Stargate Alliance : Pulled from developer!

What makes it even worse is that the Stargate BrokenOath mod for HL2 was stopped due to legal reasons because of this game :mad:

I was looking forward to trying this game out. To bad.

I guess if they fealt quality was an issue and they pulled it, that it was for the best.

I wanted to try this game out but I also wanted it to be loyal to the fans and the series.

This would have been fun.
Perhaps the most exciting thing about Stargate SG-1: The Alliance, then, is that you'll be able to play through its entire campaign cooperatively with three other players online. The game will also support up to 16 players in deathmatch play.
Yes the screens looked good to me. Especially the one where there's a giant-ass pyramid shi in the background (a la Independance Day).

But there is still hope: In case you didn't know there IS a UT2k4 mod that has been in the works for some time now:

Their site doesn't currently say anything about the JoWood news, so chances are they are still working on it!

Go check it out.

PS-can you imagine a SG1 game using UE3?!?!?!? HOLY CRAP!!!!! (hell ANYTHING using UE3 is gonna be the bomb!)
Maybe JoWood will take their license to someone who already has the UE3 license and they can make it!!!
I dont understand why it is so hard to make a good stargate game ? You start with a great sci-fi plot, combining ancient egyptian themes with modern military, it just sounds like a winning combination. Please someone make a half decent game about this franchise.
i dont expect any mod to make it out
MGM has killed all mods

And this news came out aug 5th so it hasent been updated everywhere yet
Umm.... wait. JoWood pulled a game because of quality concerns? When did this start happening?

It looked promising too, guess I should have looked at all the names associated with it though. Sucks that all the rights go back to JoWood, they should have just delayed it and made a proper game for a change.
Honestly, how many of you have seen movie trailers and said "Gee, I can't wait to see the movie!" only to find that later the movie beats you down more than Joe Jackson wailing on Tito. Don't fall sucker to the game trailer as some of you have. For a publisher to pull a title like this means there was some serious flaws to the game. The big loser is JoWood for investing all this time and money into the project only to have the developer screw around on it.
Bozzie said:
Umm.... wait. JoWood pulled a game because of quality concerns? When did this start happening?

Yeah how bad does a game have to be for a publisher to actually pull it? /shudder
Torgo said:
The big loser is JoWood for investing all this time and money into the project only to have the developer screw around on it.

At least they are getting their money back from the developers.

Following the termination JoWooD has asked for repayment of their investment in development and further expenses
stobor said:
Yeah how bad does a game have to be for a publisher to actually pull it? /shudder
JoWood's a pretty good publisher. They don't make a lot of games, but it seems that they are more comitted to turning out a quality product than others. Either that or what Perception had done was utter shit.
That all depends on how the original development contract was written out. If the publisher had a "failure to perform" clause, then the developer may be in a world of hurt. There's a lot of variables at work. How many milestones were finished? How was the publisher financing the project? Will they counter stating that JoWood had unrealistic expectations?

I'm going to hunt around and talk to a few people I know and see if anything is bubbling up on this.
Yeah, it could be "either way". JoWood could be in the right here if the game/code delivered actually sucked.

On the other hand, my first expression was that it got pulled because it didn't _look_ good enough, which would suck.
Mr_Evil said:
JoWood's a pretty good publisher. They don't make a lot of games, but it seems that they are more comitted to turning out a quality product than others. Either that or what Perception had done was utter shit.

I've never even heard of JoWood before I read up on Stargate Alliance. The game looked pretty good too from what I had seen on the web. Its a shame that someone hasn't actually done something with this franchise by now and made a great FPS out of it.

eloj said:
Yeah, it could be "either way". JoWood could be in the right here if the game/code delivered actually sucked.

On the other hand, my first expression was that it got pulled because it didn't _look_ good enough, which would suck.

It looked ok, but by the time it was released the graphics will probably be dated. I can see this as being a huge problem for developers that get in on games that take along time to make.

Look at UT2003. Everything that came out around the time of that game looked like ass in comparison because the other games at the time were still using the Q3 engine. It wasn't until well after UT2003 came out that other games starting using the newer engines. Then Doom3 and HL2, FarCry and the others came out. Now, anything that started with the UT2.0 engine will look pretty dated when it arrives.

This might actually be the real reason for its being pulled. They should take the Farcry engine or, the D3 engine or even the Source engine and put something together with that. Of course the game would be a year away at the very earliest. However that would give them time before UT2007 came out. So it would be a good time to change to a newer engine.
There are rumors that Perception wasn't happy that JoWood wasn't spending enough money on advertising and they were shopping around for another publisher. Supposedly, this pissed off JoWood enough where they invoked certain sections of the contract thus retaining the source code preventing another publisher from grabbing the title.

That's the scuttlebutt, but I'm not sure I buy that. MGM owns the rights to the title and they inked with JoWood, so Perception really couldn't be shopping around without MGM's approval. Word is that Perception is about to send out a press release of their own.
That UT4 mod looks good. This game looked good to me and the 3-4 player co-op man that would be the shit. Dang hope they get someone to finsh this game please.
There's another Stargate mod for's based in Germany...though the URL escapes me at this moment and I can't find my bookmark. I'm subscribed to their newsletter. It's supposed to be a Singleplayer and team based multi mod. They made a couple Stargate maps for the original UT.