Step 2: Passed the VCDX Design Exam


[H]F Junkie
Mar 16, 2001
I took the VCDX Design exam on Thursday. I got the deadlines from VMware on what I needed to do to present at VMworld in August and was a bit surprised how soon they needed my design and application. I had until the 13th to pass the Design exam but since you have to take these at the Prometric Professional centers availability was VERY limited. Only open spot within 100 miles was Thursday morning, less than 48 hours from when I got the email. But I passed. Even though I didn't score much higher than on the Enterprise exam I thought this was a much easier exam. Design type questions and nothing you can really study for...just stuff you know from doing.

So now it's on to creating my design documentation and submit for the chance to defend.
Congratulations once again dude.

Have you seen the new roadmap for VCDX4? I think the addition of the VCAP is nice as it did seem like a big jump between VCP and VCDX - this way there is immediate recognition of passing the more advanced exams.