Steam weekend deal: Stalker bundle 75% off

killer deal for one of my favorite all time games.
I picked it up just to get them on steam.
If you already have SoC, you don't get an extra copy, however CoP is well worth it for $9.99.
Ehhhh I dunno. Last time I tried stalker was the original and man... What a buggy game. I couldn't take all the problems.
I already own a retail copy of Shadow of Chernobyl, but I've been waiting for a sick deal on CoP. I still haven't even played Clear Sky. Does it matter if I play CoP before Clear Sky or are they unrelated?

SoC is one of my favorite games of all time so I'm really pumped to get back in the zone :D
And here I was thinking that there wouldn't be a chance to get CoP for cheap after that July 4th sale. :(
how much was CoP during the last Steam sale?

They always get cheaper.

Yes. I bought SoC a year and a half ago for $5 and I just started playing it recently. I think I've seen it for less than $3 at a recent Steam sale. Clear Sky is $4 at go gamer all the time it seems like. Will pick that one up next when Steam has a good sale on it. I'm sure CoP will drop also (or least be $10 by itself sometime soon)
i jumped on this. already have SoC non-steam version...nice to have the steam version now. looking forward to playing CoP! :)

p.s. steam rules.
how much was CoP during the last Steam sale?

Yes. I bought SoC a year and a half ago for $5 and I just started playing it recently. I think I've seen it for less than $3 at a recent Steam sale. Clear Sky is $4 at go gamer all the time it seems like. Will pick that one up next when Steam has a good sale on it. I'm sure CoP will drop also (or least be $10 by itself sometime soon)

During the big thing SoC was .99 and its always freein the thq pack. I imagine it'll be $5 before I get a chance to play it.
Be sure to try out the "Complete" mods for Stalker: SoC & Stalker: CS. The team that did those mods is currently working on a Stalker: CoP "Complete" mod. That team's work is really top-notch -- basically does everything that the Stalker series needed to have fixed (including numerous bug fixes, and massively updated graphics -- much improved art direction done in the mods, hehe). IMO the mods allow the games to be played the way they were truly meant to be.

Complete mods link -- including screenshots
Be sure to try out the "Complete" mods for Stalker: SoC & Stalker: CS. The team that did those mods is currently working on a Stalker: CoP "Complete" mod. That team's work is really top-notch -- basically does everything that the Stalker series needed to have fixed (including numerous bug fixes, and massively updated graphics -- much improved art direction done in the mods, hehe). IMO the mods allow the games to be played the way they were truly meant to be.

Complete mods link -- including screenshots

Good on you! Thanks for the link. I'm picking up the pack just for CoP and reinstalling SoC to play through and finish this time.
does the steam version play nice with mods though? Never tried a mod with a steam game.

Anyways good deal, I'm gonna pick it up. Wish they threw in clear sky too and made it $15
does the steam version play nice with mods though? Never tried a mod with a steam game.

Anyways good deal, I'm gonna pick it up. Wish they threw in clear sky too and made it $15
The .exe version of the Complete mod auto detects the Steam version and installs in the right directory.

Also anybody know why they didn't include Clear Sky? I already have SoC.
Be sure to try out the "Complete" mods for Stalker: SoC & Stalker: CS. The team that did those mods is currently working on a Stalker: CoP "Complete" mod. That team's work is really top-notch -- basically does everything that the Stalker series needed to have fixed (including numerous bug fixes, and massively updated graphics -- much improved art direction done in the mods, hehe). IMO the mods allow the games to be played the way they were truly meant to be.

Complete mods link -- including screenshots

another fan of the Complete mods. played almost all the way through SoC with this, and also played some CS with the Complete mod. very well done.
Release Order:
  1. Shadow of Chernobyl
  2. Clear Sky
  3. Call of Pripyat

Story Order:
  1. Clear Sky
  2. Shadow of Chernobyl
  3. Call of Pripyat
Thanks... I have clear sky on my steam list but... haven't played it yet. might pick this up. and play teh series through.
for some reason I still prefer the disc copies of the games, gonna pick up CoP tomorrow even though I'm not done with CS yet, it's only $10 moar...
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Oblivion Lost is so Gdamn haaaaaaaaaaaaard.

I havent even finished Stalker or Clear Sky. Gonna wait til this is cheaper. They always get cheaper.

$10 for two very long games isn't cheap enough for you? I know we are in [H]ot Deals but god damn you are one cheap bastard, no offense.

I snagged it, great deal for two games I need to play still.
im still tempted to buy those... tried the first and my rig wasnt able to play it. Now I have what it takes but wonder if i should ... i have a HUGE backlog
crappy game IMO - couldn't get into it - wanted to - but couldn't.
Ibit, already had SoC but nice having it on Steam. Playing through SoC now with the Complete Mod. Seems like there are also a few other mods like Oblivion Lost that I'll try next. Good deal.
Thank you TC. I've been meaning to play the Stalker series so I picked it up this time.
crappy game IMO - couldn't get into it - wanted to - but couldn't.

to each their own, everyone's different, I had never heard of it until a few years after it was released, saw people talking about it here and gave it a try, got into it and loved it, still do, no one I know has ever heard of it, they're all like OMGMODERNWARFARE2!!1!1!1!1!!!!JIMPJIMP!!1!1!!111!!! but all I really hear is baahh bah bbbaaahhh...
Wow, is it just me or does CoP look WORSE then the first one? I max everything in options and the game just..looks a lot less detailed then the first Stalker. For some reason the game won't let me select max detail on textures either, something about only being selectable for 64bit-os's??? That makes no sense, since the gmae runs smooth and solid and the first one looks far better then this one to me.