Step up Question


Apr 3, 2002
I searched the forums but couldnt find an answer to this. How long will it take before I am notified about the step up (evga)? I started it yesterday and I was #4 in queue. Now I am still #4. Whats the normal wait time? Is there anything I should be doing while I wait? I have already uploaded the invoice and think Im just supposed to be waiting for contact from Evga now.
You most likely have seen some sort of update in your evga profile by now. If you haven't then you probably have to email them you receipt for original purchase. You can always call they have 24-hour support. :D
Last time I did a Step Up with EVGA, it took about 2 weeks, but that was in the « old days » when the 6800 Ultra was the top performer.

I just did a Trade Up with BFG (GTX260 to GTX280) and I’ve received my confirmation yesterday, after about 1 weeks.

They are both pretty fast, but if it’s only been one day, it would not hurt to way a little longer. :)
I am shipping off my 9800GT to step up to a 260. Now my main rig is down and I am using an old Shuttle socket A = XP1800, 1gb DDR, GeforceMX something or another. Works pretty well and is zippy for surfing and etc. Now the desktop looks like ass using VGA on my Dell 24". Whelp no gaming for a while sure hope eVGA hurries.
Last time I did a Step Up with EVGA, it took about 2 weeks, but that was in the « old days » when the 6800 Ultra was the top performer.

I just did a Trade Up with BFG (GTX260 to GTX280) and I’ve received my confirmation yesterday, after about 1 weeks.

They are both pretty fast, but if it’s only been one day, it would not hurt to way a little longer. :)

I just did my trade up with bfg last night, going from gtx260 to gtx295. Got my confirmation email last night, sent it out today :)
I got all the confirmations and emails and am shipping it out today. USPS should have it there by tomorrow, and hopefully I get it next week sometime.
I just sent mine a few minutes ago. Provided that Canada Post doesn’t lose the box, it should be at BGF doorstep within five days.

Until I get my Trade Up card, I’m left with only my wife's MacBook Pro to play with... Wait... That sounded weird. ;:D

Now I’m thinking I should have traded my GTX260 for the GTX295, but since I’m only on a 24 inches display, a gtx280 should do the trick... If the GTX285 comes out tomorrow, maybe they’ll let me switch for that one instead.
I got my coupon code for the BFG Trade Up program today. Since I'm without a card since I sent it a few days ago, I rushed to complete the process, only to have my credit card declined because the billing address presumably does not match...

I've tried with my credit card, with my wife credit card, always the same result. I've contacted my credit card company only to be told it should work, and that the billing info I've used is the one on file. Nice... :(

I'm sure I'll get this sorted out with BFG in no time, but I'll have to wait until Monday, and until I get my card back, I'm forced to use my wife's MacBook! ;)
Evga's queue is really wierd. When i was trading up my 9800gtx's to my current 260s, i went in at like 169 and 171 in queue. Didnt seem to move at all then went to confirmation in 1 day. I think it all depends on how much product they have on hand at any given time.
I finally had a somewhat “complex” experience completing my BFG Step Up, due to numerous issues with processing payment using a Canadian credit card. The nice thing is that BFG support was exceptional through it all, and in the end, everything was resolved to my satisfaction.

Issues are bound to crop up from time to time, but it’s nice to know you can count on competent support (thanks Jeff) ! :)