Star Wars Jedi: Survivor


Fully [H]
Oct 25, 2004
Today, Respawn and Electronic Arts formally announced Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order 2, the sequel to the highly successful 2019 action/adventure game...Game director Stig Asmussen, who previously oversaw development of God of War 3 for Sony and Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order at Respawn, is working on the next game in Respawn’s Star Wars Jedi series, EA confirmed...
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I figured they would. In spite of its technical issues (at least on the PC), Fallen Order was a neat game that did a lot of things well. I enjoyed it a lot and look forward to more.
I enjoyed the first one quite a bit. My only real complaints that weren't addressed were the counter system being tied to the frame rate and the level design. It was fine from a gameplay perspective but I disliked how elements of it looked like a game world rather than an actual place. Lastly, I hated the lack of a quick travel. It was horrible to have to back track through places or move through some very complex and maze like environments to hunt down secret locations, etc.
I enjoyed the first one quite a bit. My only real complaints that weren't addressed were the counter system being tied to the frame rate and the level design. It was fine from a gameplay perspective but I disliked how elements of it looked like a game world rather than an actual place. Lastly, I hated the lack of a quick travel. It was horrible to have to back track through places or move through some very complex and maze like environments to hunt down secret locations, etc.

Agree about fast travel...that ice level was a real pain in the ass to traverse.
When I played it I was still on my 1080ti gpus so I was max 60fps with no hdmi 2.1. I don't really recall any major frame rate issues with the gameplay, at least at the settings I was running trying to keep 60fps. I don't really recall any bugs either but I played it much later than it came out so it had probably been patched several times. It was released November 2019 and I played it January-February 2021.

I enjoyed it a lot. I played it through and finished it completely on jedi master, one under the most bullet-spongiest hardest difficulty. It was very punishing of mistakes at that difficulty so it gave it more of a souls-like feel to me. Common mobs (and especially more monstrous ones or special ones) could take you out pretty quick if you weren't on point combat performance wise. I also used an ini mod to remove the HUD so that made it more difficult since you had to guess your force power remaining/charging and your health/stim use.

Along with Nioh2 which I played though soon after, it was a great showcase for HDR on my 48CX OLED. If I had played it on an easier, more tourist-y mode I might not have enjoyed it as much but at the challenge I played it was very gritty and gave some real sense of accomplishment when you'd defeat something or someone, and some outcries and laughs at yourself dying. It took me a little while to get my chops vs a few monsters though at the very beginning to be honest. There was a learning curve skills wise and learning opponent's move-sets.

The level design wasn't bad really but it did require some spelunking. While I don't like games that overly do the find half of the blue key and walk through everything you already did 3x to get the other half kind of thing, personally I also don't like when games fast travel everything and use rewinding grappling hooks to bypass terrain and level designs. I'm also not a fan of the japanese action game mechanic where the characters turbo boost their movement constantly like an arcade game. It's A.D.D. tiktok attention span gameplay. But those are my own preferences. I saw that there is a auto-rewind grappling hook and a force field style glider thing in the upcoming horizon 2 also. Short glider glides from an achieved height aren't horrible but spiderman/tarzan web swinging and vine swinging through a whole level bypassing terrain via grappling hooks is not my kind of gameplay personally so hopefully it's use is relegated to certain areas/outcrops/hotspots.

I think if they had made the meditation circles in fallen order work like bonfires in souls games, where you could teleport between at least any bonfire on the same level that you had visited before, it would have made things less of a chore. That is fast travel but done sparingly with spread out locations. Meditation does respawn the level though (which I like) so fast traveling via save points would have a cost. It could even cost some kind of currency/resource or cooldown if they wanted it to be used more sparingly. I did enjoy the physical puzzles in jedi fallen order as well. Also the wall running stuff , sliding, jumping, timing etc was a skill of it's own. Overall it had a very cinematic feel to the game while still having some of that 3rd person souls-like gameplay and some tomb-raider style puzzle stuff and traversal mechanics.

I really enjoyed a certain occult level (Dathomir) which I think had a great design and boss. The level design was cool and it had unique opponents including witches and thralls among a few other things. That and the final boss was very engaging and with challenging fight mechanics at the level of difficulty and zero hud way I was playing. It really stood out from the other levels design wise. But I've always enjoyed occult things in media and games. Star wars/jedis are really about occult magus/sorceror sword saint(s).

