the money to continue the project for the next 10 years in full capacity.

And that is what i care about, the project in its entirety, not just what it takes to get to a psuedo release date.

Also luckily since us backers are not a publisher they do not have to pay us back. So every dollar that comes in from retail will go to CiG to do what ever they want with either continue supporting the game or set it aside for something else. Which is why i want as much to come in during the crowed funding phase as possible since every Dollar we give them during crowed funding is legally obligated to being spent on the project, not just during its initial run up to a psuedo retail release but any money brought in during crowed funding that is left over will still go into the project for future content and features that are still planned.

What they choose to do with money that comes in from retail sales is totally up to them because it is no longer part of crowed funding. I hope they put all retail sales back into the game, but i wouldn't count on it i am sure some would get stashed away for a side project or bonuses.

When i put money into Star Citizen i think of it as the 10 year project, not as the game they will give us in 2 or 3 years from now.

With the money i have spent, around $2500 if they do continue to support the game for 10 years, that would be $20 a month spent on the game. not too far off from monthly sub price. I just chose to front load that money into them and gamble with it in hopes the initial game turns out better than originally intended back when it was initially pitched and was only a $25m project. I am pretty close to my limit i want to spend, i am only going to spend $100 to $200 more to finish off my starting fleet and then i will be mostly done, only thing i will continue to buy at that point is event exclusive stuff, like gamescom trophies which are $5 to show support for them attending those events.
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There isnt really supposed to be a final game, since it is
technically supposed to keep evolving for the next 10 years

Obviously. I just mean retail release.

They have plenty of money to get to 2017 and give us a retail release product

I wouldn't be so sure about either the plenty of money or the 2017 date, especially with the "doing it all" and "doing it well" stipulations. You read some posts on the official boards and it's obvious there's a fair number of people that think this game is literally going to be all things to all gamers. They think it's going to be a fully functioning simulation of the galaxy with absolutely massive catering to potential play styles and massive possibilities with regard to professions. While I think some of these people have gone off their nut, I think almost all would agree it's an extremely ambitious project. In a lot of ways I think it's more ambitious than some games which have cost ~150 million plus to make.

What's his burn rate with 300 (?) people working on the project? It's gotta be massive. What's he spent so far?

I have no doubt that he could make a great flight sim, a basic Privateer style MMO economy, a social module, and a rudimentary FPS and kludge them together for 85 million (though I do wonder about the technical aspects of a multiple people running around a rapidly moving ship, but I know little about it other than 15 years ago they couldn't even manage to reliably keep multiple people on a boat that was moving at 1 meter per second in EQ). I suspect that's what he was planning on doing with 23 million. The way SC "looks" now is nothing like that.

But to do all that plus tons more and really make it into a cohesive unit, a "vast living world"? Not easy, and not cheap. Mining, refining, production noding. Own and operate and PvP over space stations. Massive ships. FPSing. Ship boarding. Bounty hunting. Salvaging. Factions. Pirating. All the types and functions of radar and making it much more than just dots on your dash. A style of dynamic economy that to my knowledge has never really been done before. Exploration. Dozens and dozens of ships. An entire single player game. Private servers. Player housing and decorating. Tablet companion app. Pro motion cap. Orchestral music. Pro voice acting. Overclocking. Alien languages. Pets. Massive ship modularity. It literally goes on and on and on.

what they do not have is the money to continue the project for the next 10 years in full capacity.

And that is what i care about, the project in its entirety, not just what it takes to get to a psuedo release date.

I'm not trying to rag on you, but I think that is bizarre. If the game isn't a flop, the income from it should have no problem in continuing to fund expansion of the game. I understand that that money can go straight into their pockets as they let the game flounder and die, but is that really a realistic possibility? 1. To keep the money train going they gotta do the work and 2. They want to do the work. This is CRs magnum opus.

I loved the shit out of EQ2, but the thought of paying them thousands of dollars in advance for a game I've never played in the hopes that I'll want to still be playing it 10 years from now? Bizarre. If the game can't support continued expansion after launch than he made a shitty game.

Also luckily since us backers are not a publisher they do not have to pay us back. So every dollar that comes in from retail will go to CiG to do what ever they want with either continue supporting the game or set it aside for something else. Which is why i want as much to come in during the crowed funding phase as possible since every Dollar we give them during crowed funding is legally obligated to being spent on the project, not just during its initial run up to a psuedo retail release but any money brought in during crowed funding that is left over will still go into the project for future content and features that are still planned.

