Steam AOC $10 Worth it?

I think so. I enjoyed the game for awhile, but eventually got bored of it. Still I definitely got more than $10 worth of enjoyment off of it.
My experience as well. Going from level 1-30 is really fun. After that it's grind.

Definitely worth it for the free 1st month and maybe a second month. Have fun downloading it... if I remember correctly the install is 10-12gb.
My experience as well. Going from level 1-30 is really fun. After that it's grind.

Definitely worth it for the free 1st month and maybe a second month. Have fun downloading it... if I remember correctly the install is 10-12gb.

Ha, I didn't think about that and apparently it requires 36gb of space now. I may pick it up, but I just got into L4D and am pretty hooked. If I don't register it right away I can use the "free" month later, right?
I would have rather picked this up then the copy of Wrath of the Lich King I got this week ><

Well, need to sell my WoW account now :p
I would have rather picked this up then the copy of Wrath of the Lich King I got this week ><

Well, need to sell my WoW account now :p

don't bother you will want to bounce between the two when you hit about 30-32 in conan.....the stuff that makes conan really cool sort of evaporates around then...
I thought AoC was terrible. I only played it the first month of release (was also in early start program). It was terribly balanced when I played (ToS dropping infinite totems? Necro's corpse bombing exp groups and killing them all?). Even if they fixed most of it now, I dont have any faith in Failcom. There's a reason why most of the subscribers left, the game just wasnt that fun. They also failed terribly when they set the level cap at 80.
Definitely not.

Anything Gaute Godager touches fails and is forced to be fix by other people.

I beta'd the game, played it live and as a Conan fan, can't recommend it.
Ha, I didn't think about that and apparently it requires 36gb of space now. I may pick it up, but I just got into L4D and am pretty hooked. If I don't register it right away I can use the "free" month later, right?

That's a retarded amount of HD space.

Yes, you can save the free month for later if you don't register.
I'd say it's worth it just to look at it's graphics.

Seriously all I did was run around the beach and town, other than that the game was pretty much garbage.
I enjoyed it for a couple months.. then the population went way down and l lost interest, I was around lvl 30ish.
it didn't suck... well, opinions vary.. but it was gorgeous and a little buggy when I played... took me a while to get used to the "feel" of the engine but after I did it was a lot of fun... I was entirely too busy when I started playing so didn't have much time for it and eventually had to give it up all together, but it was fun for a couple of months. ymmv
I would say it's well worth it. The game is fun, and it's worth trying it out for $10.
I also was in the beta. not worth your time as others have said. Maybe if it had just been released recently with all of the fixes already incorperated it would be viable but going into the future the game doesn't have enough draw or potential.

I'd say grab Lord of the Rings Online w/ the Mines of Moria expansion for $9.99

it is available as a digital download or physical disc same price.

I did beta testing for it and also played for a few months. Overall it is a much better game than AoC imo.
I thought AoC was terrible. I only played it the first month of release (was also in early start program). It was terribly balanced when I played (ToS dropping infinite totems? Necro's corpse bombing exp groups and killing them all?). Even if they fixed most of it now, I dont have any faith in Failcom. There's a reason why most of the subscribers left, the game just wasnt that fun. They also failed terribly when they set the level cap at 80.

PoM was the worst at the start. I don't know how the hell they managed to let that one get through. I'm not complaining though, managed to breeze through the grind in a day and a half. Instant cast, completely spammable, HEAL, that does full 360 aoe direct damage with no max targets and takes out ~20-40% of an enemies hp per hit. Combine that with the insane bonuses for "chain kills" while solo. Ha, I would charge into an enemy camp and blow the entire thing up in a second or two hehehe.

I stopped playing a long time ago though, Funcom's support of that game was atrocious.
Maybe I am just an addict, but Since June I have played this game. I still play it 3-4 hours a night.

What mmo is everyone playing then? And No I will not play WOW, Warhammer, or any other game with shit graphics.

I am getting star wars kotor once it is out, until then Conan FTW.
Maybe I am just an addict, but Since June I have played this game. I still play it 3-4 hours a night.

What mmo is everyone playing then? And No I will not play WOW, Warhammer, or any other game with shit graphics.

I am getting star wars kotor once it is out, until then Conan FTW.

