Steve Jobs (still) Not Dead

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HardOCP News

[H] News
Dec 31, 1969
First it was the panic over Steve Jobs looking too skinny. Then it was Forbes accidentally posting his obituary. Today it is the rumor of a heart attack. For crying out loud people, the guy is not dead. Believing stuff you see on CNN’s version of YouTube news doesn’t help either.

The report is ``not true,'' spokesman Steve Dowling said in an interview. The shares fell as much as 5.4 percent after a post on CNN's citizen journalist Web site cited an anonymous source saying Jobs was rushed to the hospital after suffering a ``major heart attack.'' The report has been removed.
Maybe Steve should travel around with Al Daves, even the grim reaper is scared of that s.o.b.
Who is that guy from the stones? Keith Richards? He just loads himself up with embalming fluid (drugs) and therefore will live on forever as a Cocaine-Lich.

Take a note Steve!
Why are people obsessed with the idea of his death???

I mean he's got a firm grip on the iMarket just like Bill Gates has a fairly firm grip on the PC market, yet no one wants Gates dead...

I just think there are more deserving of death attention... not that I want anyone dead, but I mean this is just weird honestly.
Why are people obsessed with the idea of his death???

I mean he's got a firm grip on the iMarket just like Bill Gates has a fairly firm grip on the PC market, yet no one wants Gates dead...

I just think there are more deserving of death attention... not that I want anyone dead, but I mean this is just weird honestly.

What scares me is that the stock value actually drops because of rumors of his death. This is why I think that the stock market is broken... How can the value of a company drop because of a rumor? Jeez...
Why are people obsessed with the idea of his death???

I mean he's got a firm grip on the iMarket just like Bill Gates has a fairly firm grip on the PC market, yet no one wants Gates dead...

I just think there are more deserving of death attention... not that I want anyone dead, but I mean this is just weird honestly.

Its the Steve Jobs cult. Everytime the man takes a shit, for some reason a bunch of i-drones care, and because of that everyone else makes fun of them.
What scares me is that the stock value actually drops because of rumors of his death. This is why I think that the stock market is broken... How can the value of a company drop because of a rumor? Jeez...

Well stock prices are based off the perceived value of owning a small peice of the company. Stock prices have no direct correlation to profit, revenue or any real numerical value.
What scares me is that the stock value actually drops because of rumors of his death. This is why I think that the stock market is broken... How can the value of a company drop because of a rumor? Jeez...

The more time I spend looking at the market and researching, the more I am discovered rumors and public perception are all that matter anymore.
What scares me is that the stock value actually drops because of rumors of his death. This is why I think that the stock market is broken... How can the value of a company drop because of a rumor? Jeez...

Well Apple doesn't really have a replacement or continuity plan for the day Jobs does hit the dirt... so I think investors are frightened (especially with todays market) at any sound or sight that he may have cashed out... afterall, he does look unhealthy/sick.
The more time I spend looking at the market and researching, the more I am discovered rumors and public perception are all that matter anymore.

That is why, my friend, as soon as you master the skill of diserning fact from fiction there is a boatload of cash waiting for you. You actually make more money by bucking the trend. For instance, the other day when the market dropped 8 or 9%, the average American thought, "oh no this is bad my 401k (or stocks) took a dump", but in reality, it was a very very good opportunity to dump as much money as you could comfortably afford into the the market. The markets will always come back with even higher returns over time.
That is why, my friend, as soon as you master the skill of diserning fact from fiction there is a boatload of cash waiting for you. You actually make more money by bucking the trend. For instance, the other day when the market dropped 8 or 9%, the average American thought, "oh no this is bad my 401k (or stocks) took a dump", but in reality, it was a very very good opportunity to dump as much money as you could comfortably afford into the the market. The markets will always come back with even higher returns over time.

:D And it's working well.
What scares me is that the stock value actually drops because of rumors of his death. This is why I think that the stock market is broken... How can the value of a company drop because of a rumor? Jeez...

because all that coke makes those brokers jumpy

Its the Steve Jobs cult. Everytime the man takes a shit, for some reason a bunch of i-drones care, and because of that everyone else makes fun of them.

Well stock prices are based off the perceived value of owning a small peice of the company. Stock prices have no direct correlation to profit, revenue or any real numerical value.

That is why, my friend, as soon as you master the skill of diserning fact from fiction there is a boatload of cash waiting for you. You actually make more money by bucking the trend. For instance, the other day when the market dropped 8 or 9%, the average American thought, "oh no this is bad my 401k (or stocks) took a dump", but in reality, it was a very very good opportunity to dump as much money as you could comfortably afford into the the market. The markets will always come back with even higher returns over time.