Well, good luck with the class action if what is "legally obligated" doesn't quite seem to pan out. Is CR legally obligated to not pay himself 3 million bucks a year for the next 10 years while he's "working on future content"?

i wouldn't count on it i am sure some would get stashed away for a side project or bonuses.

I wouldn't count on it for the crowd funding either. Bonuses paid to developers working on future content is still money expensed towards future content. And how you gonna know anyway? Is there a spreadsheet somewhere that CR publishes that shows what he's spending and where? You gonna call up a lawyer and say "Well, he had twenty million leftover after retail release (how would you know anyway?) but I think the quantity and quality of expansion content seems like he only spent 5 mill and did lord knows what with the other 15, so I wanna sue!"?

With the money i have spent, around $2500 if they do continue to support the game for 10 years, that would be $20 a month spent on the game. not too far off from monthly sub price. I just chose to front load that money into them and gamble with it in hopes the initial game turns out better than originally intended back when it was initially pitched and was only a $25m project. I am pretty close to my limit i want to spend, i am only going to spend $100 to $200 more to finish off my starting fleet and then i will be mostly done, only thing i will continue to buy at that point is event exclusive stuff, like gamescom trophies which are $5 to show support for them attending those events.

Gamble is certainly the right word.
I wouldn't be so sure about either the plenty of money or the 2017 date, especially with the "doing it all" and "doing it well" stipulations. You read some posts on the official boards and it's obvious there's a fair number of people that think this game is literally going to be all things to all gamers. They think it's going to be a fully functioning simulation of the galaxy with absolutely massive catering to potential play styles and massive possibilities with regard to professions. While I think some of these people have gone off their nut, I think almost all would agree it's an extremely ambitious project. In a lot of ways I think it's more ambitious than some games which have cost ~150 million plus to make.

What's his burn rate with 300 (?) people working on the project? It's gotta be massive. What's he spent so far?

This is my biggest concern right now as well. I do *not* believe they have enough money to finish the game as they are currently building it. I believe that the reason they are constantly pushing concept sales isn't because they have the pipeline ready, but because they actually need the steady stream of cash that brings in. I believe they are wasting time and money by redoing the same ships multiple times, when really lets face it, the original Connie wasn't the greatest, but it wasn't terrible. V2 Connie was even better, do we really need a V5 Connie before the game gets released? No. They should have spent all that time reworking the same ships over and over into getting V1's of every ship completed. That is my concern, that their pursuit of perfection is preventing them from completing the game in a reasonable time frame, and within budget. They aren't pursuing making a great game, they are pursuing dicking around with 3D modeling.
Wildace ... if I'm not mistaken you're really good with an SRAW or AT-4 launcher in Battlefield right? I've watched some of those videos and have tons of respect for those skills.

I'm dumbfounded (like truly sitting here slack jawed) when I read you've spent $2500 on SC. Hope it works out for you.
Yeah, those are my BF4 videos.

As for the money, ive got nothing else i want to spend it on. Generally my fun money goes into making my pc better or computer gaming related but i have nothing currently i am interested in getting for my pc. And there are no games i want right now, besides fallout 4.

Intel 4790K @ 4.6Ghz
16GB 1600mhz DDR3
3x 4GB AMD 290's (2 are AIO water cooled keeps the noise down)
2x 120GB 840 EVO's Raid 0
2x 120GB OCZ Vertex 4 Raid 0
2x 640GB WD blacks Raid 0
120hz asus monitor ect.

Have not been interested in making the move to DDR4 yet, or larger SSD's, and with DX12 allowing shared video memory pools i have a feeling 3x 290's will be ample power for awhile.

Not looking at getting any VR headsets like rift until those mature, i could be interested in a new freesync monitor was implementation of that matures, and a new HOTAS but i am waiting to see how the SC HOTAS turns out before deciding on one of those.

Really i am pretty content with what i have. so i have nothing else to spend it on. And any other hobby would end up costing just as much or more but i enjoy pc gaming too much to care about other hobbies lol.

and that was $2500 over the course of 2 years, little by little.

