starting over the build


Mar 15, 2006
ok so i had a pretty good setup that i was going to buy and put together so i could enjoy it for the summer but then some unexpected costs came around. I was gonna buy this setup for a lil gaming(css bf2) im, word, and itunes.

case: cm centurion 5- 55$
proc: amd athlon 64 x2 4200+ - 357$
psu: pcpc 510 watt sli- 220$
mobo: a8n32 sli deluxe- 194$
ram: corsair xms 2gb-189$
video card: evga geforce 7900gt- 319$
dvd burner: plextor dvd+/-R dvd burner-100$
dvd rom: asus black ide dvd rom-30$
sound card: creative sound xfi extreme music-107$
hd: wd caviar se16 20gb sata 3.0-88$
os: windows media center edition 2005- 114$
speakers: logitech thx z-5300E 5.1 speaker- 114$
wireless network card: belkin pci wireless pre-n desktop network card- 112$
(have a wireless network setup with a belkin router)

total: 2000$

I am now limited to about 1400 tops and i would like to keep the speakers. any suggestions? btw i will be adding a second graphics card later down the road. is there any way i could get a decent setup for that amount? i will be using a dell 2007fpw.

thanx in advance!!!
case: cm centurion 5- 55$
proc: amd athlon 64 x2 4200+ - 357$
psu: pcpc 510 watt sli- 220$
mobo: a8n32 sli deluxe- 194$
ram: corsair xms 2gb-189$
video card: evga geforce 7900gt- 319$
dvd burner: plextor dvd+/-R dvd burner-100$
dvd rom: asus black ide dvd rom-30$
sound card: creative sound xfi extreme music-107$
hd: wd caviar se16 20gb sata 3.0-88$
os: windows media center edition 2005- 114$
speakers: logitech thx z-5300E 5.1 speaker- 114$
wireless network card: belkin pci wireless pre-n desktop network card- 112$
(have a wireless network setup with a belkin router)

total: 2000$

Get the X2 3800 instead.
Get a cheaper mobo(ie $99)
Get one DVD drive
You should be able to find a cheaper network card
Get a cheaper PSU - Thermaltake TN2 or so.
Onboard sound?
1 gig RAM?

That should save you about $500-550.
buy your stuff from the fs/ft thread and save some money there :)
mest6039 said:
ok so i had a pretty good setup that i was going to buy and put together so i could enjoy it for the summer but then some unexpected costs came around. I was gonna buy this setup for a lil gaming(css bf2) im, word, and itunes.

case: cm centurion 5- 55$
proc: amd athlon 64 x2 4200+ - 357$
psu: pcpc 510 watt sli- 220$
mobo: a8n32 sli deluxe- 194$
ram: corsair xms 2gb-189$
video card: evga geforce 7900gt- 319$
dvd burner: plextor dvd+/-R dvd burner-100$
dvd rom: asus black ide dvd rom-30$
sound card: creative sound xfi extreme music-107$
hd: wd caviar se16 20gb sata 3.0-88$
os: windows media center edition 2005- 114$
speakers: logitech thx z-5300E 5.1 speaker- 114$
wireless network card: belkin pci wireless pre-n desktop network card- 112$
(have a wireless network setup with a belkin router)

total: 2000$

I am now limited to about 1400 tops and i would like to keep the speakers. any suggestions? btw i will be adding a second graphics card later down the road. is there any way i could get a decent setup for that amount? i will be using a dell 2007fpw.

thanx in advance!!!

get the X2 3800 or an opty 165 instead.
enermax liberty 500 will be cheaper and just as good
A8N SLi Premium is cheaper and just as good.
and don't forget an aftermarket cooler.
mest6039 said:
ok so i had a pretty good setup that i was going to buy and put together so i could enjoy it for the summer but then some unexpected costs came around. I was gonna buy this setup for a lil gaming(css bf2) im, word, and itunes.

case: cm centurion 5- 55$
proc: amd athlon 64 x2 3800+ - 296$
psu: Enermax 500 Watt Liberty 109.95$
mobo: a8n32 sli deluxe- 194$
ram: corsair xms 1gb-94.50$
video card: evga geforce 7900gt- 295$ (pricewatch)
dvd burner: plextor dvd+/-R dvd burner-100$
No one really needs two drives anymore unless you are really impaitent.
Onboard sound will have to do for now.

hd: wd caviar se16 250gb sata 3.0-88$
os: windows media center edition 2005- 114$
speakers: logitech thx z-5300E 5.1 speaker- 114$
run a wire for now
(have a wireless network setup with a belkin router)

total: 1460.45$

Changes are in red.

I am out of ideas.
Unless you want to get a less expensive DVD RW drive, graphics card, hard drive (or use any you have lying around) or use XP instead MCE.
doesnt need that psu. Get a cheaper one. This is the one i have and it powers my rig fully overclocked. monarchcomputer
So that Antec 550 Watt will save you 20 more dollars.
I have always had a [H]ard|On for Enermax stuff.
I am sure the Antec will suffice though.
i was leaning towards the 3800+ neways so i will get that
you bring up a good point about the os because i will change to vista when it is released
im a little confused about the drives though. i want to be able to burn cd's and dvd's as well as watch dvds. what would i need to accomplish that? o yea i think im gonna go with the antec 500 watt as well. thanx for the imput already, any more ideas would be great. i wanna get this thing up and running asap.
mest6039 said:
i was leaning towards the 3800+ neways so i will get that
you bring up a good point about the os because i will change to vista when it is released
im a little confused about the drives though. i want to be able to burn cd's and dvd's as well as watch dvds. what would i need to accomplish that? o yea i think im gonna go with the antec 500 watt as well. thanx for the imput already, any more ideas would be great. i wanna get this thing up and running asap.

ill try doing both adn get back to you :)
I would steer clear of Antec psu's. They're ok but not great. Good brands are Enermax, Silverstone and Seasonic.
G. Skill 2GB kit is a bit cheaper...but not much. You may have to drop it to 1GB for now, but you might want to get the 2GB kit because they are cheaper and is necessary to run BF2 smoothly. Maybe you could use onboard sound for a while until you get more $? And if you get the Opteron 165, the stock heatsink w/ the 4 pipes is just as good as a thermalright xp-90 aftermarket cooler. Also you should get the NEC 4570A...much cheaper DVD burner...and DVD burners do play DVD roms as well so you should be fine with one. Althought not all antec power supplies are good, the antec truepower 550W SLi PSU is a great and should be perfect for your setup.

Can't really think of anything else right now..maybe you can find a cheap deal on those Sky Hawk fake-me-out Lian Li cases?
ok i think ive figured this out: here goes

video card:
hard drive:
dvd burner:

i will buy a sound card later- does anyone know how onboard sound is on this mobo? it seems like it would be ok for a short amount of time. i also found a network card lyin around the house so im set there too. if i forgot anything lemme know, other wise this is just under 1500 (yay).