Static guard question


Jan 18, 2001
Hey all...I am not sure if this is the right location so if a mod finds it please move to the appropriate place ;)

What I am looking for is an anti static wrist band BUT it has to be of the design that does NOT have to be attached to a grounding plug or are the heel straps and works off of a capicitor. I have checked google and was not able to find anything so any help would be appreciated. I have need of this for an upcoming project I am trying to work out and this is going to be a must for me (no external attachment)
whats the project and whats a heel strap?? id assume its not a pc right? just touch the metal on the case before so u dont need one ...but somehow i think u mean something else
Hmm, an anti-static strap that connects to a capacitor, that would be pretty cool. It would beat my method of taking my sock off and keeping my foot on the case. :p
bam. I don't know if it uses a capacitor, but it is wireless.
damn that was fast..this is why I love [H] I think that is what I am looking for but am still going to keep for the project it is not going to be on a computer and will require continual discharge...can't say more than that right now