Like when it came time to get the Idris-P Frigate ($1250) I already had that in other ships, so i just melted them for store credit, and put in $35 of new money to get it.

It really doesnt feel as bad to put money into it when you do it little by little when ever you have some free money and nothing to spend it on.
This thing has gone downhill. Was excited when I first heard and backed it. Almost 3 years later not much to show. Now I know why this guy defends the game like the second coming of Jesus........gave them 2500 bucks.....
Don't criticize how another person spends their money. I could criticize you on your MMX300 or your 3x projectors and you me on my Titan, we earned it we know what we want to spend it on. If anything because of the fact that Wildace made those sick SRAW videos, you can see he enjoys PC gaming and possibly the promise of what Star Citizen could be or is.

I spend $2300 on Star Citizen and I know that if the game fails it will have been one hell of a wild ride and there will be a lot of angry people (with some having spend a lot more).
This thing has gone downhill. Was excited when I first heard and backed it. Almost 3 years later not much to show. Now I know why this guy defends the game like the second coming of Jesus........gave them 2500 bucks.....

Yeah thats not the reason. even if i only gave them $45 i would still give them the benefit of the doubt that they are doing what they need to be doing.
Yeah I've spent way too much money on this game, CR is cut off from me now :)

You wanna know what the scary thing is? They STILL haven't decided on a transactional database to use for the in-game econ and all the shit that's supposed to be stored on the servers. That is why you can still decrypt the scripts.pak and see all the xml with the hardcoded values for all the weapons and ships. That stuff should all be stored on their db server and fetched dynamically and real time, every time the game starts up.

It just seems like they are developing this game ass backwards from a technical perspective. I would be getting my database infrastructure figured out first along with netcode, and get a nice high scaling prototype working with just hornets and scythes, before hiring all these hollywood artists to do assets and such. I saw this tech bottleneck coming from a mile away. I like CR's vision, but he has definitely spent way too much time in Hollywood IMO...
Don't criticize how another person spends their money. I could criticize you on your MMX300 or your 3x projectors and you me on my Titan, we earned it we know what we want to spend it on. If anything because of the fact that Wildace made those sick SRAW videos, you can see he enjoys PC gaming and possibly the promise of what Star Citizen could be or is.

I spend $2300 on Star Citizen and I know that if the game fails it will have been one hell of a wild ride and there will be a lot of angry people (with some having spend a lot more).

I'm not criticizing. I'm just surprised that anyone else besides me spends that much money on video games. I built my rig specifically for BF:BC2, BF3, BF4 and my hardware expenses are way more than $2500. The hardware cost gets amortized across all the games I play. But here we're talking about spending money on the promise of what a single game will be - it's different.

I really hope SC is a great game. I'm just waiting for it to release before spending any money on it. It's great that others are willing to fund it for me.
New system for the Shields/powerplants in today's episode of Around the Verse.

Talks about how there are going to be only 4 sizes now instead of 12 (Light, Medium, Large, Capital) and ships will use multiples of what ever size will fit, so a small fighter might have 1 small power plant, or a Super Hornet might have multiple small power plants.

So you have more redundancy, as well as can mix and match them for what ever situation it might need.

An example i think would be if a ship like the Super Hornet which has multiple small power plants you could maybe use a low power low signature one in one slot and a high power high sig in the other slot and then only use the low sig one to power thrusters and minimal ship systems to keep your sig low and then pop on the high power high sig one if you need extra power for shields or weapons, or if one gets damaged you still have some power from the other.



Hey guys, since we just had the first details of the new component sizes talked about in ATV today, just wanted to pop in and clarify a few things.

Regarding the existing ship specs - The current plan is to retrofit things against the current size specs. We don't want to be removing power from any ships, just readjusting them to the new sizes.

Regarding mix/match of different sizes - While we're still building out the multi-component systems, there will be some more logical restrictions as to what can be installed where. The current working design is components could only tier up/down by 1 class, and the classes are sized on a matching 4:1 ratio.

For example, a Super Hornet currently supports a max of Size 4 shields. With the new system, the goal is to let pilots have the choice between 4 Light Shield Generators, allowing for some more flexibility in what each generator is tuned for, or a single Medium Shield Generator, which would lack the diversity of 4 Lights, but would be objectively more potent being a larger class of item.

