Stargate Franchise To Be Rebooted


Aug 20, 2006
Outdated CG aside, I think the original Stargate holds up pretty well. Apparently we were supposed to get a trilogy, which never happened—but the original creators are trying to get that going again. I wonder if Russel or Spader will have a cameo.

Despite “Resurgence” being Emmerich’s first official sequel, “Stargate” was initially conceived as part of a trilogy, Devlin says, “and because of what happened with the rights and changes at the studio and all kinds of strange things, we never got to do parts two and three.” Now the duo are in active development on a reboot movie being produced by MGM and Warner Bros.. The film is being penned by “Resurgence” writers James A. Woods and Nicolas Wright, and is intended to kickstart the franchise that Emmerich and Devlin always hoped to create.
Color me interested. The original movie was surprisingly decent and the original TV serie was excellent (never saw Atlantis and whatever so no comment on those). I'm interested in seeing a modern take on the serie.
Color me interested. The original movie was surprisingly decent and the original TV serie was excellent (never saw Atlantis and whatever so no comment on those). I'm interested in seeing a modern take on the serie.
I loved SG1 and Atlantis. You should take a look at Atlantis, it had all the good things SG1 had. Stargate universe was ok but I was sad to see them end the show without a ending.
The tv series was indeed excellent. I never felt there was a time when any stargate CG looked poorly implemented. I followed it up to the end of Atlantis, but never followed stargate universe. From what I remember universe was a flop
I kind of liked SG:U, it didn't know what it was about for a while but I thought it started getting there and would have been incredible if they were able to get another season. The problem is that its tone wasn't faithful to the original series. They started with narrowing your primary audience to fans of the old show and then proceed to alienate them with something completely different in tone. They shot themselves in the foot twice to get an easy start.
I loved SG1 and Atlantis. You should take a look at Atlantis, it had all the good things SG1 had. Stargate universe was ok but I was sad to see them end the show without a ending.

SG1 was on TV here when I was a teen and I did watch almost every episode but when Atlantis came to be I had moved on to other things. I actually did not know it even existed until few years ago. Maybe I should watch it but I should probably binge watch SG1 again to refresh my memory on small details. Or is it mandatory or is Atlantis fully stand-alone?
2 and 3 are being written right now. My wife is a partner with one of the original movie writers production company.

Make sure she tells them not to screw it up! SG1 and Atlantis built a lot of loyal fans that don't want to see the series destroyed just to make a buck.
Outdated CG aside, I think the original Stargate holds up pretty well. Apparently we were supposed to get a trilogy, which never happened—but the original creators are trying to get that going again. I wonder if Russel or Spader will have a cameo.

What does "original Stargate" refer to? The one with James Spader and Kurt Russel? What was out dated about the CG? Much of it was practical effects and what little CG they did use, was well implemented considering the time (1994!).

I thought the original movie was badass, and a topic that could make for some really kick ass science fiction. I'm even half tempted to watch The Crying Game just because I was impressed with Ra's expressions and body movement (and outside of the infamous "twist", the plot sounds interesting).
Make sure she tells them not to screw it up! SG1 and Atlantis built a lot of loyal fans that don't want to see the series destroyed just to make a buck.

To be honest, I have basically no faith in anything being good anymore. I usually never watch the shows I work on.
To be honest, I have basically no faith in anything being good anymore. I usually never watch the shows I work on.

They are out there. You just have to look for people who actually view it as a job and show up to work and try to do a good job. Not the people who believe they are owed fame simply because they are actors. When I heard about the video of Christian Bale cussing someone out on the set for screwing up, I thought "Good, that's what they SHOULD be doing".

That being said I found The Man In The High Castle to be refreshingly good. When I saw Frank Spotnitz was behind it, I could see some of the similarities with it and X-Files from a production point of view. I don't know about you, but I thought the X-Files was one of the greatest shows on TV.
It's bad enough that SyFy (god damn I hate that name, I really truly do) barely shows any science fiction anymore - pro wrestling? Westerns? James Bond movies? Really? - but I'll say it again: Hollywood and everything related to it just has no damned creativity anymore. It's reboot after remake after reboot over and over again nowadays. There was an article the other day talking about what's coming from Pixar on the heel's of the succes of "Finding Dory" happening now: you guessed it, nothing but more sequels like Toys 4, Cars 3, The Incredibles 2, and so on.

And don't say SyFy had anything to do with Stargate after Showtime handed it off many years ago, that was SciFi which was a totally differently run organization with actual creativity and talent but they died long ago and were slowly replaced by the shitfest known as "SyFy."

"The SciFi Channel is dead, long live The SciFi Channel..."
Atlantis started out with a couple of cameo performances by Richard Dean Anderson and Michael Shanks and the SG gate room as the expedition was leaving Earth, but after that it was pretty much a standalone series. Later seasons began to blend actors from both series as needed for story lines to work properly. If you liked SG1, you'll like Atlantis.

