Starcraft 2 Beta

So I'm a protoss player and my first five games have been with all Terrans. They usually spam Thors and I'm done, What should be my counter to cheap ass Thors?

Easy, don't let him spam thors. Immortal push him and its a gg lol. Zealot/stalker/sentry push him even.
oh wow somsone just tried to do that retarded ling rush glitch, or whatever. I scouted early to make sure and hide my drone and sent a few more outside of his base. When he rushed I built 3 spore crawlers and he left.

So stupid some peoples is.
oh wow somsone just tried to do that retarded ling rush glitch, or whatever. I scouted early to make sure and hide my drone and sent a few more outside of his base. When he rushed I built 3 spore crawlers and he left.

So stupid some peoples is.

Yeah that thing needs to be nerfed, I read about it but I havent been on to see it myself. They are getting it patched apparently. Its worse than cheese.

Also, I think you mean spine crawlers.

Also Nearsite, those novice maps kinda makes it hard I guess haha.
49 KB/s and 11 hours to go

This download is a freaking joke... God I hate torrenting

I'm uploading more then im receiving
Yay! I got my SC2 beta key from GameStop and I'm down for some gaming after the NBA playoff games tonight but I have a few questions for you guys: what are some good SC2 sites with decent discussions, strategies, and replays? I'm going to play a few games vs computers to figure out all the new things they put it :D
Fun game.

Just won my first practice match. Practice matches look way too slow though.

Marauders + 3 tanks + 3 thors + 20 vikings and 4 BC's wiped the zerg =\
Fun game.

Just won my first practice match. Practice matches look way too slow though.

Marauders + 3 tanks + 3 thors + 20 vikings and 4 BC's wiped the zerg =\

Yeah a practice match allowing all those units is slow, plus its on a slower speed.
how long is it taking you to connect to

It's been sitting here for a few minutes trying to connect
Yeah that thing needs to be nerfed, I read about it but I havent been on to see it myself. They are getting it patched apparently. Its worse than cheese.

Also, I think you mean spine crawlers.

Also Nearsite, those novice maps kinda makes it hard I guess haha.

oh yeah, spine crawlers.
Anyone pre-order from Gamestop tonight? I just pre-ordered like 10 mins ago and I'm wondering if I'll get the key tonight or if I have to wait till Monday.
Yay! I got my SC2 beta key from GameStop and I'm down for some gaming after the NBA playoff games tonight but I have a few questions for you guys: what are some good SC2 sites with decent discussions, strategies, and replays? I'm going to play a few games vs computers to figure out all the new things they put it :D

Here are a list of the best replays and commentaries I've found so far.
is it always down this much? damn, it's been down more then up the past 2 days.
no, ever since they started offering beta keys to preorders its been down. It never went down for me when it was just invite only.
no, ever since they started offering beta keys to preorders its been down. It never went down for me when it was just invite only.

guess it's good they are doing some stress testing then... the game is pretty sweet the little i've got to play.
They were just adding a patch apparently.


Bug Fixes

- Fixed an issue where Larva were not dying after being cancelled.
- Fixed an issue with Banelings, Brood Lords, and Overseers obeying their original Hatchery's rally point.
Man I suck at Zerg >.< Playing random and just got wiped in 2v2 >.<

Avg APM was 50 for that game lol
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Barely survived a proto+zerg rush as terran on 2nd game and ended up winning :D

It was cute how one turret killed 8 mutas while being repaired by 8? workers.
Guys , is there any good tutorials for complete noobs like myself? Everything I have found so far seems intermediate, I need NOOB lol.
Guys , is there any good tutorials for complete noobs like myself? Everything I have found so far seems intermediate, I need NOOB lol.

Dunno I just play 2v2 and watch replays afterwards. i.e. watch the other players who are better.

Got my ass handed to me the first game, but so far 3-1 in my placement matches :D
Got placed in Gold 2v2 >.< What are some other leagues?

plat > gold > silver > bronze > copper

you get placed for 1v1, 2v2 for every unique partner, and 2v2 random

don't worry about league/ranking at all, just play your best and you'll quickly move to roughly where you belong.
I checked out the map editor a little bit. A lot of it feels very familiar from the Warcraft 3 editor. For example, here's the trigger editor:

That should look VERY familiar to anyone who's used the WC3 editor.

Now, the unit / data editor seems to be very customizable now. However, there's one simple thing I just CANNOT find in the unit editor... the damage of that unit. I've tried looking in the editor for the specific 'weapon' that the unit uses but nothing matches damage. Anyone have any ideas?
any notice a performance decrease after patch 9? getting 50s and 40s now never got that low frames before the patch.

I glad someone mentioned this. I changed to a new monitor with 1900x1200 resolution at the same time the patch came out and ultra now runs at 30fps but High runs at over 100fps. Haven t had a chance to check out my old monitor again to see if it sucks on it too.