Starcraft II

i like the cheese...when you stop it, its that much better.

so has anyone played SC2 on a laptop with GeForce 320M? i am hoping to run on high.
The laptop in my sig runs it at high at 1366x768 perfectly smooth, but the 9800M GS is actually considerably more powerful than a 320M ...
They really need to address the matchmaking system, I just started playing an am getting paired against 100+ win Gold leaguers in 1v1, wtf...????
They really need to address the matchmaking system, I just started playing an am getting paired against 100+ win Gold leaguers in 1v1, wtf...????

Gold is average... it doesn't matter how many games / wins they have. They're just average players.
Gold is average... it doesn't matter how many games / wins they have. They're just average players.
Really? So what are Bronze/Silver players like? I've only played one placement match so far (too busy with other stuff), but i'm planning on doing a little 1v1 this weekend.
Really? So what are Bronze/Silver players like? I've only played one placement match so far (too busy with other stuff), but i'm planning on doing a little 1v1 this weekend.

I just thought it was common sense that average being the dead middle meant that gold being the middle division would be about average. To be fair, the average player is probably low gold since there's less people in diamond than bronze.
Anyone else really suck (relatively) with there favorite race? My zerg game is atrocious, but after trying all 3 races I think I like them the most. Eventually I'll figure out I guess haha...
Anyone else really suck (relatively) with there favorite race? My zerg game is atrocious, but after trying all 3 races I think I like them the most. Eventually I'll figure out I guess haha...

*raises hand*

Me! My favorite race is zerg, and despite my stubborness (I do better with terran) I keep trucking on with zerg. :p
I've been wanting to try a new race but I don't want to mess up my 1's record. I guess I can practice in random 2's or something.

I play terran right now which I enjoy, but I would like to get to the point where I can play random.
It was a bit of a mix for me when I switched. I started off as Terran due to familiarity from the campaign somewhat, then switched to Protoss for awhile and actually was doing slightly better. Though this might be explained by the fact I was more familiar with multiplayer mechanics as well. I then switched to Zerg and lost I think 7 or 9 straight, before pulling a win followed by another loss streak :p Now I'm going to try random for a bit, for 10 wins at least to see how I like that.

No idea what I'm liking about Zerg though, since I have a poor understanding at the moment on how to manage econ/tech/army with the larva system. As well as the most effective use of each unit, or what a good army composition is. Maybe its the "exploration" factor since I'm so unfamiliar with them, its just fresh, while I had kinda settled into a few builds/strats with Terran/Toss. Though I must admit I do enjoy spreading creep all over.
Just play FFA to mess around with the races and at least get build orders and feels down.

Another good practice partner is honestly the very hard AI. As far as I can tell, they don't 'cheat' like the insanes do and they have pretty solid timing attacks that you would need to account for in your build.
Really? So what are Bronze/Silver players like? I've only played one placement match so far (too busy with other stuff), but i'm planning on doing a little 1v1 this weekend.

gold 1v1 = really really average.

I got placed in gold (threw a match) and my first opponent quit when my SCV killed his SCV constructing barracks...
The ranking doesn't seem to mean much when people throw their placement matches just so they can go noob bash for a while.

Personally I'm horrible and just started really playing and am a lowly "bronze" player not for long.. starting to learn. I've played against people in bronze that are completely fucking retarded to people that should obviously not be in bronze.
Poor IdrA... they spelled his name wrong at the GOM tournament. They had K-pop artists and all that flashy stuff on stage, and couldn't even spell his name right. Hilarious.
just had one of the longest closest matches I've played I think, 35 minutes. Terran v Terran. I'm really not sure how I won this one as he greatly out expanded me (because he maintained map control).

you download it here if you want to watch it for one reason or another.

been playing mostly FFA's today to work on my zerg/protoss without screwing up my ladder record more than it is.
Hmm, just found out that I'm 71st world wide in achievements and 24th in North America. But I'm missing 80 points due to bugged metas, so I would be 49th world wide and 18th in North America.
Hmm, just found out that I'm 71st world wide in achievements and 24th in North America. But I'm missing 80 points due to bugged metas, so I would be 49th world wide and 18th in North America.

assuming the bugs dont effect anyone on else on that list, if they do, you're still 71st!
]|[ Mar']['in ]|[;1036143581 said:
where's this list?

assuming the bugs dont effect anyone on else on that list, if they do, you're still 71st!

