Startling MacWorld Revelation

HardOCP News

[H] News
Dec 31, 1969
With all the rumors and fake MacWorld news floating around, I found this bit of information to be rather startling. Can it be?!? What are the odds?

I have it from a very good source that Steve Jobs is going to wear a black shirt and blue jeans tomorrow. I can’t reveal how I know this source or how close they are to Apple HQ, but I’d bet my kids’ college money if I could find a bookie willing to take a wager on a keynote wardrobe. My source has revealed to me that the shirt will be a polycotton blend and the blue jeans will be held up by the skill of a tailor- not a belt.
Yes, but will the T-shirt feature a built-in WiFi locator? And shouldn't his pants be held up by the power of righteousness? Sigh, I'm tired.
Id also put money on him saying the word "amazing" about 36 times, saying the word "boom" quite a bit and practically orgasming over a screen being a half a centimetre thinner. Ya know, like every other year basically.
I have a scoop of my own. Jobs will say the letter "i" about 100,000 times at MacWorld. :)

That rumor is INCORRECT ! It's going to be a black turtle-neck shirt !!! :D
when is the keynote? what day ? time? I am assuming it'll be simalcast right?
It doesn't matter if the pants fit without a belt. The belt is necessary so as to not look like a dweeb.

Oh, wait.
I'm still waiting on the iShoe, the iMicrowave, and the iRack :)

They deemed the iRack too unstable, no one would buy it because it cost too much to keep stuff on the shelves for it to stand up straight.:p

But what about the iRan? Its the 2nd Gen iShoe!!!
It has nuclear powered soles. It will help you conquer your enemies at the track or in marathons and they have a radioactive glow so you can jog at night. Just don't let anyone know they're nuclear, or the police will bust down your door.:D

Harmless political jokes guys...don't get your panties in a twist.
Dear God. iSteve will show off his iPackage and we will all swoon at the thought him showing off his iPants that contain his humongous iPeen.