Star Wars Republic Commando...


Oct 10, 2004
I just picked this game up, I beat the Punisher last night so I needed a new game.

I'm really enjoying it. I think it was well done and the missions are pretty damn hard.

Thoughts? Opinions? Who else has it?
I would be playing it now, but instead I have to format my computer :( goddamn audigy twos and their fscked up software.... :mad:
Audigy 2's do have crap software. I am enjoying this game myself. I do also think that some of the missions are hard.
I was supposed to go to my sister's house for dinner but decided to sit home and play RC instead. she's pissed but she'll get over it. hehe

Speaking of Audigy 2's what issues are you guys having? Did your remote controls stop working completely? Cause that's the problem I'm having.
sorry to hijack the thread...

but okay, I have a pretty much vanilla OEM Audigy 2 - my brother bought it for me. When he bought it he got two identical ones, one for himself, one for me. I installed it, put the software and drivers on and it USUALLY works pretty well.

Until that crappy EAX console crashes every two minutes, that is... This is using the drivers and software that came on the CD along with the card. I have spent numerous hours on Creative's website attempting to find the actual drivers and software for the plain audigy2, though all they have is updates and the only easy and quick links to anything are for the audigy4 or the audigy2zs.

Anyway, I formatted for the first time with this card recently (I had an SB live! Vale prior). I installed the software, and everything seemed fine until I rebooted. Now one of two scenarios will happen:

1) Windows recognises the card, while creative's software does not.


3) creative's software recognises it (albeit dodgedly some components do, others don't or they tell me the card is not properly installed), while windows does not.

In both cases, the diagnostic program from creative tells me the same thing: midis and waves are failed, though in winamp, I can play and hear music... other media players are a no go. I'm kinda lost, though my first idea is to format again... anyone got any ideas on the software and what I might try?

edit: screenie for reference:

I don't have that problem. My card works great but for some reason the remote control ceased to function completely.
I was excited about this game until I played the demo. I didn't like the game too much because the missions in the demo were super duper linear and the weapons were pretty weak. Maybe it's a good game if I played it a little more, but I'll need some convincing.

About the Audigy 2's: My problem is garbled intermittent noises when I use TeamSpeak2. Every other voice program works, but TS gives me problems. I go to the TS website and they say it's a driver issue and to try some EX or VX user made driver set, and that didn't go to well. Other than that it's been OK.
It's really a fun game. The missions are pretty difficult. I still haven't gotten a hang of commanding the squad, and that's partly because there is so much going on that it's hard to tell your team mates what to do when you are trying not to die yourself.

I really like how you can revive your squad mates and they can revive you. I got hurt and was given the option to be revived or have the squad carry on with the last command I gave them. I told them to carry on and had them revive me after all the enemies were dead.

It's probably one of the nicest squad based FPS shooters I've played. I never cared for Rainbow Six or any of the TC games (with the exception of SC).

And it really sounds like the Audigy's have a colorful array of bizzare ass problems.
I liked the demo well enough, I may pick this up. How long is it supposed to be ?

I don't install any of that creative garbage. Just the streamlined driver package and it's never given me any problems. So in my taskbar I just have the normal windows volume control.
I had all that stuff installed with my SB Live, but I never used it so I figured why put it on ?
Man I love my Audigy 2 ZS and I have never had a single problem with it. I am thinking that your problem might be a driver issue. I am using the drivers off of the Website. I wouldn't think that there are many differences between the ZS and the vanilla model. Oh and srry about your remote. That is a hardware problem and I don't have the model with the breakout box.
Munka- after you reformatted, did you reinstall the audigy drivers off of the CD? Or did you just use the ones you could find on the creative website.

I had a similar problem with my audigy 2 zs, which I fixed by first installing the drivers that came with the card and then installing the latest ones from the website.

@ the end of each of the 3 primary missions if all your teammates survive it says you have unlocked an extra level or something how do you get to play these levels.......
They don't unlock levels exactly, in many cases it's just bonus features about the making of the game and crap like that. All interesting stuff, but I haven't seen any levels being unlocked.
Sir-Fragalot said:
They don't unlock levels exactly, in many cases it's just bonus features about the making of the game and crap like that. All interesting stuff, but I haven't seen any levels being unlocked.

you'r right....i got all that making of the movie and some other crap videos that i can watch..


P.S. the game rocks
Loving this game so far...

However, some of the missions are really, really hard.

Stuck on the Wookie bridge at the moment... spent the last 90 minutes dying repeatedly... I still haven't figured out what to do.

But overall the graphics look really nice and I have had NO technical issues... unlike KOTOR II.

Definitely recommended.
Enjoying it myself - awesome game.

As for the gameplay - yeah I've been put on my ass quite frequently, those damn super battle droids always kick my ass.

I've encountered one bug on the first mission on Geonosis, theres a room with a tunnel to the left hand side, for some reason one of my squadmates gets stuck on the wall.
darkjedi said:
Loving this game so far...

However, some of the missions are really, really hard.