Looking forward to the next one. If it has bugs at release I'll just wait it out longer.
I did buy nioh2 early on, in the first few months of it's release (as soon as I finished fallen order) - and there were a few bugs so I was kicking myself a little for buying early on that game. I usually wait a considerable amount of time before buying a game unless it's an online powerhouse whose player base might shrink or die over time. I did manage to get past the worst bug I experienced in nioh2 but for a few days I was stuck completely at a load screen that never loaded the level so I thought my whole playthrough was ruined, and this was well into the game and character build, maybe 70% - 80% of the game completed at that point. Patient gamer for the win... bug fixes, drivers/performance/features upgraded, and sales. In fact I scored fallen order on a humble bundle at some point. Well worth the price I paid for it.
When I played it I was still on my 1080ti gpus so I was max 60fps with no hdmi 2.1. I don't really recall any major frame rate issues with the gameplay, at least at the settings I was running trying to keep 60fps. I don't really recall any bugs either but I played it much later than it came out so it had probably been patched several times. It was released November 2019 and I played it January-February 2021.

I enjoyed it a lot. I played it through and finished it completely on jedi master, one under the most bullet-spongiest hardest difficulty. It was very punishing of mistakes at that difficulty so it gave it more of a souls-like feel to me. Common mobs (and especially more monstrous ones or special ones) could take you out pretty quick if you weren't on point combat performance wise. I also used an ini mod to remove the HUD so that made it more difficult since you had to guess your force power remaining/charging and your health/stim use.

Along with Nioh2 which I played though soon after, it was a great showcase for HDR on my 48CX OLED. If I had played it on an easier, more tourist-y mode I might not have enjoyed it as much but at the challenge I played it was very gritty and gave some real sense of accomplishment when you'd defeat something or someone, and some outcries and laughs at yourself dying. It took me a little while to get my chops vs a few monsters though at the very beginning to be honest. There was a learning curve skills wise and learning opponent's move-sets.

The level design wasn't bad really but it did require some spelunking. While I don't like games that overly do the find half of the blue key and walk through everything you already did 3x to get the other half kind of thing, personally I also don't like when games fast travel everything and use rewinding grappling hooks to bypass terrain and level designs. I'm also not a fan of the japanese action game mechanic where the characters turbo boost their movement constantly like an arcade game. It's A.D.D. tiktok attention span gameplay. But those are my own preferences. I saw that there is a auto-rewind grappling hook and a force field style glider thing in the upcoming horizon 2 also. Short glider glides from an achieved height aren't horrible but spiderman/tarzan web swinging and vine swinging through a whole level bypassing terrain via grappling hooks is not my kind of gameplay personally so hopefully it's use is relegated to certain areas/outcrops/hotspots.

I think if they had made the meditation circles in fallen order work like bonfires in souls games, where you could teleport between at least any bonfire on the same level that you had visited before, it would have made things less of a chore. That is fast travel but done sparingly with spread out locations. Meditation does respawn the level though (which I like) so fast traveling via save points would have a cost. It could even cost some kind of currency/resource or cooldown if they wanted it to be used more sparingly. I did enjoy the physical puzzles in jedi fallen order as well. Also the wall running stuff , sliding, jumping, timing etc was a skill of it's own. Overall it had a very cinematic feel to the game while still having some of that 3rd person souls-like gameplay and some tomb-raider style puzzle stuff and traversal mechanics.

I really enjoyed a certain occult level (Dathomir) which I think had a great design and boss. The level design was cool and it had unique opponents including witches and thralls among a few other things. That and the final boss was very engaging and with challenging fight mechanics at the level of difficulty and zero hud way I was playing. It really stood out from the other levels design wise. But I've always enjoyed occult things in media and games. Star wars/jedis are really about occult magus/sorceror sword saint(s).