LoTRO. Personally I like the graphics here better, and the gameplay IMO is considerably better as well.
I paid $50 for it back in the day, and with my experience with it, I would have to be paid to get that game again. On that note, I have my copy of the game sitting on my shelf if anyone wants it (or would want to trade for a good Star Wars KOTR 1 or 2).
LoTRO. Personally I like the graphics here better, and the gameplay IMO is considerably better as well.
My son and I can't even convince ourselves to log into Bored of the Rings Online, and I'm playing AoC and am really liking it.
My son and I can't even convince ourselves to log into Bored of the Rings Online, and I'm playing AoC and am really liking it.

Different strokes for different folks. I think AoC had huge potential but it was run into the ground by shoddy producers who were so out of touch with their community that their failure with the game ranks up there with the NGE Star Wars decisions.

Personally I'd never even remotely consider installing and giving them any of my money for AoC, that is how much I despised their raid content, PvP content, and Character advancement content. Everything about AoC after lvl 20 ranks on a scale of 1-10 about a 3 except for graphics which I'd give a 9 to. I do realize that this is afterall my opinion, but considering how fast the game tanked I'm sure quite a few have similar complaints.
So here's the way I look at it. To go see a movie and pick up a pack of candy to snack on, you're gonna drop $10. And, if you choose a LONG movie, you're going to get about 3 hours of entertainment for that $10 you spent. Now, compare that to this videogame (or any other). How much entertainment time do you think you'll get out of it? I dunno about you, but I definitely spend more than 3 hours on an MMO during the initial free period before I decide if it's worth subbing or not. It's a lot like going to see a movie - some are really good, some mediocre, and some movies are just terrible. Is $10 worth the few hours you think you might spend checking it out?

I played it in Beta, and decided not to purchase the game. Wasn't terrible, just didn't really hook me. But, I'm flaky with MMOs - didn't stick with LoTR, never tried Borehammer, and the grind in WoW burned me out. My kids have discovered that there are a bazillion MMOs now that are free to play (or at least free to a certain extent), so they want us to start checking them out, like a different one each weekend. So, the few hours we play together will be something new all the time, and don't have to drop a dime. A couple look worth spending a couple hours in, so if you're looking for a quick MMO fix, might want to check those out as well. I use as a reference for finding them.
So here's the way I look at it. To go see a movie and pick up a pack of candy to snack on, you're gonna drop $10. And, if you choose a LONG movie, you're going to get about 3 hours of entertainment for that $10 you spent. Now, compare that to this videogame (or any other). How much entertainment time do you think you'll get out of it? I dunno about you, but I definitely spend more than 3 hours on an MMO during the initial free period before I decide if it's worth subbing or not. It's a lot like going to see a movie - some are really good, some mediocre, and some movies are just terrible. Is $10 worth the few hours you think you might spend checking it out?

I played it in Beta, and decided not to purchase the game. Wasn't terrible, just didn't really hook me. But, I'm flaky with MMOs - didn't stick with LoTR, never tried Borehammer, and the grind in WoW burned me out. My kids have discovered that there are a bazillion MMOs now that are free to play (or at least free to a certain extent), so they want us to start checking them out, like a different one each weekend. So, the few hours we play together will be something new all the time, and don't have to drop a dime. A couple look worth spending a couple hours in, so if you're looking for a quick MMO fix, might want to check those out as well. I use as a reference for finding them.


kinda how I looked at it as well, for $10 I know I'll get my moneys worth, whether I stay with the game, time will tell.
Different strokes for different folks. I think AoC had huge potential but it was run into the ground by shoddy producers who were so out of touch with their community that their failure with the game ranks up there with the NGE Star Wars decisions.

Personally I'd never even remotely consider installing and giving them any of my money for AoC, that is how much I despised their raid content, PvP content, and Character advancement content. Everything about AoC after lvl 20 ranks on a scale of 1-10 about a 3 except for graphics which I'd give a 9 to. I do realize that this is afterall my opinion, but considering how fast the game tanked I'm sure quite a few have similar complaints.

It still does have poetential if they added more content, ironed out the bugs and advertised the thing. I never once saw an add for it, I saw someone playinng it and was wowed by the graphics is how I got hooked.

They have these 3 areas that are level 19-30 areas they should make one of them the mid 60's -80 area instead of giving that much to do when it is easy to level.

The number one thing that they can do to help themselves is to stop mixing pve and pvp on the same servers. They seem to try and ballance everything for pvp and in the process screw over certain classes for pve.

Last but certainly not least is they have to fix the exploits that certain people take advantage of during pvp/ seiges.
How is this a hot deal. Isn't it an MMO and requires a monthly fee to play any way?