Stuck on the Wookie bridge at the moment... spent the last 90 minutes dying repeatedly... I still haven't figured out what to do.
Yeah, that ones is a real bitch if you don't use your squad :D

Heres what i ended up doing...

First, i set someone up on the sniping position, first one you see, then i took out the anti-armor gun and fragged between the SBD's (it works) and cleared as many of them as i could.

Next thing you want to do is kill all the regular battle droids, and snipe the all off the turret. As long as you get a headshot, it'll only take one shot each time. Once you knock out the turret, leave the sniper in position, tell your squad to form on you, run up the grenade position near the wookie on the right side of the bridge, put someone on it.

Next, run to the SBD dispenser nearest to the turret, have one of your squad mates put a bomb on it, meanwhile keep the sbd's coming out busy somehow... now you have to do this carefully, no grenades, no AA gun, i just shot at them with the plasma gun (standard issue) and kept them shooting at me until sev got the bomb on it.

After i got the bomb on, i killed that dispenser and put my remaining team mate on the turret, called up the sniper from his position and bombed the other dispenser. After that was all done, i placed the bomb and that was that.

There are a LOT of levels where you have to do things like that. Clearing the hangars on the ghost ship, for instance, is a lot easier when you make use of your squad at every front.

Commanding the squad takes a lil getting used to, but on pc its easy; i had it down to snaps of the mouse and the use button. Also remember to focus them on the harder targets first in the cases where the SBD's are coming in with hordes of BD's.

Also, the droideka's, they are weak in close. If you find one is pinning you down, and you don't have the emp grens or the aa to blast them with, run up and start knifing or shooting them up close.

Alternate your squad from aggressive to formed on you in certain cases. Clearing halls they are fine at aggressive mode, when theres a lot of cover, but you want them on you if there are large open spaces, and you want them guarding a specific area if its a situation where the enemy keeps coming.

I've never seen em run out of ammo, which is great, cuz i tended to a lot... finding myself down to a pistol and nades at a lot of points.

Anyhoot... heh

I thought PC Gamer's rating of this game was a travesty. IMO its very fun, and simply enough to really get into without getting bogged down. (Atleast, after a little bit of a learning curve) Its a great game, I definately recommend it :)
I got an email from Creative last night. They want me to boot into safe mode, uninstall the Audigy and do a whole bunch of other wierd ass stuff, the email was literally 2 pages long. I said to myself, "Yeah, fuck that noise, it's only the remote I can just reach up and turn the knob on the break out box." So for now, the remote is down but everything else works fine.

And I'm stuck on the level where you have to get to the bridge of the ship to slice the console.

I put a sniper on the only sniper position I could find but he was killed almost instantly by an SBD, then me and one other squad mate charged up to the console where I put him on the second sniper position where he was cut down instantly, I sliced the console revived all my squad mates and got myself killed in the process. They in turn also got killed. That level is bloddy hard.
The lack of flexibility in commanding your squad and the seeming repetition is what kills this game for me. By lack of flexibility, each obstacle pretty much has one way of dealing with it. If you see a spot to assign one of your squad to then you pretty much know that you should. I would prefer a less linear progression to the level. But that is just me. :D
Squad based, but I wouldn't say it's like Rainbow Six, your squad is a lot easier to command than in RS. At least I think so. RS was a pain in the ass.
for those of you who are finding the missions really hard.....learn to use your squad effectively, dont Rambo you way or try to get things done fast. The trick is for establist a really good defence using 2 guys on your squad command the 3rd guy to plant the explosives and you cover his back, also take you time with the missions :D
That's the problem I'm having with the bridge mission. I'm freaked out because by the time we get tot he bridge theres only 2 minutes left and a lot of guys to kill. Plus we have to slice the computer to open the doors. I tried rushing intot he room and killed off my squad instead of setting up some defensive positions.
I think what I'm enjoying about this game the most is the way that the music is intergrated in several points in the game....unfortunately, there have been very few points where the game has been challenging in the least, though the wookie bridge was definitely a pain in the ass.
This game is a pretty basic rail-linear shooter at its core; nothing too different or exciting, but solid gameplay nontheless. The Star Wars license, satisfactory graphics, juicy weapons and endless enemies do enough justice to come together to make a half-way decent shooter. IGN said it best with a 8.2 rating, but I think PC Gamer was a bit critical with a 62% verdict.
Strykur said:
This game is a pretty basic rail-linear shooter at its core; nothing too different or exciting, but solid gameplay nontheless. The Star Wars license, satisfactory graphics, juicy weapons and endless enemies do enough justice to come together to make a half-way decent shooter. IGN said it best with a 8.2 rating, but I think PC Gamer was a bit critical with a 62% verdict.

I agree. It's not ground breaking but it is a solid single player FPS that's just plain fun. I don't know about replay value so much, but it is definately worth going through at least once.
I'm definitely having fun with it.

Aside from the "Blue Screen of Death" I've been getting since installing it. Looks like I'll be uninstalling it then reinstalling it to see if that takes care of my BSOD.