Looking forward to the next one. If it has bugs at release I'll just wait it out longer.
I did buy nioh2 early on, in the first few months of it's release (as soon as I finished fallen order) - and there were a few bugs so I was kicking myself a little for buying early on that game. I usually wait a considerable amount of time before buying a game unless it's an online powerhouse whose player base might shrink or die over time. I did manage to get past the worst bug I experienced in nioh2 but for a few days I was stuck completely at a load screen that never loaded the level so I thought my whole playthrough was ruined, and this was well into the game and character build, maybe 70% - 80% of the game completed at that point. Patient gamer for the win... bug fixes, drivers/performance/features upgraded, and sales. In fact I scored fallen order on a humble bundle at some point. Well worth the price I paid for it.
I didn't say anything about frame rate issues. The game was known to have its combat / parry system timing tied to the framerate. Playing the game at 120Hz literally meant you had half the time to parry an attack you had at 60Hz/60FPS and that was half as much as you had at 30Hz/30FPS. This above all else is what made the game incredibly difficult for PC players.
I found it a bit boring and vanilla (as all SW games tend to be), but it was the first Star Wars game I played apart from Rogue Squadron in the past 15 years that I finished.

I do recall the dodge and parry mechanic being unduly difficult, and I was playing on a 120hz screen at the time -- now I know why.
I didn't say anything about frame rate issues. The game was known to have its combat / parry system timing tied to the framerate. Playing the game at 120Hz literally meant you had half the time to parry an attack you had at 60Hz/60FPS and that was half as much as you had at 30Hz/30FPS. This above all else is what made the game incredibly difficult for PC players.

Ah ok. I meant "frame rate issues in regard to gameplay mechanics" but I guess it was good timing that I was stuck at 60fpsHz when I played it as I was still on hdmi 2.0b off of a 1080ti. Had I known and was at 120fpsHz peak I probably would have just capped it at 60.
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In case anyone wasn't aware, "Jedi: Fallen Order" is available for "free" with a prime membership this month on prime gaming, through February 7th.

Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order is featured as one of Prime Gaming’s free games for the month of January. The offer is only available for PC gamers on Origin through February 7th. All you need to do to claim the game is head to Prime Gaming with an Amazon Prime account, get the code, and redeem it through Origin.
i'm a massive star wars nerd but two things kept me from getting excited to play this game. well, three really. one: the level design looks SO bad, especially when you compare it to the games it's trying to ape (soulsborne.) nothing makes "sense" in terms of being a real environment. every part of every map (for the most part) looks like it was specifically laid out to give the player room for combat, an obstacle course, or things to wallrun on. two: the stuttering issues. i hate hate HATE stuttering in games. the occasional one here or there is fine, but this game clearly has a big problem in this area no matter what the hardware you're playing on (this is one of those things that some people are really sensitive to and some aren't.. i'm in the sensitive category.) and three (and this is even more subjective): the protagonist is just entirely uninteresting to me. not visually, not from a storytelling standpoint, not from the actor's performance.. just actually the most bland character they could have possibly come up with.

they can fix everything for the sequel if they try EXCEPT the third point which is why i remain unexcited for this series :/ but as we all know, opinions are like buttholes
Yeah it wasn't souls/nioh/sekiro but it was an enjoyable adventure for me with some good cinematic story bits and on the highest tiers was challenging combat and challenging to complete. Especially since I scored it cheap as part of a humble bundle. I don't recall if I got much stutter as I was pretty much maintaining 60fps and I played it very late (It was released November 2019 and I played it January-February 2021) so maybe they patched it a few times and potentially got nvidia driver performance fixes.
There were quite a few technical issues with the game early on, but I don't recall experiencing many if any of them. I certainly didn't experience anything that soured my opinion on the game. I did experience the difficulties dealing with the parry system timing as I was running on a 120Hz display at the time.
Yeah it wasn't souls/nioh/sekiro...

yup, why people keep calling Fallen Order Souls-like is beyond me...just because it uses parrying and might be a tad bit more difficult than your standard game doesn't make it a Souls game
yup, why people keep calling Fallen Order Souls-like is beyond me...just because it uses parrying and might be a tad bit more difficult than your standard game doesn't make it a Souls game
It was the difficulty which was made worse by the vast amount of people playing on 1920x1080/144Hz+ displays who basically couldn't use the dodge/parry system at all as a result. It made the combat sections much harder than they otherwise were. People who capped their frame rate at 30FPS found that the game's difficulty became trivial at that point.
yup, why people keep calling Fallen Order Souls-like is beyond me...just because it uses parrying and might be a tad bit more difficult than your standard game doesn't make it a Souls game

I meant it wasn't a game of that rating/quality but it was still fun.