SG1 was on TV here when I was a teen and I did watch almost every episode but when Atlantis came to be I had moved on to other things. I actually did not know it even existed until few years ago. Maybe I should watch it but I should probably binge watch SG1 again to refresh my memory on small details. Or is it mandatory or is Atlantis fully stand-alone?
Cool! Love the Movie & the TV show was excellent! Hopefully they do it justice.
As a proud Gatehole, I say thee meh. It could be fine but the "original creators" being involved isn't exactly a confidence booster since every change the TV series made was better than what was in the movie, or [reportedly] in the creators' heads.

Still, I've got no complaints with abandoning the mythology of the TV series. I think it's okay to say "it's over now" and move on.
I'm curious what the original vision was. If the new movies bring something fresh i'll be all for it. The current SG stuff think ran its course. It ran for over a decade.
I loved SG1 and Atlantis. You should take a look at Atlantis, it had all the good things SG1 had. Stargate universe was ok but I was sad to see them end the show without a ending.
Yup, all good shows, although SG:U definitely took a different turn as far as the pacing and the overall feel of the show, only when they started to get into to some interesting backstory aspects did it really feel like it was going to take off only to stick everyone in status except the fat kid.
Stargate: Universe, oh lord please. The Stargate franchise was successful for two primary reasons: interesting characters and humor, dead-pan almost slapstick style humor that worked itself into the very soul of the SG-1 original and Atlantis spinoff, especially when Jack O'Neill was involved in a scene.

SG:U? Uhmmm... I think there was one brief moment of silly humor in the entire run of the series, and that was in the first episode and it happened in the scene where - go figure - Colonel Jack O'Neill went to the home of the "fat genius kid" and cracked a wise one while talking with him on the porch, go figure. The only time the entire series had any funny in it was because of a character from SG-1.

SG:U just didn't bring the funny. ;)
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Stargate: Universe, oh lord please. The Stargate franchise was successful for two primary reasons: interesting characters and humor, dead-pan almost slapstick style humor that worked itself into the very soul of the SG-1 original and Atlantis spinoff, especially when Jack O'Neill was involved in a scene.

SG:U? Uhmmm... I think there was one brief moment of silly humor in the entire run of the series, and that was in the first episode and it happened in the scene where - go figure - Colonel Jack O'Neill went to the home of the "fat genius kid" and cracked a wise one while talking with him on the porch, go figure. The only time the entire series had any funny in it was because of a character from SG-1.

SG:U just didn't bring the funny. ;)

It wasn't even just that humor was missing(it was definitely welcome most of the time in SG1 and atlantis though, not overdone and enough to break up the tension here and there). The biggest problem with SG:U, is that it was basically SG:Survivor. A bunch of characters who never get along and argue constantly about everything while stuck in in the middle of nowhere without showers, and occasionally went through a stargate to explore for 5 minutes at a time. Stargate was a sci-fi action show(SG1 and atlantis managed to do this pretty well being tv shows instead of big budget movies), but SG:U was a sci-fi drama that nobody wanted. It had more in common with the Survivor game show than the rest of the Stargate franchise.

Can you imagine if SG:1's biggest plots were about finding water, who was banging who, and which character of the week was plotting to take charge of everything?
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They are out there. You just have to look for people who actually view it as a job and show up to work and try to do a good job. Not the people who believe they are owed fame simply because they are actors. When I heard about the video of Christian Bale cussing someone out on the set for screwing up, I thought "Good, that's what they SHOULD be doing".

That being said I found The Man In The High Castle to be refreshingly good. When I saw Frank Spotnitz was behind it, I could see some of the similarities with it and X-Files from a production point of view. I don't know about you, but I thought the X-Files was one of the greatest shows on TV.

I was the electric rigging best boy on Man in the high castle. Easiest job I've ever had, show is pretty good too, though I don't regularly watch it.

The x-files reboot wasn't very good imho.
Can you imagine if SG:1's biggest plots were about finding water, who was banging who, and which character of the week was plotting to take charge of everything?

But, all that played into the first thing I mentioned: having interesting characters. ;)

I thought of SG:U as SG:BSG basically since it pulled along so many writers and producers from the rebooted Battlestar Galactica franchise - disclaimer: I wasn't a fan of that, loved the original series in the 1970s but then again that's what I grew up with being the old bastige that I am, it was light-hearted, it brought the funny, and told some decent tales in its run, and no I don't include the failed BSG 1980 reboot either, that was pretty crummy period.

But having interesting characters is a major thing for me, and the funny is important too but, I swear, I watched the first episode of SG:U, figured I'd check out the next episode and I got about halfway through that and I was done. Same thing for "The Walking Dead" for me: the first episode was awesome, very emotional, especially the part where the husband in the house saw his now infected zombified wife in the street but just couldn't bring himself to end her suffering, powerful stuff.

But then I watched the second episode and couldn't stop wondering "WTF happened..." and that was enough for me.