As this new system really starts to roll out, expect some more detailed posts to really dive into the how/why of this change, and also showcase just how flexible the customization options will become when it's all implemented.
Yeah I've spent way too much money on this game, CR is cut off from me now :)

You wanna know what the scary thing is? They STILL haven't decided on a transactional database to use for the in-game econ and all the shit that's supposed to be stored on the servers. That is why you can still decrypt the scripts.pak and see all the xml with the hardcoded values for all the weapons and ships. That stuff should all be stored on their db server and fetched dynamically and real time, every time the game starts up.

So I assume this as an issue because it's the type of situation that a 12 year old could hack and modify prices or damage numbers or whatever?

I like CR's vision, but he has definitely spent way too much time in Hollywood IMO...

That's the $2,500 question. His vision is nearly perfect, it's implementing that is hard. I hope he has some amazing online/mmo/rpg people on his team. Beyond technical issues, I think balance (ships, components, weapons, professions, etc) and the overall economy are big hurdles.

With the new system, the goal is to let pilots have the choice between 4 Light Shield Generators, allowing for some more flexibility in what each generator is tuned for, or a single Medium Shield Generator, which would lack the diversity of 4 Lights, but would be objectively more potent being a larger class of item.

Speaking of balance, as if it weren't already going to be difficult enough....
I didn't expect this to be out yet. Maybe a little further along. I was really surprised reading those original dates. It's not even enough time to do a good job.

Overall I have no problem waiting as long as they eventually release it. I have Geralt to keep me busy till November then Battlefront. :)
So I assume this as an issue because it's the type of situation that a 12 year old could hack and modify prices or damage numbers or whatever?

That's the $2,500 question. His vision is nearly perfect, it's implementing that is hard. I hope he has some amazing online/mmo/rpg people on his team. Beyond technical issues, I think balance (ships, components, weapons, professions, etc) and the overall economy are big hurdles.

Speaking of balance, as if it weren't already going to be difficult enough....

I don't think it affects balance too much since its not about changing a ships capabilities but more or less moving a ship into the new system while retaining its current power output/needs and reducing the work load for CiG in terms of component content creation with the old system it was 9 component types, times 12 sizes, times how ever manufacturers there are, now its 9x4x?, but the plus side is instead of ship being locked into only 1 size of equipment you now have access to only the max size you can equip and the size below

They only have to make sure the 4 classes/sizes are balanced with each other and they scale in a 4:1 ratio in size.

Basically 4 lights, fit in 1 medium slot, while the 1 medium puts out slightly more power than the 4 lights combined, so you can sacrifice possible redundancy or versatility and use the 1 medium size, or use 4 smaller ones which are not as good as the larger one.

If you look at 4 ships, the F7C, F7C-M Super Hornet, 300i, 350R

Max power plant: (Size 3) 3x Light
Max Shield (Size 4) 1x Medium or 4x light

Max power plant: (Size 4) 1x Medium or 4x light
Max Shield (Size 4) 1x Medium or 4x light

Max power plant: (Size 3) 3x Light
Max Shield (Size 3) 3x Light

Max power plant: (Size 4) 1x Medium or 4x light
Max Shield (Size 4) 1x Medium or 4x light

It really changes nothing from the old stats in terms of balance, and its up to the pilot to determine which they prefer all out power with a Medium, or some versatility with a bunch of smaller ones if you have room.

The Vanguard which is the heavy fighter is confirmed to have 2x medium's one on opposite sides of the ship so it has the potential to have 4x light on one side and 4 light on the other.

I think it is really cool for the stealth mechanics to have access to many small power plants to turn them off and on as needed for more or less power to raise and lower your signature. there will be a power on delay as things charge up ect but i think it adds to the gameplay.

When it comes to balance they just need to make sure the scaling between sizes is right, to compensate for the trade off of having many smaller vs 1 larger and now they only have to worry about 4 sizes rather than 12.


It is also worth mentioning that this new system actually sheds some light on just how much of a difference there is between say an F7C and F7C-M, it offers 25% more power capability from the power plant stat.

When before we have no idea just what a size 4 power plant means in relation to a size 3 power plant ect.



