Steam weekend deal: Men of War $7.50


Aug 28, 2007
This weekend on Steam, the RTS/RTT game "Men of War" is available for the low price of $7.50!

This game is World War II strategy game which relies heavily on tactics. When I say WW2 RTS, people think Company of Heroes, an excellent game but with very arcadey gameplay. Men of War focuses on realism. Infantry won't survive two seconds against withering machine gun fire. Trees and houses will come tumbling down if they receive enough damage, or a tank rolls over them. Units are given realistic lines of sight. Infantry do not have eyes in the back of their heads and tanks are relatively blind without infantry support or other means of visual identification.
Cover can be used to protect infantry and vehicles from fire, and it can also be used to hide your units. Infanty prone in bushes are less likely to be seen than if they are standing in the middle of a field. Tanks that take position behind or inside buildings are afforded additional protection by the walls of the structure. be warned, this isn't total protection, the walls can still be penetrated, but it will make the effect of such a shot take a penalty. Aside from the most sturdy of structures, nearly everything in the environment is destructible, and flammable! Flamethrower infantry can set buildings, trees, and other objects on fire, which can and will spread!
It is by far and away one of the most detailed and realistic damage models I've seen for the enviornment, and especially the vehicles. Vehicles will take damage based on many factors; velocity of the round, angle of the shot, thickness of armor at hit location, type of round that was shot. That is to say, you have many different ways of damaging a vehicle. You can destroy the engine, blow off the treads, destroy the main gun, disable the turret, or if you get lucky, send a round through the ammo compartment sending the entire vehicle up in flames. Sometimes you'll only kill the vehicle crew, and be able to repair and recrew the vehicle with your own infantry, and thus use the enemies own weapons against them.
The game is balanced, as even the cheapest of infantry units can take out the heaviest tank if equipped properly and employed correctly. It all boils down to a matter of tactics, which far and away rules supreme in this game. Finally, you can take direct control of any unit in the game and control every action that unit makes. Where it moves, where it shoots, what it shoots.

Down to the essentials:
  • 24 Single player missions covering three story arcs and bonus missions, and the ability to play each one cooperatively with up to 4 players.
  • Four playable factions (German, Soviets, USA, UK) and a fifth being added in a patch (Japan - available in multiplayer only)
  • Seven different multiplayer modes including; Cooperative play, Battlezones (like CoH victory points), Victory Flag (think King of the Hill), Free for all, Frontlines (assault/defend maps), and Valuable cargo (find cargo and bring back to your base to get points)
  • Fully destructible environments and terrain; turn lush countryside into a hellish battlezone.
  • More than a hundred unique units. Infantry with varying weapon proficiencies, each unit with an individual inventory, the ability to tow around AT guns and artillery pieces when needed.
  • A proven and working direct control system as featured in the games; Soldiers: Heroes of World War II and Faces of War.

TLDR: If you have any interest in a realistic World War II RTS game, look no further. For the cost of your next lunch out, you can own the best one on the market. You won't see much of a better deal for it than $7.50 and at that price, it's a good buy even if you only play the single player. This game is a steal at this price and well worth the buy, so what are you waiting for!

Enjoy! Don't mind the voiceacting, the gameplay makes up for it.

Also, it says that XP 64 and Vista x64 are not supported, but I have had it running flawlessly with no fussing on both of my Vista 64 boxes, so fear not.
Absolutely worth the $8. I bought it for $30 and still didn't regret it.

Never finished it though - ran in to some balance issues I didn't like.
Enjoy! Don't mind the voiceacting, the gameplay makes up for it.

Also, it says that XP 64 and Vista x64 are not supported, but I have had it running flawlessly with no fussing on both of my Vista 64 boxes, so fear not.

I tried the demo yesterday and it worked on xp x64. Probably not official but it works.
One of the best RTS games available.
Voice acting is horrible, but the gameplay is second to none.
Men of War takes Company of Heroes, bends it over, and makes it its bitch.
It's got a bit of a learning curve, and can be micro heavy at times.

I think there's a barrier to entry that you have to get through to start really enjoying it. That said, if any of you guys think this is a game you'd like and want to play MP, there's quite a few of us that play regularly and we can show you the ropes and try to get you up to speed.

MP really is a blast once you figure out what you're doing! :D Just PM me or add me on steam and we'll get you going in no time.
Learn direct control. Tanks and arty have weapons penetration, so using direct control + Ap rounds allow you to decimate targets though buildings, walls, etc.
Nailing tanks is fun as some tanks can bounce shells, while tracks are easy takedowns.
I think its tab or v that highlights bodies and or items. pickup fallen MGs and sniper rifles. Also, use "k" and view items in vehicles. Good way to get ammo and weapons.