Stepping up my 8800GTS 640MB


Limp Gawd
Apr 3, 2007
Yes...another thread about upgrading...

I've got an evga 8800gts and 15 days to step-up to something new. These are the choices I'm considering:

evga 8800gts 640mb SSC edition (112 SP)
evga 8800gts 512mb (g92)

I haven't seen any benchmarks that compare the two directly, but from the ones I've seen with the GT I think the trend in the performance is:

8800GTS 640 < 8800GT 512 <= 8800GTS 640 SSC < 8800GTS 512 <= 8800GTX < 8800 Ultra.

I know there isn't much difference between those cards and the one I have, but I feel like I should take advantage of the free "upgrade" and possibly have a higher resale value for the newer cards.

I'd like to mention that I run a 1680x1050 monitor, so if memory bandwidth is an issue tell me. The newer cards are only 256bit while the older ones are 320bit. In addition I also plan on overclocking the card (with my current watercooling setup), so a better overclocker would be favorable.

I am in the exact same boat as you essentially. 20 Days left on my step up and I have an OC'd version of the GTS 640.

I initiated the step up last night for the G92 GTS. Number 165 in queue.

As for the comparisons you speak of, and the resolution you will be gamiing at the GTS 512 would be a smart choice, just my opinion though.

Good luck!
#107 for the same thing, stepping up from my superclocked GTS 640. Probably wont get the OC version im guessing..but oh well its free performance.
8800 GTS 640 SO -> 8800 GTS 512

already in process - waiting for payment verification.

Since my monitor is a 21" 1680x1050, I am guessing the 512MB should be more than sufficient to drive it under most circumstances.
Would it be frugal to upgrade my 8800GTS 320MB to the 8800GTS 512MB, while I can still step-up? $65 plus shipping
The question is... is the performance between the 8800GT and 8800GTS worth it to you? Also, how much would you have to pay extra for that difference?
I wonder, I still have a MIR available for my 8800GTS 320MB, if I cut off the UPC for the rebate can I still send it in that box? It's only $20 so it's not a dealbreaker.
I cut out the UPC and mailed in the rebate AND stepped-up my gts 320.

When I sent in the GTS 320, I used the box with the cut out UPC, no problem. I'm getting my new GT tomorrow! (my step-up ended 3 days before the GTS 512 was released) :(
Would it be frugal to upgrade my 8800GTS 320MB to the 8800GTS 512MB, while I can still step-up? $65 plus shipping

I say go for it, thats a steal in my eyes. Though if the price/performance ratio doesn't seem worth it to you, you should at least pick up a GT which should be a decent amount less.
Would it be frugal to upgrade my 8800GTS 320MB to the 8800GTS 512MB, while I can still step-up? $65 plus shipping

Going from a 320-> 512 card that is also faster is a definite yes. You can even go for the GT which should lower the cost to probably nothing (plus shipping).

For the others that have a 640, might as well wait until near the end of the step-up period just in case they release a newer GTX /performance king as the difference between the new and old GTS doesn't seem to be that significant.

Now if you get it for just the price of shipping, you might want to consider it, but I wouldn't spend over $50 for a small gain.
I'll just wait till the last day of my step-up and see if *anything* better comes out.
I have 54 days left on my second 8800 gts 640mb. And I am hoping Nvidia announces a new GTX G92 before that time. If they don't I will just step up to a G80 GTX and sell my other GTS. And look for the mass dump of G80 GTX's for SLI when they do release the new G92. The wife will be pissed but life will go on. 1920 x 1080 the GTX flat out owns the GTS that I have so it will still be a big performance jump for me. First I really need to bail out of this AMD platform and run to Intel. This has cost me a lot in time and head ache!