The 2x Mediums on the Vanguard was in relation to its Power Plant, not Shields. Right now, Shields are planned at 6 Light split into 2 groups of 3, though since it's still being built out fully and any variants planned, it could see changes, but can't say for certain until we at least get the current plan flyable.

So a Vanguard has around 50% more shield capacity, and 2x the power plant capacity of a Super Hornet.
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Reverse the 'Verse - Episode 54

Notes by, LegoRobotDude, and StormyWinters

- Master of ships Ben Lesnick!

- Marketing friend Alyssa

- Subscriptions manager Alexis Lesnick- no relation… just a big coincidence

- Thomas Hennessey!

- Jared “Disco Lando” Huckaby

- Those are the peoples!

- James is at San Diego Comic Con

- AND Sandi is here.

- Can’t comment yet on the redesign of the 300 Series. Probably won’t change the shape much… adapting internals and stats. Adding damage states, UVs, and decay states as well as a materials pass. One of the earliest ship. In dire need of a review.

- Chris Roberts back tomorrow!

- Comic Con panel at 4 PM pacific with Chris and Ben and others.

- Feel free to flag down the CIG folks if you see them at SDCC!

- The Crucible is undergoing concept design. Being built by Ryan Church who did the Bengal, Aurora, and Constellation among others.

- Crucible probably not the next ship you see but not TOO far away.

- No livestream for SDCC panel - that’s a SDCC decision.

- Not a big presentation or live demo… just a Q&A and chance to meet the team.

- Chris Roberts, David Haddock, Sandi Gardiner, Ben Lesnick, and Disco Lando will be on the panel.

- No Banu Merchantman info. It is on the long term schedule. Waiting on resources to build it. Don’t hold your breath… it will come eventually! It’s a marathon, not a sprint.

- [Is the Herald faster than the M50?] Unsure… it’s being set up right now.

- Good shot of the Herald on Sandi’s facebook yesterday.

- Possibly next year more TNGS.

- At least 4 employees with CIG hired from TNGS teams.

- [Merlin as a racing ship?] Absolutely. should be very effective.

- 1.1.5 not this week - HOPING for PTU next week.

- Update to the ships pipeline coming soon.

- Xi’An scout coming “Sooner”. Foundry 42 needs it.

- The Archimedes will be one of the next things to tackle (since it comes from the Merlin) - need to make sure it is distinct from the Merlin and not just a different colour.

- Sandi has to depart for a bit.

- HOTAS announcement at GamesCom possibly - Sandi is pushing for a prototype.

- Huge amounts of paperwork involved

- Event focus on GamesCom and CitizenCon

- [Austin event plans?] Not sure yet.

- Working on hair tech currently… lots of baldness.

- Sandi was bald (in-engine) for her recorded stuff for SQ42.

- [RSI-branded trackball?] Maybe… we’ll see what Chris presents at GamesCom.

- Ben is looking for concerns… he is good at concerns this week.

- Sandi is interviewing a new facilities manager.

- Ben doesn’t do haircuts. Alyssa doesn’t “adult”.

- [Will SQ42 have finalized controls/flight model/etc?] Significantly final... but final for SQ42. Controller balance in the sense people usually think of it doesn't matter when there's not another player. Likely not final controller model for PU, will probably change after SQ42 to some extent. Will be final enough to allow people with mouse/joystick/HOTAS/etc to play SQ42 campaign.

- Patrick in the UK has taken over as CS manager from Chelsea. Trying to figure out who takes over Concierge

- Hoping to keep the “Chelsea legacy” alive with how she treats folks who asks questions.

- Backend issues and netcode will not affect SQ42.

- Star Marine is important to SQ42.

- Jason Hutchins rallying the troops in Denver and will write the update for tonight.

- Merlin will be sold separately.

- Anyone who has a Constellation Andromeda, Aquila, and Phoenix will get a Merlin. Andromeda and Aquila get permanent Merlin, Phoenix will get loaner Merlin until Archimedes is done.

- 890 JUMP, Carrack owners, and Idris will also get loaner Merlins because they all have associated small ships that come with them.

- Merlin will be the cheapest ship.

- Want Archimedes to be more distinct from the Merlin than the Glaive is from the Scythe.

- Merlin/Archimedes relationship was not intentional despite them actually being related in fiction.

- Merlin will have quantum drive but not a jump drive.

