Star Trek Online trial -- can anyone help me out here?


[H]F Junkie
Sep 18, 2005
Alright, my wife really wants to try Star Trek Online, but she's not a twitch / FPS type gamer and we don't want to drop $50+ on something that she might have no interest in after the first hour or so creating a character. As I understand there are 1 day trials you can get at some place called Del Taco, and there are also 10 day "buddy passes" available that come with the collector's edition. If I could get a couple of day passes or, ideally, a buddy pass for her it'd be great. Thanks in advance, guys.

-- wife is a Trekkie
-- wants to play STO
-- not a big gamer generally
-- anyone have a trial key?
Hey, I too would like to try and possibly play Star Trek Online. 50 euro is too much to shell out for me, for a game I might possibly not like.

Could anyone help me out with that 10 day pass?

Thanks in advance!
I have been wanting to try STO as well but not willing to buy the game first. i was an avid WoW player for 4 years. I think STO would be fun, but not sure if its worth $50 to find out.
FYI, everybody that has a STO account now has access to a 5 day buddy key right from the front page.
Let me see how many keys I have.... If someone is really into Trek and/o wants to get "into" the MMO, let me know and I'll give you any 10 days I have. I'll give the 5 days to those who don't think they'll want or need so much time.
I have a 5 day buddy pass if someone wants. First PM I receive gets the key.

Sorry. Pass has been claimed by the first person that PM'd me.
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Would also not mind trying it out. I usually buy all MMO's just to check them out, but the wife has me on a tighter budget these days.

Any buddy key would be greatly appreciated.
Could i possibly have a 5 day pass? i want to give it a try since ive been looking for a new MMO besides WoW but i cant find anything to fill that empty game genre of my life :(
Would anyone please send me a 5-day trial key please?

I told a friend of mine to buy it, not realizing it was in fact a subscription based mmo.

I seriously searched and found 3 different blogs stating it wasn't, until I saw a lifetime membership for 229$.

Anyways, I messed up, would like to give him a 5-day trial if someone could be so kind and hopefully he'll like it enough to pay for it.

Thanks in advance!
Take it from a star trek fan who has a level head on gaming and who played the open beta and headstart. The game is a failure. The only enjoyable gameplay is piloting the ship and getting into battles and even that becomes very redundant. The story and missions don't pull you into the game at all and the ground battle is so bad I can't put it into words. If you browse the star trek online forums you can see hundreds of posts of people complaining of how routine the gameplay is and how limited the world feels. This is before all of the bugs, they can be fixed, but not the core of the game.

I was lucky enough to get a refund a day before the official release.
Its a very shallow game.

Progression is far too easy. Current rank is capped at Rear Admiral 5.

There are 10 levels per rank.

There are only 7 ranks and 5 tiers

Average player will reach cap in less than 1 month.

Higher ship level skills are currenly extremely specific. So specific that if you invest in them, they are useless except of that paticular ship class and Tier.

The game was desgined not to be experienced capped, but Cryptic slapped it on a week before going live.

It seems everytime Cryptic "fixes" an issue, they break something else. There is no test server, and at the rate of broken fixes, I find it hard to beleive they actually QA their fixes.

The killer thing is that they have a fairly stable framework, but there is a complete lack of quests, and its assinine that there is no end level content with such a rediculously fast expeierince growth.

Gaining levels feels exponential. After reaching Commander, its very quick to Captain and then Admiral.

Cryptic promises a "big" patch in 45 daya or so, but as I stated, average player willl hit cap in 30 days with currently nothing else to do. My current toon is Rear Admiral 3 (RA3) with 2 more levels before cap.

Oh yeah, the Cap level is so arbitrary that you can only max out 1 RA skill and have 7 levels in another RA skill.

All toon skills have 9 levels. RA levels cost 500 experience points per level.
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I've sent out all my keys for now, everyone.

Seto has some points about the experience system, but the cap is supposed to come off pretty soon. Cryptic "got scared" by how fast some of the hardcore players leveled and skilled up, forgetting that even more so than most MMOs, this game is going to attract casual players. Much like City of Heroes and Champions Online, its "easier" than WoW/LOTRO in terms of leveling. If you are the kind who gets great satisfaction from grinding out a level, Cryptic's games probably aren't for you. There are supposed to be some big, good changes coming soon. STO was rushed out the door to meet the deadlines with all the CBS bigwigs (ie. No, you can't delay it another week. We got the SciFi channel to show Star Trek episodes and the game's commercial on the hour, on the day of release goddamnit).

Edit: All current players, especially fans of Trek - They have a survey you can take about what you want to see developed! Do it, and you'll get like 250 free Cryptic Points (These are used similar to XboxLIVE points, to buy "special" features like extra character slots, unlock certain races like Federation Klingons and Ferengi early, and more. ) One of the options is "I Want more diplomacy and exploration missions". Tell them your honest assessment of the game, and hopefully they'll see where they need to make improvements.
If someone is willing to donate a key I would be very grateful.

I was able to get into the beta, 2 days before it ended. I got a good sample of the space stuff which was a blast. But I hated the away missions, were boring and bland. I have seen in several reviews that these become more fun as the game progresses so it might be worth another look if someone has a key they do not have a use for.
Well, we finally got the client installed tonight (8GB download. Ick.) and an account set up. So far I am anything but impressed -- I haven't played, but I've watched my wife play for a couple hours. At first I thought she was just really bad at walking around, but no, the control scheme turns out to be one of the worst I've ever seen. I changed it so you can at least use mouse look (while holding right-click) to choose where you walk, but it's still very sluggish and the camera jumps around a bunch, regularly pinning itself behind walls and random little environment details.

Game play is mediocre at best, horribly redundant at worst. I've seen nothing but "kill these things" or "go talk to this guy" quests so far. We were both hoping for more of an emphasis on exploration and diplomacy, while expecting a good bit of combat... but the combat is exceptionally dull and so far there is zero diplomacy or exploration.

The game isn't true to the series at all. Not even close.

Interfact is horrible as well -- my best example would be the star fleet computer, which has several blank screens that say things like "accessing data" or similar and you have to click continue, for no reason, yet with that kind of text on screen that's not at all intuitive. Interface elements like the tips regularly overlap and make reading difficult, but this is partly due to the relatively low resolution we're running, so that's not all Cryptic's fault.

Hopefully it picks up. We'll stick with it through the 5 day period, but unless it is literally night and day at some point I can't see going out to spend $50 on it, nevermind actually continuing to pay them $15 a month.
Could someone hook me up with a trial code. I love Star Trek, but I have read a lot of bad things about this game and don't wan to watse my money.
If anyone wants the key, I'll send you... just PM me, and once I get back home, I should be able to log and drop an invite (can't log at my account at work :p)

Slight update to the people who PMed me about key - there are some issues with getting it, as official page ain't letting me claim the key, so got to wait until support answer my ticket.
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Yea I've been cruising the forums on STOs site. The games kinda buggy & lots of ppl are having problems. I'm waiting to see if they actually fix it. I played CoH/CoV (a cryptic studios game) And a 1 day pass I might try just to see the game. Or even a 10day pass. But I'm not holding out much hope.
hey anyone willing to help me out here with a free trial key i want to try this out without havein to go waste 30-40$