It did have a lot of visual design cues that were reminiscent of "souls-like" games. Some of which were meditation circles~bonfire checkpoints theme, multiple injections/pots for health that restore at checkpoint "praying" while the whole level is respawned, (and which you gain more of as the game progresses to a point just like in souls/niohs) the lock on and orbit targeting system that puts a light in the center of the targeted opponent so you can do a familiar combat dance, on the hardest tiers of difficulty it could be punishing esp. if you got sloppy or were unskilled on common groups of mobs or specials, the mechanic of doing multiple attempts on bosses in similar arena styles and again with the targeting combat mechanics. You also can go back to where you died to get your experience points back which is familiar.

It wasn't *a* souls game but it had some familiar themes and took a good amount of inspiration from those games. Even if other games had those cues and themes in the past, they've become synonymous with "souls-like" as that is what most people identify them with now. It had other facets like the wall running and sliding acrobatics and the platformer puzzles though too.

According to an in-depth Game Informer preview, the game's structure is directly inspired by Metroid Prime, and the devs even mapped Metroid Prime's upgrade structure directly onto Fallen Order. "Ours in Jedi: Fallen Order is nothing like that," game director Stig Asmussen tells GI. "but it was a good exercise to go through.

"I think [Jedi: Fallen Order’s approach] will feel fresh; it’s not exactly like Metroidvania. We also looked at games like Bloodborne and Dark Souls that have the same types of methodology. We studied those games and they inspired us to find an experience that works well for our game.”

Fallen Order borrows much more from Dark Souls, Bloodborne, and even Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice. Your droid's health canisters behave very much like Dark Souls' Estus Flasks. You only replenish them when you rest on your ship or save points. Over the course of the game you upgrade the number of healing vials you can access between rests. Save points also respawn minor enemies in the area—again, just like Dark Souls.

Practiced Sekiro fans will enjoy the fact that Fallen Order lets you parry with a well-timed press of the left bumper. Enemies have a block meter that you can break with successive attacks, and this opens them up to a lightsaber execution move. This system was very satisfying in Sekiro and is a good fit for high-lethality lightsaber combat.


Earlier this year, FromSoftware’s demanding Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice prompted a polarizing debate over whether video games should always have difficulty settings that make them more accessible to a larger audience, or if “hard” games are fine the way they are. Earlier this year Respawn’s lead combat designer Jasen de Heras said that the new Star Wars project was heavily inspired by Dark Souls and Sekiro’s unrelenting and tactical combat style–something that either sounds fantastic or terrible, depending on a player’s personal preferences.
yup, why people keep calling Fallen Order Souls-like is beyond me...just because it uses parrying and might be a tad bit more difficult than your standard game doesn't make it a Souls game
i didn't say it was a souls game, just that it clearly apes those games. the save/checkpoint system and basics of combat are clearly inspired by those games or were at least patterned after them
i didn't say it was a souls game, just that it clearly apes those games. the save/checkpoint system and basics of combat are clearly inspired by those games or were at least patterned after them
It certainly did have the souls-like combat. Which I think works great when you have 1v1 or 1v2 but when there's like 3 melee and 5 ST shooting at you it's a pretty clunky system. I enjoyed my recent playthrough and I'm glad I played one below the hardest difficulty because it would have gotten into the tedious rather than fun area in a bunch of encounters.
I got bored with this game because nit was basically a side-scroller masquerading as an open world. Also, the combat made me rage quit on that lce level when you have to complete several jumps while dodging non-delectable blasters (with way too long in-between checkpoints on that Windmill-jump segment.)

I know it's possible to enjoy twitch combat in 3d with lots of jumping and dodging (currently playing through YS8 , and have reached at the halfway point without getting frustrated, because combat doesn't suck!)