- No LTI for the Merlin separately.

- 2D concept work done on space pets but not a priority.

- Working on finishing off the interiors on the Vanguard… hours away then moving onto the variants.

- Next hangar ready ships are Scythe and Merlin in 1.1.5.

- Ben and Lando going to Hallmark to get Admiral Ackbar limited edition ornaments.

- Ben’s favourite character is Admiral Ackbar and Lando’s Lando Calrissian.

- CCU system is very close, take ship on the left and there’s a pull down on the right, factors out the money, click go. Lots of testing involved in making sure it works properly… has to work properly. Every ship to every ship as long as it's a step up, can't CCU backwards.

- Concept sale for Corvette probably not this fall. Concept hasn’t been started.

- [Is the Merlin’s centerline gatling gun fixed?] All weapons on the Merlin are fixed. Two size 1 guns, one on each wing. Gatling gun is custom size 2 and probably won't be changeable. Same for Archimedes.

- [Why is the Starfarer so complex?] Not particularly more complex, likely going to be one of the first non-combat ships. One of the first large ships you’ll see.

- Redesigned Constellation will be ready for AC 2.0

- Fidelity is the word of the day at CIG… no the word of the aeon!

- [Will the mining spider bot ever be sold?] Probably not but it will be available in the game.

- Star Citizen still Alpha, Beta is a long ways away. AC 2.0 will also be alpha. Beta is when controller balance will be focused on more.

- Disco Lando is playing GTA V. Ben is playing Lego Jurassic Park. Alexis is playing GTA V… she’s trying to steal military helicopters.

- Alyssa has been playing Hearthstone and will be taking up MTG again soon.

- Terrapin not expected to go on sale or be made at all.

- Randy Vazquez is here!

- Sold a crazy amount of Starliners: 1842.

- [Will people that are getting the loaner Merlins get them in the hangar?] No. Just in AC.

- Will not show up in your hangar, it’s a technical issue, we want them to show up, but that will not be in this patch

- Vanguard is not in Squadron 42, chapter 1. Not a SQ42 ship like the Lightning, Hornet, Scythe.

- Merlin will absolutely be raceable. Requested footage of the Merlin racing from QA.

- Head-to-Head against the M50 it is very competitive.

- Endeavor looks “cool”, clearly a research ship

- Endeavor is hard core Sci-Fi… very much like a classic Sci-Fi ship.

- Possibly a Grey Cat racing minigame in the future.

- The big component changes are not in 1.1.5.

- Component changes are a giant sweeping set of updates to pretty much everything they have setup

- [Why isn’t the Grey Cat a hover car?] Because we didn’t make it that way...

- Ben and Disco Lando watched part of Mr. Stitch (look it up at your own risk)

- No change to HOTAS lead/lag pips in 1.1.5.

- Calix is working on tons of balance/control stuff.

- Adam and Cherie are now downstairs with the community folks.

- Epic nerf fight between Sandi’s kids and community team last night

- [ETA for Social Module?] Never trust a Star Citizen date, they are forsaken here.

- Mark Skelton is here! And Chris Smith!

- [Is the PU done?] Yes. That’s why he’s here. [For those who don’t know, this is sarcasm]

- Talking about donations for golden shirt, didn’t wash it, and sent it to the guy, wearing it, said he washed it

- Hazy thought for old times sake: If one synchronized swimmer dies, do they all have to die?

- Asking for dates, not giving out dates.

- Announcing dates is the first ingredient in a recipe for disaster.

- [Are ships going to decay to the point where they will have to be replaced?] Will decay but probably not to that point. Don't want to have your $400 melt away.

- [Will the lower turret on the Connie be altered to allow a downward view?] Yes, the seat’s going to be a little swinging thing giving you a view directly below you.

- Shameless plug, Star Citizen go mug.

- Terrible plug, they’re sold out.

- [What loaner ships will be given for AC 2.0?] Ongoing thing. The Retaliator is the most certain to be ready for launch.

- [Will the Starfarer fit into one of the current hangars?] No, going to have to change a couple things for it to fit.

- Crytek dropped their version of CryEngine with VR support, no specific news on SC VR, still are dedicated to it. Examining new version of CryEngine currently.

- [What ships will be on sale at GamesCom?] Finalizing the list. Not new ships. You don’t have to go to GamesCom to get a limited ship.