It's a strange bug and I know for a fact it doesn't affect everyone. It happens when you get all the achievements in a section but the meta (the one that you get for getting all the other achievements, typically worth 20 points) thinks you're missing some of them. For example, I'm 175/195 in one category which is logically impossible since the only 20 points I'm missing is the 20 points that says I have the other 175.
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another thing to consider is that it doesn't seem to auto-update people. So there very well could be a lot more people ahead of you. For me it showed I had like 2300, when I actually have 3510.

edit: and even after updating my points, it doesn't show me on the north american board where I should be. Not to mention the ranking numbers are bugged if you look at anything other than page 1 of rankings.
Hmm, just found out that I'm 71st world wide in achievements and 24th in North America. But I'm missing 80 points due to bugged metas, so I would be 49th world wide and 18th in North America.

Ok, I feel a little better now that you have triple my total. :D

Do the guys at the top of the list have every single achievement unlocked?
]|[ Mar']['in ]|[;1036143606 said:
another thing to consider is that it doesn't seem to auto-update people. So there very well could be a lot more people ahead of you. For me it showed I had like 2300, when I actually have 3510.

edit: and even after updating my points, it doesn't show me on the north american board where I should be. Not to mention the ranking numbers are bugged if you look at anything other than page 1 of rankings.

They update people at the top of lists more frequently.
Was playing ladder.. Met this guy who was obviously very new to SC2. I let build up his army. When I maxed my food count (50 something hydras with 4 ultralisks) and pushed, I saw that he had like 20 marines against my army.

I surrendered the match when he had like only 1 unit left.

Ah well.
Has anyone found out how to get that last 10 points of achievements?
My only problem with the Diamond league (personally love the more drawn out intense matches) is all the cheese I have to deal with. Canon rushes, 6 pool, etc. The cannon rush is by far my most hated right now. I'm having to scout my base area then scout all the lower levels around it. Really aggravating; I empathize with Idra sometimes :).

[In Bronze] I'm seeing constant void ray rushes, if the attempted proxy cannons in my main fail to cause the Protoss player to be impressed with himself. Its nothing but belly laughs from me when a handful of upgraded Mutalisks take down an entire fleet of VR's and the Toss player rage quits.

Its discouraging to see that this behavior doesn't stop moving all the way up to Diamond. How boring.
I'm kinda enjoying random team games now. While frustrating, trying to coordinate with people you don't know is also fun at the same time. I guess I enjoy playing out of pattern and experimenting. I do wish they had the option for those playing random to not go against arranged teams though.
I do wish they had the option for those playing random to not go against arranged teams though.

Really, arranged teams play against random teams? I guess that explains why some teams I play against call their teammates bad, retarded, stupid etc.
Really, arranged teams play against random teams? I guess that explains why some teams I play against call their teammates bad, retarded, stupid etc.

You can tell by the coordination of the teams as well, usually random is pretty sloppy, which is part of the charm for me. And you get some good back and forth going when both sides are random. It is just a bit of a downer when your side gets mowed down by a well timed coordinated push from other arranged team that picks you off one at a time :p

Besides random, can maybe meet some new people. Though with how it is setup, it doesn't seem to lend itself well to that.
Really, arranged teams play against random teams? I guess that explains why some teams I play against call their teammates bad, retarded, stupid etc.

Yea. That's the biggest reason I don't play RT right now. The only reason for blizzard to do this I think is to allow half premades... as in 2 players to queue together for 3v3 or 2/3 players in 4v4.
[In Bronze] I'm seeing constant void ray rushes, if the attempted proxy cannons in my main fail to cause the Protoss player to be impressed with himself. Its nothing but belly laughs from me when a handful of upgraded Mutalisks take down an entire fleet of VR's and the Toss player rage quits.

Its discouraging to see that this behavior doesn't stop moving all the way up to Diamond. How boring.

