step-by-step GTL guide needed - anyone successfully using them?


May 6, 2007
I've read a number of posts and articles either directly trying to address GTL's or alluding to them, but none of them have thus far presented a step-by-step method for setting these values at a given overclock (8.5x450 say).

If you've successfully overclocked a quad to a "high" FSB (>400 MHz), please share your process in setting GTL's and achieving a p95 stable overclock. Also, if anyone has a link describing what a safe range to set the GTL's to at a given VTT, I'd be interested in read it!
if anyone has a link describing what a safe range to set the GTL's to at a given VTT, I'd be interested in read it!

Not quite sure what you mean by "safe".

The Signaling Specifications section of the Intel Data sheet for the CPU in question 6000 series or 9000 series has the needed info but it is a chore to sift through.

For "blow it up safe", if memory serves Vih can be Vtt + .1 volt. but might depend on the specific quad in question, check me on that which is why I included the linky.

Just in case you have not seen it or for others wanting to know what we are talking about:

I know of no step by step guide, there was some "advice" on Anandtech in one of the MB reviews on setting GTL levels.

I have never found it a desirable way to stabilize an OC. If the bios did not provide a GTL adjustment for each core I would wonder at the usefulness but "playing" with stuff is most of the fun anyway, carry on. :D

Just a thought, I would use memtest86+ tests 1 and 2 as a way of "flooding " the FSB with logical "ones" and "zeros" as a primary testing software.