I'm not buying the sequel unless they address these issues!
There were quite a few technical issues with the game early on, but I don't recall experiencing many if any of them. I certainly didn't experience anything that soured my opinion on the game. I did experience the difficulties dealing with the parry system timing as I was running on a 120Hz display at the time.
I played through it, but I recall there being fairly frequent stutters which is typical for many UE4 games for some reason. Which for a game like this is a big issue. Keep in mind, every other game runs fine for me, be it God of War, Horizon Zero Dawn, CoD, etc. This game was just super stuttery/janky.
I played through it, but I recall there being fairly frequent stutters which is typical for many UE4 games for some reason. Which for a game like this is a big issue. Keep in mind, every other game runs fine for me, be it God of War, Horizon Zero Dawn, CoD, etc. This game was just super stuttery/janky.
I don't recall having that problem. Or if I did it was infrequent enough for me to ignore it.
It was the difficulty which was made worse by the vast amount of people playing on 1920x1080/144Hz+ displays who basically couldn't use the dodge/parry system at all as a result. It made the combat sections much harder than they otherwise were. People who capped their frame rate at 30FPS found that the game's difficulty became trivial at that point.

did they eventually fix these issues?
did they eventually fix these issues?
I don't think so. They made a number of updates to the game and even changed the lightsaber customization system based on feedback but I think that issue remains. It's similar to basing your game physics on frame rates. It's more common than you think and its apparently a very easy way to code things. I suspect it was done for the console version and they didn't think about it when they porting it to the PC where we have considerably higher frame rates than consoles are generally capable of.
I don't think so. They made a number of updates to the game and even changed the lightsaber customization system based on feedback but I think that issue remains. It's similar to basing your game physics on frame rates. It's more common than you think and its apparently a very easy way to code things. I suspect it was done for the console version and they didn't think about it when they porting it to the PC where we have considerably higher frame rates than consoles are generally capable of.

Console ports from Bethesda have been doing this shit for over a decade, but only if you run thing above 60.

the fact that a game engine from much more recen took an even wussier way out (by fixng it to only 30) tells you allyou need to know aboutm how quickly this crap was rushed-out by EA
Fallen Order was just fantastic. I really found the cast of characters, including the villains, and the narrative to be just a fun offshoot of star wars lore. It had a lot of heart and I was impressed that they were able to come up with original characters that felt both original but also very Star Wars.

The customization of light sabers was awesome. The combat was awesome. I typically don’t go for this kind of parry and dodge based game (I believe this falls under the Arkham/Dark Souls type) but I enjoyed the challenge here. They got a lot right.

I also liked the steady progression of abilities that steadily rewarded you for your efforts. I felt powerful, but also challenged.

There is no denying they got a lot wrong as well. I enjoyed the journey, but the level design of temples felt underbaked and sort of bland. Some of the level design was clunky elsewhere as well, but the locales all were memorable for me.

This was definitely a grab the xbox controller and enjoy it kind of PC port for me. It didn’t melt hardware but I found it visually pleasing. I have a soft spot for light sabers, however.

Looking forward to what is next for this franchise.
In case anyone wasn't aware, "Jedi: Fallen Order" is available for "free" with a prime membership this month on prime gaming, through February 7th.
Thanks! I played it via a promo month on whatever EA Play was called in 2019 but haven't been able to do any more playthroughs since I unsubscribed after promo pricing ended. I loved it, really enjoyed the gameplay, graphics, atmosphere etc.
insider Jeff Grubb confirmed that the sequel to Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order will be called Star Wars Jedi: Survivor...PC and current generation consoles only and rumors point to a February or March 2023 release date

a member of the community named colonelsanders correctly guessed the title...I wonder if it's the same Colonel Sanders from [H}?
Would be interesting to see if it made the jump to UE5 but I am doubting it. Looking forward to it. Last game was fun. Could've been better, but I liked it enough to be looking forward to this one.
To me it was tomb raider with light sabers. I enjoyed the lore and some of the scenes depicting Pre empire ships and ahem, debris like the Kashyyk level showing the aftermath. I also enjoyed Republic Commando for the same reasons. Granted not ground breaking gmes by any stretch but i am a sucker for the universe…
I'm replaying Fallen Order right now (mainly out of boredom) and I still think it's 100% a Souls-like game, although it leans more in the Sekiro direction. Still, it's unmistakably part of that genre. It also still has those weird hitches even with a 3090/120Hz/Gsync, although they still seem to be related to specific loading spots. I don't find myself caring all that much.

I'm all about a sequel to this game anyway. I appreciate the time they put into the sound, music, and little details.
I'm replaying Fallen Order right now (mainly out of boredom) and I still think it's 100% a Souls-like game, although it leans more in the Sekiro direction. Still, it's unmistakably part of that genre. It also still has those weird hitches even with a 3090/120Hz/Gsync, although they still seem to be related to specific loading spots. I don't find myself caring all that much.