- Reclaimer will be ready for when Salvage is in Arena Commander. Further down the line.

- The small ship on the Carrack is just known as the “scout” currently.

- [Will any social features drop in FPS?] No, except for the ability to shoot your friend in the face.

- [Any update on rooms system?] Wouldn't even think of it in those terms anymore, just part of the game now.

- Dragonfly is so far away from being a real tangible thing. It’s been thought of, and is in the very very beginning stages of creation, is a long time out. Needs new game design for it to work.

- A new map will be in AC with AC 2.0 (obviously the large world map)

- Tremendous progress with Large World! Should see this soon, it's going very well.

- Chris Smith and Mark Skelton working on Constellations. Watch ATV for more info on Constellations.

- [Can we have our ships rented with REC appear in our hangar?] No, it’s a technical blocker, doesn’t make sense either, because the Hangar is the “real life”, and AC is just a game

- [With the new CCU system will you be able to upgrade to ships not available yet?] No, you’ll only be able to CCU to ships currently on sale.

- TNGS 2 - hopefully next year.

- Will be much better this time with the ship pipeline ready.

- Proximity audio? Not likely for first drop but cannot comment that’s a PU question.

- Ben wants you to know that his posts on the forums were genuine. Things are progressing internally and they will have lots of cool stuff to show soon.

- And now they're singing.

Link to archived video.
Some old and some new Caterpillar shots.

I love the thought behind the cargo handling, the side walls open out and the floors tilts up to dump the cargo along the sides of the ship.


Poor Derek Smart.

A lot of the combatants in this war that’s now in progress, don’t really know who I am, let alone who Chris Roberts is. They know nothing about my industry tenure, my accomplishments, my experience, my credentials etc. They’re looking at it if I were some drama queen looking for attention. This despite the fact that, over the years, I have built, pretty much, a vastly more advanced game, in the same genre that Chris and Co. are apparently having trouble building. And, this year, we’re about to release an even better one, Line Of Defense. Though it won’t look as pretty, it works, it’s here, and it’s not vaporware. This is not an endorsement to buy it.
Here was a post from Ben on the Subject Derek Smart

Hey guys!

I believe I can clarify this. We refunded Mr. Smart’s package because he was using Star Citizen as a platform to gain attention as part of a campaign to promote his ‘Line of Defense’ space game. Our ToS (or in this case, the Kickstarter ToS) allows us to refund troubled users who we would rather not have interacting with the community. The process lets us entirely disable their accounts, preventing them from playing the finished game. Think of it as the video game equivalent of a ‘we reserve the right to refuse service to anyone’ sign in a restaurant. We’ve used this ability a limited number of times in the past, always with the aim of improving the community (until today, the most famous example being our old friend jcrg99/Manzes/PonyMillar/he of many other alts.)

I do now want to stress that that is not to say you can get your money back by simply being as obnoxious as possible; we’re also able to ban accounts from the forums without requiring a refund. But sometimes we take a look at a user and decide that they’re so toxic or their intentions are so sinister that we simply don’t want them associated with Star Citizen.

As for refund requests working the other way: per the ToS, we’re not required to offer them. We do try and work with backers who are facing hardships, but the hard truth is that the money is by necessity being spent to develop a game rather than sitting unused somewhere (that being the significant difference with Steam; those refunds are taken out of their games’ profits rather than their development budgets.)
And here is a response from Wingman:

Look, I am no longer at CIG, but I recall when Chris and I were working at Origin, Derek Smart sent several negative emails accusing us of stealing his ideas etc, the guy is just not worth the time to read. He is just trying to get attention - something none of us should ever give him. IMHO, I think CIG did the right thing here, that guy is just not worth the trouble. WM

I remember a few articles (maybe can google them?) back when Battlecruiser 3000AD was in development and released. Derek seemed to be such an a-hole, and always came across as either extremely defensive about any criticism, or touted himself as a god.

Its always good to have criticism to keep the developers on their toes, but this is an outright troll attempt to keep himself in the limelight.

CSI, IMO, did the right thing.
I remember a few articles (maybe can google them?) back when Battlecruiser 3000AD was in development and released. Derek seemed to be such an a-hole, and always came across as either extremely defensive about any criticism, or touted himself as a god.

