Starcraft 2 Beta

i been playing SMG2 all day today! the sc outage just made me play more. i just checked after an hour of playing and it looks like what dorky said. no 3v3 or 4v4 anymore
Just played two 1v1 games without any lag issues. Seems to be fixed for the time being.

Edit: Tried 4v4, and still not working...
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not even close. just got dropped from 2 3v3 games and i never have gotten dropped since i got in the beta. not to mention it was 18 mins in and boom , locked up
Sigh... just played 4 2v2 games... dropped from 3, the only game that 'finished' was one where my opponents left within 5 seconds.

My 2v2 history says 2 games, 1 win, 4 placement matches to go. Awesome. ... ??
Its funny, up until a month ago I was thinking that this was a super stable beta. Now all the nonsense starts with the sudden influx of feature add-ons and release only two months away. :)

Its all good, the existing problems should get fixed by next week, just as the stuff that happened with the beta opening wide was fixed. I just hope Blizzard can handle the initial release, I'm sure they're really sweating it right now.
Yeah, this is exactly what Betas are for.

Just sort of frustrated cause I've been wanting to test my 2-player UMS map all day, but alas.
Its funny, up until a month ago I was thinking that this was a super stable beta. Now all the nonsense starts with the sudden influx of feature add-ons and release only two months away. :)

Its all good, the existing problems should get fixed by next week, just as the stuff that happened with the beta opening wide was fixed. I just hope Blizzard can handle the initial release, I'm sure they're really sweating it right now.

They better be fixed

I am paying GOOD MONEY to play in this beta !!!!!!!!!!

/ungrateful american am I !!!!!
They better be fixed

I am paying GOOD MONEY to play in this beta !!!!!!!!!!

/ungrateful american am I !!!!!

Haha, I know. People complaining about SC2 having hitches during the beta need to relax, its a beta! We're guinea pigs, expect occasional problems. ;)
Anybody know wtf they did to placement in this patch!? My brother and I went 4 and 1 in placement (lost one as 2 zerg vs 2 protoss, gg unstoppable zealot rush) and got placed in platinum. Then, as we scroll through our division, we see a pair who went 2 and 3!

2 AND 3!

What's the point in even having bronze/silver/gold if everyone is platinum/diamond?
Anybody know wtf they did to placement in this patch!? My brother and I went 4 and 1 in placement (lost one as 2 zerg vs 2 protoss, gg unstoppable zealot rush) and got placed in platinum. Then, as we scroll through our division, we see a pair who went 2 and 3!

2 AND 3!

What's the point in even having bronze/silver/gold if everyone is platinum/diamond?

Scoring is based on the difficulty level of your opponents. Beating people ranked higher than you counts for more points than beating people ranked lower than you. It is entirely possible that the losses were against diamond/platinum level players but that they'd beaten a platinum or even diamond level player during the placement matches, which is tons of points.

Hell, maybe something stupid happened like a platinum/diamond level player got disconnected, resulting in a win for those guys.

In any case, the more you play the more you'll get placed into a group closest to your skill. If they truly don't belong in platinum then they'll get bumped down to gold soon enough.
Yeah I know, I just find it strange that unless they played all 5 placement matches vs diamon/platinum they'd end up in platinum with a 2/3 record (90% were 4/1 and like 2 pairs were 3/2).
I went 4-1 in placement matches and got put in diamond. havent had a chance to play a full game since though, keep getting dropped

Just tried another game for today, not a single lag stop the entire game and then ~15 mins in, dropped
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Still failing 50% of the time for me. Glad they do betas or i would be pissed for these type of failure after launch.
Wow... I didn't make it, but this sums up this patch:

i cannot believe idra lost game 5. he had so much map and $$$

The problem is that he had a 200/200 army... but it looked so weak! Roaches being 2 supply played a huge part. I'm also not sure how many drones he had... but I think he had too many. Also, once Zerg hits 200/200 they lose their advantage quickly as the other player catches up.

And... incredible forcefield + collosus rape during that big battle :eek:
The problem is that he had a 200/200 army... but it looked so weak! Roaches being 2 supply played a huge part. I'm also not sure how many drones he had... but I think he had too many. Also, once Zerg hits 200/200 they lose their advantage quickly as the other player catches up.

And... incredible forcefield + collosus rape during that big battle :eek:

Whitera had nice forcefields.

Lame final game, but damn I think a lot of protoss players are going to start building forges early, his protoss sim city is pretty fun to watch.
Gotta give it up to WhiteRa's forcefields in Game 5, that was fantastic placement. As for the last game, meh.
I've had 20 placement matches today, but I'm only in two different leagues. Thanks to crashing placement matches are back to 10!
I am so glad WhiteRa won. Classic BM from Idra too, screw that guy.

I just hope Blizzard gets replay for old versions working, I really want to see how the Nony vs TLO matches went.
Did they reset stats then? lol

Anyhow, Diamond league logo sucks compared to platinum league logo.