I'm all about a sequel to this game anyway. I appreciate the time they put into the sound, music, and little details.

Very much agree...was just a fun game to play
Star Wars Jedi: Survivor- Official Teaser

Picking up five years after the events of Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order...coming in 2023...

Everything seems to be coming for 2023. It's looking more and more like 2022 is going to be lame as hell for game releases, regardless of whether or not you are a console or PC player. In fact, so far its looking like 2022 is going to go down as one of the worst years in PC gaming and 2023 is shaping up to be one of the best. These things are usually cyclical with one year being "meh" and the next being great, but so many titles keep getting pushed to 2023 making this effect worse than it normally would be.

I hope it can run ray tracing on 2060.
The RTX 2060 being able to do ray tracing is a mere technicality. The card isn't fast enough to do it in any game that doesn't look like pong. The only way you'll get ray tracing out of an RTX 2060 in Fallen Order's sequel will be if they limit ray tracing effects to something extremely mundane and barely noticeable. The only card that could functionally do ray tracing well out of the 20 series was the RTX 2080 Ti. Even that card isn't worth a crap at it.
Yup, 2022 is shaping up to suck for new games. Other than Elden Ring (and maybe Horizon Forbidden West) we've seen almost nothing in the first half of the year. Gotham Knights is the only big name release still slated to actually come out for the rest of the year. I'm not so sure that won't impact the new hardware coming out this year, too. With no major games that can't be maxed out on current hardware, there might not be the same motivation to buy something new. Especially with DLSS and FSR getting to be so effective.

With Jedi Survivor, it doesn't seem like they're that far along in development. 2023 might not even happen considering the polish they're probably going to try and replicate. Depending on the timeline, they could go for the gusto and shoot for RT functionality beyond what's available right now. The first game needed pretty potent hardware to max out when it arrived.
Everything seems to be coming for 2023. It's looking more and more like 2022 is going to be lame as hell for game releases, regardless of whether or not you are a console or PC player. In fact, so far its looking like 2022 is going to go down as one of the worst years in PC gaming and 2023 is shaping up to be one of the best. These things are usually cyclical with one year being "meh" and the next being great, but so many titles keep getting pushed to 2023 making this effect worse than it normally would be.

2022 is a down year overall but Elden Ring exceeded the hype and expectations and will go down as an all-time great...Forbidden West also did well (although for some reason the hype seemed to have died out quick)...God of War (PC), Uncharted Collection (PC) also seem poised to usher in a new Sony PC partnership
Everything seems to be coming for 2023. It's looking more and more like 2022 is going to be lame as hell for game releases, regardless of whether or not you are a console or PC player. In fact, so far its looking like 2022 is going to go down as one of the worst years in PC gaming and 2023 is shaping up to be one of the best. These things are usually cyclical with one year being "meh" and the next being great, but so many titles keep getting pushed to 2023 making this effect worse than it normally would be.

The RTX 2060 being able to do ray tracing is a mere technicality. The card isn't fast enough to do it in any game that doesn't look like pong. The only way you'll get ray tracing out of an RTX 2060 in Fallen Order's sequel will be if they limit ray tracing effects to something extremely mundane and barely noticeable. The only card that could functionally do ray tracing well out of the 20 series was the RTX 2080 Ti. Even that card isn't worth a crap at it.

2022 is a down year overall but Elden Ring exceeded the hype and expectations and will go down as an all-time great...Forbidden West also did well (although for some reason the hype seemed to have died out quick)...God of War (PC), Uncharted Collection (PC) also seem poised to usher in a new Sony PC partnership

Elden Ring will keep some people busy for years with different builds. Even on and off revisiting the game like some of the dark souls games, nioh 1 and/or 2, and games like witcher3 (and even GTA V). RPGs offer alot of playtime and re-playability due to different build types. They will also be releasing a DLC eventually for Elden Ring which I'm looking forward to. Love the game. I'm fine with it being the only game released in 2022 for me personally to be honest, if being self-centered. :p

Looking forward to it. I enjoyed the creature designs and graphics/visuals and HDR quality in the first one along with a few notable boss fights and level designs.