Yeah, I'm seeing near constant 8 rax proxy reaper rushes in TvT on Xel'Naga Caverns. If you scout them early it's easy enough to stop but if you miss it, might as well just GG.

You can tell the people who must have cheesed their way to upper plat or low diamond because they're now trying to transition to real build orders because they suck hard and are getting owned left and right.

I'm quite pleased with myself after this weekend though as I won quite a few games. Unfortunately I never got my new build to work quite right. The timing just didn't pan out correctly so back to my old one I went. I did however get a good build to go against Zerg so now I'm actually starting to win them. :) Need more practice for the timings, but it was nice to crush a few Zerg for a change.
I unlocked the 1v2 and 1v3 outmatched achievements today for medium. Then I did 1v2 Hard and was pretty proud of myself for beating that. But for the life of me, I can not beat 1v4 Medium. Can't even imagine beating 1v4 on Hard or Very Hard.

Did a quick search on youtube and found all the strategies for 1v4 VH Protoss cannon strategies. Since I only know how to play Terran (and only because of the campaign), is it even possible to do some of these hard outmatched achievements?
You just need to really exploit some issues with how the AI thinks, and there are several possibilities.

One is to do "cheese" rushes. Personally I found spine crawler rushes (so all zerg) worked the best. If you hide this behind the correct gaps in mineral patches, what happens is the AI drones all get stuck in the gap, so only 1 can hit your building spine crawler at a time. This of course is not enough to kill it before it builds.

Another is to realize the fact that the AI tends not to mass air units. Pick a map with islands, hide on it and build an end game force. While some might say Protoss due to cannons for defense, I personally found Terran easier to work with. Especially since the tanks in siege mode can actually hit there massed ground units trying to attack your island. Also Battlecruisers are really the best end game mass unit in my opinion for this. Personally I used the map Dig Site, as the islands have high mineral deposits, and the tanks can range onto their units from the island. This also seems to work best against a Zerg AI from my experience.

The third way is to take advantage of the fact that the AI tends to mass all together, and defend very conservatively. Basically it will (even on insane) pull back its entire army from your base (if its attacking it) and rush back to defend if any one of its team is under heavy attack. A mobile fast air force can be used to take advantage of this, simply constantly attack in and out as the AI army runs back and forth. It will give you time to build up, and you will eventually wear down there structures/resources. I also managed to do this while spam warping in zealots using a few well placed pylons. Of course a very large wide open map that is hard to land units to move around in is best for this.
Personally I did the 1v4 very hard on extinction (the beta 4v4 map). I cannon rushed two of them (think efficiency in this case... I used a single cannon on one computer and 2 on another with 2 pylons total). This effectively took them out as they lost their nexus and never rebuilt it. So from there it was a 1v2. I rushed warp prism at the same time and evacuated my main as the other two computers counter attacked me. I rebuilt my base on the island and got void rays out.

Literally, all you need is a single air unit to keep the entire AI army pre-occupied. They are HORRIBLE at dealing with harassment and splitting their army. They will respond to a single void ray with their entire army even if most of it can't attack air. They'll be two yards from your unprotected base and literally run all the way back if your air unit starts attacking their base. I've won so many games against insane AI from killing all of their buildings and not even engaging their army by doing hit and run with air.

Floating off to an island at the very start (the lava map with the two islands) is a good strategy... but I found that fighting 4 armies is tough no matter what. You could always float off and then go with a banshee harassment strategy instead of mass battlecruisers.

Also, islands are a bit of a hit or miss if you don't massively fortify them. Sometimes the AI will pull a mass doom drop out of nowhere (very quickly as well)... and sometimes they'll go brain dead and have no idea how to attack you on the island.
Any 3v3 teams? Just started but normally more fun playing arranged than random.
Had a pretty good 4v4 winning streak last night, we won 4 games in a row. We were PPZZ on Megaton. My protoss teammate cannon rushed and the 2 zerg rushed while I fortified our bases and warped in zealots/stalkers as support. Pretty much did the same thing for 4 games in row until we got owned hard by an all zerg rush team. Then we broke up the party and went our ways.