Star Wars III Made on Mac?


Limp Gawd
Mar 9, 2004
I am just wondering, prolly for my own personal desire for information, but was Star Wars Episode III made on Macs?

I know Episode I and II were made with G4 towers as I have seen in many behind the scenes shots, but I haven't seen or heard anything about III.

Anyone know?

From my experience, the G5s vastly outperform the G4s in most every task.
Twinson said:
I am just wondering, prolly for my own personal desire for information, but was Star Wars Episode III made on Macs?

I know Episode I and II were made with G4 towers as I have seen in many behind the scenes shots, but I haven't seen or heard anything about III.

Anyone know?

From my experience, the G5s vastly outperform the G4s in most every task.

I saw a small report on the News (Fox) a few weeks back, About how Lucas and his team used Athlon 64's. :confused:
Jasonx82 said:
I saw a small report on the News (Fox) a few weeks back, About how Lucas and his team used Athlon 64's. :confused:
for final rendering. I'm sure that the artists were allowed to use whatever they wanted to.
I saw an interview with some of the people who worked on the Matrix (or whatever it's called), in the studio they did it in. A bunch of old PowerMac 9600s in the background. :)
I don't think either one or two were created on Mac's alone. They use all kinds of high end workstations from what I remember seeing in "behind the scenes" videos.
AMD processors were used in Episode III as well as episode II(this when AMD just introduced their dual Athlons). It seems that alot of people in the movie industry are moving to AMD systems for rendering and what not...Sin City, and a few other well were done on AMD systems.
So the answer to that question would be a resounding NO. Macs were not used.

This pic is from the linked article several posts up. Obviously, all of the scene rendering was done on the Opteron cluster, but I'm sure much of the creative process took place on Macs. The guy in the pic is Dan Gregoire, Pre-Visualization Effects Supervisor at JAK Films, a division of Lucasfilm. Please take note of both the Powerbook and the iPod on his desk. ;)

edit: The monitor on the right appears to be running OS X as well, but it could be some linux/unix desktop.
audiojon said:
... Please take note of both the Powerbook and the iPod on his desk. ;)

edit: The monitor on the right appears to be running OS X as well, but it could be some linux/unix desktop.

Aren't you supposed to insert the comment here about "for getting real work done, he's using his Mac?" That always seems to be the Mac bigot line...
asevie said:
Aren't you supposed to insert the comment here about "for getting real work done, he's using his Mac?" That always seems to be the Mac bigot line...

Bigot? Sometimes, the truth hurts...troll somewhere else punk! While Episode 3 may have been done on Athlons, there are still plenty of systems running Macs. That may change, and it may change back again...what difference does it make? Not sure about the rendering on Pixar studios, but I AM sure their main network is OSX based. So yes, real work...and a bunch of mules to do the rendering :p
asevie said:
Aren't you supposed to insert the comment here about "for getting real work done, he's using his Mac?" That always seems to be the Mac bigot line...

Considering that he didn't, no.
Nasty_Savage said:
the truth hurts...troll somewhere else punk!

Who's trolling? I can't own a Mac and poke fun of the zealotry of your basic Mac bigot? So typical of the Mac faithful. Steve Jobs could make fun of Mac users and they'd throw him out on his a$$.
Not sure what this "Mac Faithful" you speak of is... I used my own home built PC for 10 years before making the switch (back, actually) to Mac. I switched due to increasing frustration with spyware and the like, and have been pleasantly surprised by OS X. Anyhow, I was merely pointing out the obvious to anyone that didn't take the time to look through that article.
yeah, i'll just add another new mac switcher, built my own boxes from pentium pro all the way to p4, windows chicago to xp sp2, bought a mac, then bought two more in as many months and i fully plan on moving the entire house over when i can afford to... lol. I guess that's what confuses us about the use of bigot, like a bigot is intolerant of those with opposite viewpoints, but we're not, in fact, we were of the opposite group, we just moved, the only thing we're intolerant of is patent cynicism towards any mac appreciation and said appreciation being arrogant simply because we've come to the conclusion it's easier and will defend our own reasoning... go you :rolleyes:

asevie said:
Who's trolling? I can't own a Mac and poke fun of the zealotry of your basic Mac bigot? So typical of the Mac faithful. Steve Jobs could make fun of Mac users and they'd throw him out on his a$$.

Nice try troll... :rolleyes:
Nasty_Savage said:
Nice try troll... :rolleyes:
So he is a troll for posting? Give me a break. So if people have no life (as you seem to fit the bill) and don’t live on here, then there posts are not valid? Give me a break, dork find a new hobby.

Say one thing to a MAC user and they get fired up, you should use that in your everyday life you may actually accomplish something!

But hey I must be a troll also since I don’t post on here right? nOOb you are!

Oh but wait your a network specialist so you must know everything there is to know about computers.. But wait if that were the truth then you would know how to build a quality machine, unlike the ones you post in your sig.
Nasty_Savage said:
Nice try troll... :rolleyes:

It all started with a Mac Plus and a 20MB hard drive (Summer of '88). From there it was on to an LCIII. I sold that and got the IIci, then a Quadra 700. The 700 was that cat's meow. I went hog wild with that purchase, I bought the One Scanner and a Laserwriter 630 (with Photograde and ethernet). Finally got an 840av and a 17" Apple monitor. From there on to my first PowerMac, an 8100, that was the summer of '94. Sold that for the trusted 7500 and then traded out and got a 9600. Got my first PB in the form of a 3400. Sold the 9600 and the 3400 for a PowerBookG3 (Lombard). I sold that and got a Titanium G4 PB. Along with that came a PowerMac G4 (867/Quicksilver). Sold those and went Macless for 2 years then recently bought a Mac Mini for grins. In the day I taught classes on the mothership, yes, the Cupertino campus. If I can't criticize Mac users, no one can. You guys are like scientologists, you get so wrapped up in your crap you can't fathom any else criticizing something you cherish so much. It's ok though, I used to make all the same arguments. I know where you're coming from. In the end, it doesn't really matter. You won't make a difference.
i dont see how people who build their own comps have trouble with spyware and the like. i mean are you really dumb enough to click where it says "CLICK HERE!!!! FOR FREE SEX/ PENIS SIZE/GOAT PORN/TUBGIRL/ECT!!!?!?!?!" i have NEVER had a virus on my pc, and have no problems with spyware.
ryanrule said:
i dont see how people who build their own comps have trouble with spyware and the like. i mean are you really dumb enough to click where it says "CLICK HERE!!!! FOR FREE SEX/ PENIS SIZE/GOAT PORN/TUBGIRL/ECT!!!?!?!?!" i have NEVER had a virus on my pc, and have no problems with spyware.

hahahah excellent! I agree 100% only a real dipshi* gets spyware, and an even dumber dipshi* cant get rid of it..

I too use to be a MAC user.. Key word Use to be.. Its great if you like to play games 3 years after they are released. But wait I must be a troll if I only use my computers to game!.. Bah some people kill me.
Well I guess I must be a dipshi* then. :rolleyes: I used Firefox, and had a firewall, and my PC still managed to slow to a freaking crawl just a few months after doing a clean install of Win XP. All I know is that I get a lot more done on my G5 now that I don't have to worry about it getting filled up with crap pushed onto it from the 'net. BTW, I never opened infectious emails, but I'm sure I spent some time looking at porn, so who knows maybe that's where all the spyware came from. :p

Bottom line is, I've got nothing against PC users, but anyone that claims all Mac users are zealots needs their head examined.