Steam REFUSES to connect.


Limp Gawd
Jan 5, 2004
Alright, I dunno if help threads are allowed in this section, but at this point I'm desperate.

For about 2 months now, Steam has refused to connect. The only thing I changed was location--not even IPs. Trick is, I'm in an apartment, not a house of my own. Valve, the ever customer-loving people they are, refuse to respond to emails and even the support section on their site. Fun.

The exact error message I get is "Could not connect to the steam network. This could be a problem with your Internet connection or with the steam network." I know it's not ports being blocked because I've got DMZ on here and it's the same router used now as before I moved, so nothing's changed. The kicker is, it only does this when I type in the correct password. Anything else just gives me a "Login failed". So I know I've got the right pass/user combination.

Help? Please? Any?
Sorry man. I can't say I have even the slightest idea of what this could be. Unless you are running XP and the security center is blocking internet access to that program?
No, I've got all of XP's security crap disabled and, like I said, it worked fine in my old place on the same install.
I was just about to start a thread about how I'd like to be able to just BLOODY WELL BE ABLE TO PLAY HL2, BUT I CAN'T BECAUSE STEAM DOESN'T WORK AND I'M ON DIALUP AND GOD KNOWS HOW LONG IT WILL TAKE TO GET THE FILES. Seriously, this presumption of consumer guilt on the part of Valve is so incredibly frustrating. I understand how they want to protect themselves against piracy, but Microsoft has managed to do this WITHOUT forcing you to download a whole bunch of files just so XP will run in the first place. I got HL2 in July, and I'm still unable to get it to connect properly and run. Is there somewhere you can just simply download the updates without having to go through this Steam shit?
same external ip address with same ISP?

can you get into other online game servers?

is box unchecked under xp's firewall advanced tab that says "local are connection" (just disabling xp's firewall doesnt always fully disable it ...kinda dumb I know , but I have had to go in and uncheck everything under advanced tab on various boxen to get into different kinds of connections even tho internet worked ..but shares wouldnt , and that type of thing)....?

just throwing stuff at yuh

*do you have buddy close by who has steam installed and then try and log in with your info from his setup?*

1) Not same external IP address, but like I said same ISP
2) Yeah, I can play other online games perfectly fine. Can even host.
3) I do, but it'll be a while before I can check.
Possible you're router is blocking the port? Or since you moved your internal IP has changed and the port is forwarding to an empty address?
try deleting your client registry.blob file, or something like that i forget the exact name, from your steam folder...or reinstall steam.
Had a couple of friends that had this same issue - and by using a different NIC, that solved thier problem. What's odd is ONLY steam was effected - nothing else. One had dual 10/100's onboard, they changed ports, and everything was then good, in the other case I gave him an PCI 10/100 NIC and the steam connection issues went away.

So, it "might" not be software or OS based, but we've yet to figure out why one NIC will work and one won't connect to steam. Yes, we checked the chipsets, drivers, and in both cases it was different.

I had the same problem a while back and couldn't figure out what the problem was. So I just re-downloaded all 9 gigs or whatever it was. That fixed it.
Yoshmaista said:
1) ...but like I said same ISP

you did? ...where ..?lol

"The only thing I changed was location--not even IPs"

..based on other post' sounds like a config file somewhere still has your old settings burned into it ..simple fix, if you know what/where the file is ..

seems silly tho that the steam proggie wouldn't just re-initialize everything automatically once you launch it.

from steam forums:
"Dont know if this will work,but have you tried deleting your ClientRegistry.blob and try loggin in again??? "**&p_li=&p_topview=1

maybe something in those links might get you going , 3rd link has prolly most info if you havent already read it.

If you use a router that has a DMZ function, specifically a D-Link, you might not be able to connect because the DMZ function is ON. I know I can't connect if the DMZ is on...just a suggestion.
Yoshmaista said:
My bad, I meant ISP there.

