Starcraft 2: Wings of Liberty $20 @ Microcenter

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Good deal, would consider it if I had a local store, maybe. $5 shipping though, ehh...
It appears to either be in-store only or completely OOS, because I can't even add it to a shopping cart at this point.
Microcenter has SC2 for $20... probably trying to move some units before the expansion.

PS. One of the best campaign modes I have ever played, well worth $20.

edit: missed the shipping charge if not picking it up in store $20 + $5 shipping

still seems legit

My total comes out to be $27.83. This includes a 5.99 shipping and a tax of $1.85. There is still some in stock. I hope this helps. I know it would be different for some people depending on their location.
Finally a price worth paying! Now to wait for the expansion price to drop to this.
This is tempting, mostly because of the name and the hype, because I'm not sure if I'll actually like the game. I am a fan of RTS, AoE series, and SC1 however.

I feel like I might be paying money to just get my a$$ kicked online and get frustrated...
I feel like I might be paying money to just get my a$$ kicked online and get frustrated...

Pretty much, but I found the campaign to be sweet! If you have any friends that play it's fun to go head to head vs each other or against a computer opponent.
My order got cancelled :/

Also called to see why because email is kinda vague but as soon as I called orders department they said "Did you call about a video game?" I said yes. "Was it Starcraft?" I said yes :(. "We are all out of product." :(
Pretty much, but I found the campaign to be sweet! If you have any friends that play it's fun to go head to head vs each other or against a computer opponent.
haha yeah. If you don't play the game constantly, you'll fall behind in the metagame. Also, you can lose all of your placement matches and continue to lose and lose without being demoted. At least, that happened to me. I lost like 20 games in a row and would not get demoted below diamond. I just wanted to learn a new race!
any other places selling this game for good price? I read somewhere that the original will be needed if you want to play HOTS...
out of the hand full of people who ordered, only a few people have been able to pick them up for this price

I placed my order asap, but got it canceled an hour later....blah, sign up for an MC account for nothing
this game was worth 60... getting it for 25 is a steal.

The campaign is fantastic, the multiplayer is fun, and the custom games are awesome.
lol this game already has an expansion? I forgot it even existed.

They split the game into three campaigns, one for each race.

First game, Marine campaign @ $60, expansions $40 apiece. Next one is Zerg I think.
They split the game into three campaigns, one for each race.

First game, Marine campaign @ $60, expansions $40 apiece. Next one is Zerg I think.

Ah... modern gaming. :(

Saying they "split" it into 3 campaigns isn't really a fair assessment. Wings of liberty is enough content to be its own game. I've been playing it since release. People get the wrong idea when its described that way. Just think of it as its own stand alone game, and now they are just going to add content with future expansions.
Saying they "split" it into 3 campaigns isn't really a fair assessment. Wings of liberty is enough content to be its own game. I've been playing it since release. People get the wrong idea when its described that way. Just think of it as its own stand alone game, and now they are just going to add content with future expansions.

So the glass is filled 1/3 of the way to the top but they managed to persuade you to pay the price of a full glass and convinced you that the glass was full? Talk about dream customers.
I think what he's saying is the Marine campaign in Wings of Liberty is probably just as long as the original Starcraft all 3 campaigns. It's hard to say really what they were doing, considering Blizzard's changes were taking place right around mid development of this game. That's obvious with Diablo 3.

Although, I'd hate to put words in that users mouth, I'm on neither side of the fence. I bought SC2, but I doubt I'll buy any expansions for it.
I think what he's saying is the Marine campaign in Wings of Liberty is probably just as long as the original Starcraft all 3 campaigns. It's hard to say really what they were doing, considering Blizzard's changes were taking place right around mid development of this game. That's obvious with Diablo 3.

Although, I'd hate to put words in that users mouth, I'm on neither side of the fence. I bought SC2, but I doubt I'll buy any expansions for it.

A cousin bought it when it came out and I played it. That's why I knew to never waste my money on it, and to continue ignoring Blizzard indefinitely. Nobody who was around for Orcs & Humans, Tides of Darkness, and the original SC would form a queue of apologism for Blizzard's modern trashhole.
Nobody who was around for Orcs & Humans, Tides of Darkness, and the original SC would form a queue of apologism for Blizzard's modern trashhole.

I mostly agree, but not so strongly. But we can both see the trend declining comparing SC2 with the original Starcraft. Now we have Diablo 3 compared to Diablo 2... that's a whole 'nother story and thread.
Yeah, I wasn't really trying to imply that the game was the length of SC1 but they split it into three parts, just that it doesn't have all three campaigns like the first game.
Im glad I lived around the awesomeness that was PC gaming!! Tribes, Starcraft, Total Annhilation, Command & Conquer, Unreal Tournament, QUake2-3...Kids these days have it bad...
Im glad I lived around the awesomeness that was PC gaming!! Tribes, Starcraft, Total Annhilation, Command & Conquer, Unreal Tournament, QUake2-3...Kids these days have it bad...

There are some excellent indie titles coming out, but yeah I agree. On the whole, newer franchises and sequels to "classic" games have been pretty lame.
Im glad I lived around the awesomeness that was PC gaming!! Tribes, Starcraft, Total Annhilation, Command & Conquer, Unreal Tournament, QUake2-3...Kids these days have it bad...

QFT. I remember playing Quake CTF with no mouse, being able to grapple somebody in the back and then switch to the shotgun while stuck to them! Those were the days! (learned to play with the mouse once SHOGO came about, I was late to the mouse gaming I guess. Haha).

This is a good deal. Too bad it's dead. SC2 WOL is worth the money to me. With all of the multiplayer I've gotten out of it, I dont feel shafted that I paid full price. Custom games/Custom maps, it'll be fun for a while.
This is getting super has been dead for awhile.

(Tribes was awesome. :D)
MavericK96- will we ever see anything as amazing again.......= ( greatest online game of all time.
Yeah, Tribes was something special. Even Tribes 2 I loved.

*wipes nerd tear*
haha why couldnt someone update tribes just like cs source and dota...both are now played more than any other PC game..
i too want tribes, all the complexity of choice and still alot of balance.

tribes ascend really fucking sucks. might as well be black ops: jetpack
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