Guess I give up on shows too fast but if they just ain't interesting enough to me personally they're not worth my time. I know TWD is damned near the most popular show on cable TV next to Game of Thrones (which I've seen every episode of since the first one aired years ago) but it just doesn't have any draw for me.
I was the electric rigging best boy on Man in the high castle. Easiest job I've ever had, show is pretty good too, though I don't regularly watch it.

The x-files reboot wasn't very good imho.

Oh goodness, I totally forgot about that, haha! I meant the original series from the 90's.

How much of that show was green screen? Most of the sets looked pretty fake, but I was ok with it because they made up in other ways and it was their first big production show.
LOL, yeah SG:BSG would be the other thing to call it. Bringing along the writers and such from another show is fine, but if it was the case that the bulk of the people who worked on SG:U were from that BSG reboot, then apparently they either have no range in ability or they got told to make SG:BSG because the network wanted another gritty scifi drama.

I dunno about TWD as every time I try to watch it I just end up facepalming and walking away, but SG:U definitely did not change at all beyond the 2nd episode and if anything simply got more contrived(I wasn't joking about it being SG:Survivor, they might as well have started voting a character off the ship every episode after a tribal council meeting or whatever) as it went on.
Watched all the TV shows. SG:U was excellent. I remember not being too keen on the idea, as reports had not been great but my Gf bought the S1 DVD set home from the library. We put the first DVD in at around 9PM...we finally got to bed about 2am! Just had to keep watching.

Yes the tone was different but I liked that, as we already had two similar shows and didn't need another in the same vein. It just felt a little more grown up. Was a shame how the show ended. Just one more season or a couple of TV Movies...
Knowing Hollywood, they will pretend the series never happened, claim it is not canon, and proceed to write some drivel having nothing to do with the original premise and toss in some stupid political or social message at the same time. Explosions, there will at least be lots of explosions, and if we are lucky there will at least an ass shot.

Let me know how it turns out.
The x-files reboot wasn't very good imho.
I thought it was awesome and cant wait for season 11, eventually... the were-lizard was one of the best episodes ever!

Knowing Hollywood, they will pretend the series never happened
I think that's what they are gonna do. restart their movie trilogy and ignore everything else. they intend to do what they never got to do because of studio BS. at least that's what I get from what Ive read.
I'd be more thrilled if this was the original TV series creators and not Roland Emmerich. Although I liked the original movie (especially the extended cut), I think the series took it in a different direction entirely (a good direction). Also, the ensemble cast dynamic worked so well with the actors in SG1 and Atlantis. I see it being much more difficult to recreate that on the big screen. But I will give them the benefit of the doubt until I hear more. Riddick did exceptional for the first movie, crappy on the second, and back to exceptional on the third. Trilogies are always a little tricky.
Watched all the TV shows. SG:U was excellent. I remember not being too keen on the idea, as reports had not been great but my Gf bought the S1 DVD set home from the library. We put the first DVD in at around 9PM...we finally got to bed about 2am! Just had to keep watching.

Yes the tone was different but I liked that, as we already had two similar shows and didn't need another in the same vein. It just felt a little more grown up. Was a shame how the show ended. Just one more season or a couple of TV Movies...

It got cancelled because the ratings were abysmal, obviously it's not what the franchise needed, or what the fans wanted. Nor does dirty angry people arguing with eachother constantly equate to being "grown up", and hopefully whatever this new Stargate ends up being, it won't be another SG:U aka Stargate: Lord of the Flies(which makes it even funnier since you referred to it as "grown up").
Watched all the TV shows. SG:U was excellent. I remember not being too keen on the idea, as reports had not been great but my Gf bought the S1 DVD set home from the library. We put the first DVD in at around 9PM...we finally got to bed about 2am! Just had to keep watching.

Everyone has different taste.

IMO SG1 was great fun entertainment, and it was really enjoyable because of the chemistry of Anderson,Shanks,Tapping, Judge.

SGU was excess phony, melodrama and shaky camera. I cheered when it failed.

But this is about movies, not TV series.
I liked the original sg1, thought I wouldn't like Atlantis but it turned out to be good. universe was terrible, too much drama not enough action for me.
Star Gate was an ok movie, good for the time. But what they did with SG-1 is much more memorable to me so at this point I'd feel like a sequel to the first movie would just be out of place.
Make sure she tells them not to screw it up! SG1 and Atlantis built a lot of loyal fans that don't want to see the series destroyed just to make a buck.

Well, SG1 etc were the "screw up" to "make a buck", as they did not follow the original movies or scripts/story line. If that was good or bad is up to personal taste, however if you are expecting or wanting a SG1 or any of the spin off movies from this, you might want to skip it, as this will be a stand alone movie set based on the original story. It will probably not mesh with the TV shows at all. I myself was a fan of all of the TV shows and movie. SGU was a bit to much of teen drama sort of stuff, to the end with more on exploring and new things it was looking up and then it was killed sadly.

Even though these new movies will have nothing to do with the stargate world made by the TV shows, I hold out hope they will be good movies and tie into the first movie if nothing else.