Starting Witcher NG+ and want to get all achievements. What should I not mess up this time?


Aug 29, 2010
Biggest mistake i made on the first play through is missing the Gwent cards a the Masquerade ball. Is there any others i can miss? I think all others have a fail safe.

Any other tips/recommendations to get achievements?
Watch your quests and prioritize them so you're optimizing your xp gain. It is easy to out rank quests so they no longer pay, unavoidable really, so you'll want to pay attention to what is going to pay the most and be sure not to out rank it doing side-quests.

The new patch is said to track Gwent cards, so that their locations show on the map. Make use of this to not miss any cards.

Be paying attention to what decesions you make with Ciri if you are after a particular ending. There are guides online if you need help.

More than anything, have fun. If all these things are turning the game into a chore, then screw it. Max your Igni and fry EVERYTHING!! ;)
Biggest mistake i made on the first play through is missing the Gwent cards a the Masquerade ball. Is there any others i can miss? I think all others have a fail safe.

Any other tips/recommendations to get achievements?

Don't forget to play on Death March.