Its always good to have criticism to keep the developers on their toes, but this is an outright troll attempt to keep himself in the limelight.

CSI, IMO, did the right thing.

Hopefully I won't offend any Derek's here, but I've met several, and all of them have had a touch of this type of attitude. :D (to be fair though, some of them were also pretty nice, just a little full of themselves...)
Hopefully I won't offend any Derek's here, but I've met several, and all of them have had a touch of this type of attitude. :D (to be fair though, some of them were also pretty nice, just a little full of themselves...)

I never got my $60 refund for Battlecruiser 3000AD. Derek can kiss my unwiped arse. :D
Is he building his game on the Quake II engine or something? That thing looks horrendous lol.

Nope, its not the Quake II engine but their own shit-tastic engine. Using the Quake II would have been too "Smart" of a move to make :D.
While I have tried my best to ignore this last wave of trolling I've still seen this guys name pop up over and over. So in the end, he has been working on his own POS game and trash talking Star Citizen in order to get some attention.... Do people actually take him serious? that last little forum post by Wingman says a lot.
While I have tried my best to ignore this last wave of trolling I've still seen this guys name pop up over and over. So in the end, he has been working on his own POS game and trash talking Star Citizen in order to get some attention.... Do people actually take him serious? that last little forum post by Wingman says a lot.

Yeah Wingman supports CiG in their decision, and Moderators temp banned Wingman from chat roll for pimping his own game as well, which was more funny/accidental than really malicious on wingmans part since he does get questions about his game when in chat roll so you partly want to answer them but you also can't because of the ToS. "hypothetically" I am sure if wingman was being as hostile and dickish as Derek they would not hesitate to remove wingman in the same way as Derek but that would never happen because wingman is a great guy and still cares about Star Citizen. Derek feels like he is being singled out but CiG would do what they did to anyone that acts in a similarly unprofessional manner.
Yeah understood the chat roll thing, it's kind of a double edge sword for him.

This other guy is just a tool from what little I've read and hell, that shit studio he is working with seems like they just churn out steaming piles of crap from the reviews. I guess I should probably withhold judgement but I really don't have the slightest interest in reading up on this guy anymore to be honest. I just think it's funny it turns out it's another "indie dev" with his own problems with his games that decided to bash another company. It reminds me of some people I worked for that go about bashing the competitions product rather than fixing their own problems and delivering a better product.
RSI could see some serious damage if one of the news sites decides to interpret this story as an attempt to silence criticism. It relies completely on its reputation for open communication to secure more funding. If people start to think they're going into WarZ mode, their ongoing funding could dry up very quickly.

This also potentially opens others cans of worms, since for example there's a poll on the RSI forums someone created, with over 1100 votes and 28% of people said "Yes" to wanting a public refund option. RSI will ignore it but it serves as yet another marker of \growing discontent.
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I sure hope CIG never associates my Star Citizen credentials with this [H]ard|Forum account, otherwise I might be out my $250 pledge. Unbelievable.
I sure hope CIG never associates my Star Citizen credentials with this [H]ard|Forum account, otherwise I might be out my $250 pledge. Unbelievable.

Are you using your [H] account to promote your own products by using an association to SC? No? Then I think you are fine...

Refunding the pledge of a troll who is using that pledge to lend legitimacy to trolling all in an effort to drum up interest / publicity for his own gain is a far cry from WarZ.
I sure hope CIG never associates my Star Citizen credentials with this [H]ard|Forum account, otherwise I might be out my $250 pledge. Unbelievable.

Are you promoting your product while slamming RSI? If so, you are correct. What Derek Smart said isn't the issue, it is his self promotion for a rival product.

People don't seem to understand what crowd funding is. It doesn't make you a shareholder/investor. You are entitled to a finished product and whatever other bonuses they promised at the time of your funding. You aren't entitled to dictating how the company should be run or developed. You have no claim to their financial data. If people like Derek Smart want to sue, let them. This is all bluster and self promotion. He knows he would lose this case. He isn't talking to legal as he claims. RSI has been largely transparent and has not canceled any products yet that I'm aware of. They haven't failed to deliver the products they sold and have simply delayed module releases. This is common and normal in the industry. The customer is normally immune to this though because a publisher funds the project. Welcome to game development.