[Steam] Dragonheir: Silent Gods FTP D&D/Divinity/BG RPG


Jul 24, 2008
Dragonheir: Silent Gods is a FTP RPG that borrows from D&D-Divinity and Baldur's Gate.

View: https://store.steampowered.com/app/2203070/Dragonheir_Silent_Gods/

Before the world can end its crusade against the evil Dragon God, arrogance has brought immense loss and taken away this warrior, whose soul is now forever trapped in chaos...

How did he wind up stranded in the black mist? The Chaos Universum brims with confusion and uncertainty...

Situated at the limits of the Palace Entropica, it is the only passage from Chaos Universum to the Main Material Plane. Its existence is little known, and only a select few can see the hidden gate of the Palace Entropica at certain hours of the day.

If you see the gate, please remember this -
Face the Palace head-on, devote yourself to the truth, and you will gain the power to travel across planes.

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kTzfrvgvkdo
Huh? This is a mobile gacha pay to win game, and it's absolutely *not* D&D...why post this here?