DMZ is on...but on my computer. Using a Netgear router.

did you try deleting the ClientRegistry.blob from your steam folder, or reinstalling steam yet?
Yeah, I have the exact same problem as you, only this happens to me right in the middle of playing a game. Steam acts like everything is fine, then BOOM! The game vomits all over the place because Steam got disconnected. Valve has been very unsupportive and frankly I'm dissapointed. Problems like these aren't uncommon. Steam was a horrible idea from the get-go, but even so can't they make it better? It seems it only gets worse with every forced "update" they release. What makes me so angry is that I can go back and play all the old games I had already beaten that I want to. FarCry, Sims 2, all of those games... they all run great. But because of the idiotic frontend that Valve makes you run, I can't even play HL2 any more, even though I played it all the way through with no difficulty last summer. I'm almost at the point where I'm going to go rush out and buy the Xbox version, just so I can play HL2. Or maybe that's what Valve's been wanting everyone to do all along? LOL
[Off-Topic Threadcrap]
Since I'm pissed at Steam and Valve now, I'm taking this oppurtunity to bash them.
Valve makes great games but
- Updates are late
- Updates cause problems elsewhere
- Each Update requires a subsequent update to fix the crap the previous one did
- Steam is a good idea for updating and preventing piracy, but like Valve's updates, it is often buggy.
[/Off-Topic Threadcrap]

Thank you and good luck fixing it.
The Steampowered forums often provide much better support than Valve.
I had to turn off dmz for my computer on my dlink router....that fixed my connect problem. dont know why though...
Yoshmaista said:
My bad, I meant ISP there.

DMZ is on...but on my computer. Using a Netgear router.

You didn't read my wasn't worded the best, but I said IF DMZ is ON then I CAN'T connect. You should try turning DMZ OFF. There, I think that's a bit more clear :).

If on can't connect
If off can connect
tys90 said:
You didn't read my wasn't worded the best, but I said IF DMZ is ON then I CAN'T connect. You should try turning DMZ OFF. There, I think that's a bit more clear :).

If on can't connect
If off can connect

I don't think you read my first post--anything that's on has been on for months now, with Steam having no problem with said settings.
Yoshmaista said:
I don't think you read my first post--anything that's on has been on for months now, with Steam having no problem with said settings.

Did you atleast try it? Steam DID work with a DMZ on, but recently stopped after an update, possibly within the last 2 month time frame you talked about.
This is a textbook example of why Steam is totally unacceptable. Bug the fuck out of millions to stop 20-30000 pirates.
Yoshmaista said:
I don't think you read my first post--anything that's on has been on for months now, with Steam having no problem with said settings.

Have you tried backing up your games into a seperate folder and then reinstalling steam??

Make sure you uninstall the right way...

Yoshmaista said:
I don't think you read my first post--anything that's on has been on for months now, with Steam having no problem with said settings.

Your a damn broken record player. How do you expect to fix the problem if you dont try anything?!? Numerous suggestions have been made and you apparently haven't tried any of them. Is this a damned quiz show or something?
"well , it worked fine before" ...that's neat and all , but if it apparantly isn't working now , then one might come to the conclusion that what worked before ...ummm ....isn't working now...?

why even bother asking for help...? must just be that steam sucks ..and thats that ...yay!


adam7488 said:
Have you tried backing up your games into a seperate folder and then reinstalling steam??

Make sure you uninstall the right way...


I've formatted my computer. I think that'll uninstall it ;)

I've switched routers and the other router didn't have DMZ on, so I suppose I'll put it to you this way--yes, it's always worked with DMZ on and even with no DMZ.
Peer Guardian likes to block Steam.

Delete ClientRegistry.blob try again.

Delete everything related to steam, reinstall, try again.

Those are three solutions that each at a different time have solved the same issue with me.
MechWarrior said:
Peer Guardian likes to block Steam.

Delete ClientRegistry.blob try again.

Delete everything related to steam, reinstall, try again.

Those are three solutions that each at a different time have solved the same issue with me.

Thanks for the advice but I've never ran peerguardian, and like I said COMPLETELY reformatted so that reinstalling/clientregistry.blob thing doesn't do much. :\
Hehe I hate steam to the point I have no plans to buy another game that uses it. The time it really got me pissed was when I went to play css and I could not because steam could not verify my account. Most of the time it would fail and you would try again and it would be fine. This time was different. I ended up missing a clan match because steam would not let me in. My sig file on our clan forums is a steam error box done in flash making fun of them.