Stargate SG-1 Complete Series @Amazon for $100 (Dead Deal)

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i got this last time it was on sale and watched the whole thing including buying the 2 movies that finished up the series. Definately worth every penny.
If it was in HD, I would jump on this!

But I already own Seasons 1-7 and have seasons 8-10 in HD as downloads! :(

I would so LOVE to get the first seven seasons in HD though.

For anyone who doesn't already own more than two seasons though, this is absolutely a GREAT steal!!
If it was in HD, I would jump on this!

But I already own Seasons 1-7 and have seasons 8-10 in HD! :(

I would so LOVE to get the first seven seasons in HD though.

For anyone who doesn't already own more than two seasons though, this is absolutely a GREAT steal!!

Where did you find the seasons in HD? Or are they HD TV rips?
Sweet jebus that's a steal of a deal if there ever has been, my god. I'm sitting here just finishing up watching Stargate:Atlantis 4th season, and with only 2 episodes left for the series it'll be sad to see another one bite the dust. But, Stargate: Universe is up next, airing sometime next year in the later half. We'll see what happens.

But if I had the money, I'd order this for the Wife as a Christmas present as she's a huge fan. So am I for that matter...
Where did you find the seasons in HD? Or are they HD TV rips?

Downloaded torrents! :)

I am really disappointed they aren't offering HD content on regular DVD media. I just don't get it, it is all on blu-ray and for what? 12 episodes a season for most shows so that leaves like 300GB+ left!!

The 720p versions online are still HD and are at 1GB, they could get the quality to fit four eps per DVD no problem and it would be a whole whopping 3 DVDs for the show content total, then throw in all the extra BS for an additional one or two DVDs.

Am really disapppointed there isn't an option like that, it doesn't HAVE to be 1080p....
Downloaded torrents! :)

I am really disappointed they aren't offering HD content on regular DVD media. I just don't get it, it is all on blu-ray and for what? 12 episodes a season for most shows so that leaves like 300GB+ left!!

The 720p versions online are still HD and are at 1GB, they could get the quality to fit four eps per DVD no problem and it would be a whole whopping 3 DVDs for the show content total, then throw in all the extra BS for an additional one or two DVDs.

Am really disapppointed there isn't an option like that, it doesn't HAVE to be 1080p....

You're absolutely right. The 720p episodes look leaps and bounds better than regular TV. It's ridiculous the way they use optical media and force a proprietary standard like Blu-ray on us when there are many other options. If they use the 720p mkv files they could fit seven episodes on one dual layer DVD easily. Problem for them is the adoption rate would be low. You and I would buy them because we have computers to play our content on. I use an HTPC for all of our music listening and movie viewing in my home. But how many people have that? Unfortunately (and I absolutely mean unfortunately) Blu-ray is really taking off in the retail and uneducated consumer world. People are coming into the store and buying up gobs of blu-ray discs now. Look at the potential of flash memory. The production cost and longevity are frequently improving on that technology. Soon it may be a viable alternative for HD content.

Optical media needs to die.

I didn't always feel this way, but the more I use it, the more I read what other people have to say on this forum, the more I like it. I just think back on all the SD memory cards that have died on me over the years ... oh wait. NONE. But how many DVD's or CD's do I have that are scratched beyond recognition??? I've bought the first few seasons of Atlantis, and plan on buying season 5, too. Guess what, they're all still sealed up in boxes, and I just download the torrents to watch. Rather do that than scratch up my collection.
You're absolutely right. The 720p episodes look leaps and bounds better than regular TV.

I've bought the first few seasons of Atlantis, and plan on buying season 5, too. Guess what, they're all still sealed up in boxes, and I just download the torrents to watch. Rather do that than scratch up my collection.

Thanks and indeed they do. And the difference between 720p and 1080p is what? Nothing as far as I am concerned! One HD format to another, at the moment, is negligible as most viewers are concerned. I don't get what the huge "must" is for 1080 when 720 could be a lot cheaper. And yeah, I forgot about dual layer, I burn single so it wasn't even a thought for me. :rolleyes: With dual layer DVDs, you could fit an entire season of most 12-14 episode shows onto three discs. What is the price of a blu-ray disc and how much is wasted???

And I am the same, I already listed what I have for SG-1 bought, I have since like season 4 on my PC. Same for almost every single new TV show since 2001-2. ST: Enterprise, 24, Jericho, Smallville, etc. HD as much as possible, measley 350MB versions as a LAST resort. And then I buy the ones I love and want to collect, which happens to be all of them( LOL - you should see my DVD shelves! ) and leave them unopened as collectibles.

Who doesn't do that? :confused: :p
Eh, the memories :cool:
Optical media needs to die.
Not happening anytime soon. Too many internet providers are being anal and putting download caps on accounts. That alone does not make killing off physical media a smart idea, at least in the near future. When we all start getting nice 30+ Mbps pipes and no freakin' download caps maybe LOL.
I bought this last year for $99 and it was well worth it. Great show.
Totally [H]ot! Too bad I have seasons 1-9 already. What really pisses me off though is I have seasons 1-8 in the bix boxes and they only released season 9 & 10 in the slim boxes so now it doesn't match.
that is a great deal, i wish i could get Star Trek TOS with the updated effects for that price!
wow, if I ever liked that show I would be on this. Too bad I'm not shopping for anyone that likes stargate- what a great deal.
Not happening anytime soon. Too many internet providers are being anal and putting download caps on accounts. That alone does not make killing off physical media a smart idea, at least in the near future. When we all start getting nice 30+ Mbps pipes and no freakin' download caps maybe LOL.

Oh, I'm not referring merely to digital distribution. In fact, I am in one of the crappiest states in the country for internet. In the smaller town I lived in (same state: Idaho) I had 7Mb DSL. It was fantastic. Was faster than the 6 meg Comcast I had, and had a much faster up-speed than the local cable competitor. I now live in a town not 15 miles away, but five times the size of my old town, and now I'm limited to 1.5 unless I switch back to cable (which has a puny 256k up!)

I was referring also to flash media. Part of the reason it's not as long-lived as optical media is because of all the repeated and random read/write cycles. Read-only flash memory would last a lot longer, would be harder to scratch, and is continuously becoming cheaper to produce. They're already selling music albums that way. Makes a lot of sense to me anyways.
I would gladly pay more for a HD movie on a flash media card. It would be way more convenient then say a blueray disc, or dvd. I could store a whole movie catalog in a small case and never have to worry about scratching em.
I got this last year from Amazon for the same price. It's a really nice set and a must have for fans of the show. Good times....
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