Star Wars Battlefront II May Be Pay-To-Win


Aug 20, 2006
Leaked alpha footage of Battlefront II revealed an Overwatch-like loot box system that sparked pay-to-win fears, which are now substantiated: EA has confirmed that you can buy these “Loot Crates,” which give you more health, power up weapons, boost damage, or grant other special abilities, using real-world money. It remains unknown how big of an advantage these will truly provide, but getting owned by a rich kid is not out of the question.

"Players will be rewarded in the game through regular play in many different, earnable ways including crates," an EA spokesperson told us. "For those that want to accelerate the rewards, they can do so by purchasing crates that contain randomized items and rewards." It's not the first EA game to offer a system like this for obtaining loot - Battlefield offers Battlepacks, for example. But Battlepack contents are limited to cosmetic gun and vehicle skins, plus unique melee weapon designs. The suggestion from Battlefront 2's alpha is loot items actually affect how you and your team plays.
So their main point with Battlefront II is that they listened to their audience to fix the negatives from Battlefront. I don't recall ANYONE ever stating they wanted pay to win loot crates. :confused:

If true, way to ruin the game you promised to make better.
Been playing the Alpha and I am not impressed at all. Will probably be skipping this one.
Let's call these systems what they are. "Pay to Cheat". These are designed to take advantage of player anger by literally letting them pay to gain an advantage. This is not in the spirit of what gaming is about and despite hoping this will not be successful I'm sure there are enough casuals with money to burn that it will deliver the expected return. As gamers we should demand there be servers which do not allow for these upgrades, if the cheaters want to cheat let them play against each other. Hell in the long run it will probably net more money.

We have to stand up to this, long term pay to cheat services will be detrimental to the advancement of competitive gaming.
Doesn't sound much different than buying the BF4 kit upgrades, sounds like you'll still get the stuff if you don't pay you just have to grind.
Vote with your dollars people. Stop buying this garbage. I personally don't like buying Dlc, except for companies like CDPR, because it's also still bs getting shipped an incomplete game.
EA has been doing loot crates for years in FPS.
I suspect the only real concern is if they are actually game impacting in a serious way. Skins and exp increases or little bonus's that you can get through regular play is no huge deal.
I don't expect it to be crazy.
Does this apply to the sp campaign as well? Were their other titles reasonably able to complete without more investment? This was going to be a full price purchase from me just for the story, but if they want to bend me over, I'll wait till it drops to $10 like the first.
If people will pay thousands of dollars to buy skins and other crap, they will pay anything to get any sort of advantage possible in actual gameplay. Monetizing games past their 60$ entry fee is the new model for AAA game developers.
It's like EA's dev model MO is to build games around paid expansions to give an advantage. They've been doing this since, well, forever. Anyone remember when they opened the floodgates with it in The Sims a long time ago? I can't really recall any game EA has ever produced since that hasn't had some kind of expansion pack(s) or DLC.
I still have not bought the 2015 one. Not buying this one either.

EA could do so much better by allowing the community to fix their dumb mistakes with mods and server control. At least for pc. Console players really don't give a shit. They are happy with simple pew pew.

Fuck ea with a big rubber dooooooong.
You can buy these with in-game currency as well. The problem is, they convey real gameplay advantages in MP and are not just cosmetic. So yeah, they fucked up and this is definitely P2W.
EA has been doing loot crates for years in FPS.
I suspect the only real concern is if they are actually game impacting in a serious way. Skins and exp increases or little bonus's that you can get through regular play is no huge deal.
I don't expect it to be crazy.

They are not. They're abilities and weapons and such for various classes and hero characters.
Been playing the alpha... it feels like it was made by a bunch of guys making their first game. I was honestly shocked at just how bad it is.
It will be 4 years since I bought and played any fps. Been dead a long time now. Who plays any of this crap anymore?
It will be 4 years since I bought and played any fps. Been dead a long time now. Who plays any of this crap anymore?

Console gamers and 13-year-old edgelords, if I have to venture a guess.

The problem is the push for MP-only, P2P, P2W nonsense.
EA: "Alright we solved the premium pass problem, but how do we make up the difference so our investors don't get antsy in the pantsy?"
Battlefront really always ended up pissing me off every time I played. I have the lowest amount of hours of any Battlefield game with Battlefront.

Will be passing on on the sequel, thats for sure.
Just make a damn single player SW game already, disney. My wallet is ready. But you keep shoving it away.
Beyond the shitty P2W issue- if the items ARE available to players through regular play and you're not good enough to be able to obtain them, how do you expect those purchased random items to truly help you in any way? Unless, you get enough health boost kits to equate to God-mode living in which you can miss 8 out of 10 shots with your purchased legendary weapon and still be the last kid standing. *Pictures 10 year old, controller in hand, jumping in circles "WINNING! WINNING! WINNING!"*

Did you feel a disturbance in the force? It was me passing this yet to be released title so hard that Yoda got a nose bleed!