startup cpu voltage


Limp Gawd
Jul 17, 2005
should the startup cpu voltage be the same as the voltage im going to use

and also about cpu voltages would 1.5v be safer to use or 1.10v + 136% special or is there no difference?

and for the LDT /FSB frequency ratio am i just suppose to set the multiplier so that the HT stays below 1000? or was it 2000 for the amd x2 4400s?

keep ht link under 1000mhz

you shouldn't have to adjust startup voltage, unless you're having a hard time booting, but it's stable when you can.
hm ok wut about the voltages are the special %s worth using or are these only ment to be used if u want to set the vcore higher than the bios would normally allow?
the only thing that matters is the final result, not how you get there. Using a % vs. a straight input doesn't make a difference.

Startup vcore doesn't need to be touched, I've never had a situation where the CPU wouldn't post@~1.3v, at any speed.

On the HTT/LDT, the only thing you should do is keep it below 1000 (or equal), higher offers no performance increase, but it does cause instability, lower offers no performance hit, unless you start dropping down below ~500, maybe even ~250
xdkimx said:
hm ok wut about the voltages are the special %s worth using or are these only ment to be used if u want to set the vcore higher than the bios would normally allow?
Special % lets me use RMclock and still overclock.
"the only thing that matters is the final result, not how you get there. Using a % vs. a straight input doesn't make a difference."

hm are u 100% sure on that 1 cuz when i put my voltage to 1.1v + 136% it stops for a bit at startup with a black screen for ~4seconds then starts up again but when i made it run at 1.45v it stopped doing that, currently i set mine to 1.32v + 110% (something like that, dont remember the exact volt but its around there) cuz based on random rumors i heard its a more stable to use the % special, but mite as well try it even tho theyre jus rumors :p

hm heres where i got the idea