Steam - Weekend Deal: Total War: Shogun 2 for $34. Warm?

It is an extremely good game. Price seems to be a good one since it is still higher at places like Amazon. Is a steamworks game so no matter where you get it, you are using Steam to play.

Not an amazing price, compared to some retailers (Amazon has had it for $40 for awhile) but a good one.

Well worth getting if you like strategy games, one of the highest rated in recent memory (90 on Metacritic).
I played the original and every Total War game since up until Napoleon came out, which I never got. I also skipped Empire: TW. This is very tempting.

is the Ikko Ikki clan pack ($5, not on sale) necessary?
I would look on ebay for "Vouchers" that were given out as gifts for purchases, iirc they go for quite cheap on ebay. Steam activation possible too, i believe
Yeah, they also gave it away free with tons of ati cards, so you should be able to find it for sale on ebay for much cheaper. It's worth $34, but obviously no one wants to spend money unnecessarily
On sale at Frys Electronics for $29.99. So you may save a few bucks buying it retail then registering the key to Steam.
Amazon has since matched Steam's price. I guess when a game requires Steam, digital sellers are sort of forced to match it if they want to keep it selling through their website instead of directly via Steam.