You fucks beat me to all the answers. So what they said.... ^
wouldn't it make more sense to just, I dunno, not believe anything CNN says, Period? Seriously, how many times in the past just month alone have they been caught putting more spin on a story that than a pro-bowler puts on a bowling ball?
Something has to be said about the PC industry and Windows success not hanging of on the live of Bill Gates, who is still alive and seems to be in a lot better shape then Steve Jobs. If Steve Jobs dies, Apple will be back to where it was in the late 90s before his return...dying :p
Something has to be said about the PC industry and Windows success not hanging of on the live of Bill Gates, who is still alive and seems to be in a lot better shape then Steve Jobs. If Steve Jobs dies, Apple will be back to where it was in the late 90s before his return...dying :p

Bill Gates actually thought of his company... Retiring now, handing everything over to other executives: pulling out.

Jobs just cares about one person: Jobs.
CNN is usually a good source... but I prefer the net over TV news to begin with.

I know the video is user made, and just posted on a CNN hosted site so they can grasp the news quickly. But they should have forwarned viewers and patrons of that site that they have no control over the content and that everything in a posted story is alleged and NOT YET FACT CHECKED.

But they dont, because CNN set the site up to arbitrarily usurp credit, as you give up the rights to the content when you post it.

But as far as Fact Checking goes...

The one time CNN seriously-pissed me off was when they ripped TV footage off of Russian TV, of the Georgean attack on South Osettia with destroyed buildings and scattered artillery shells in a hospital..etc... and showed it on their channel with the headline "Russian attack on Georgea". I'm a Russian-American, and I have/had very strong feelings about that war, since I had family there.

I was abhorrently livid to a point of irrationality when I saw it. I'm glad nobody spoke to me about it on that day, I would have exploded in their face and done something stupid.

As for wishing Steve Jobs dead, its a little harsh.

Despite allt he beatings that Apple gets on these forums and the world abound, those beatings can be resolved with simple adjustments to the Apple business model. #1 make iTunes compatible with other .mp3 players, #2 make Mac OS compatible with any hardware configuration, #3 let enthusiasts build their own macs. #4 Release the iPhones to be able to run on any network a user chooses.

Am I requesting too much when I request the same freedoms I already receive with other hardware and content from other manufacturers? I dont think so.

Steve Jobs is the physical enbodiment of a personality that at another time would have become a faschist dictatorial regime or politician. He micromanages, insults, and berates his employees, according to current and former employees. But both they, and the iSheep still love him. Its called the "battered wife" syndrome. I fail to understand the appeal of a person that restricts everything he touches, acts like a paranoid schizophrenic with this products, and limits and locks down his products availability and usage like it would get polluted if it mixed with 'other' races.

I predict the Apple product will take a nose-dive when he exits, suddenly or not.
CNN is usually a good source... but I prefer the net over TV news to begin with.

I know the video is user made, and just posted on a CNN hosted site so they can grasp the news quickly. But they should have forwarned viewers and patrons of that site that they have no control over the content and that everything in a posted story is alleged and NOT YET FACT CHECKED.

But they dont, because CNN set the site up to arbitrarily usurp credit, as you give up the rights to the content when you post it.

But as far as Fact Checking goes...

The one time CNN seriously-pissed me off was when they ripped TV footage off of Russian TV, of the Georgean attack on South Osettia with destroyed buildings and scattered artillery shells in a hospital..etc... and showed it on their channel with the headline "Russian attack on Georgea". I'm a Russian-American, and I have/had very strong feelings about that war, since I had family there.

I was abhorrently livid to a point of irrationality when I saw it. I'm glad nobody spoke to me about it on that day, I would have exploded in their face and done something stupid.

As for wishing Steve Jobs dead, its a little harsh.

Despite allt he beatings that Apple gets on these forums and the world abound, those beatings can be resolved with simple adjustments to the Apple business model. #1 make iTunes compatible with other .mp3 players, #2 make Mac OS compatible with any hardware configuration, #3 let enthusiasts build their own macs. #4 Release the iPhones to be able to run on any network a user chooses.

Am I requesting too much when I request the same freedoms I already receive with other hardware and content from other manufacturers? I dont think so.

Steve Jobs is the physical enbodiment of a personality that at another time would have become a faschist dictatorial regime or politician. He micromanages, insults, and berates his employees, according to current and former employees. But both they, and the iSheep still love him. Its called the "battered wife" syndrome. I fail to understand the appeal of a person that restricts everything he touches, acts like a paranoid schizophrenic with this products, and limits and locks down his products availability and usage like it would get polluted if it mixed with 'other' races.

I predict the Apple product will take a nose-dive when he exits, suddenly or not.

+1 to this.

And who says that Apple as a COMPUTER company isn't already dead?

I mean a 5% +/- market share is NOTHING compared to the Windows World juggernaut.

Everybody knows that the WORLD runs on Windows and even though it is a buggy, crash-prone system it is still LOADS BETTER than ANYTHING OSX could EVER possibly offer.

/rant ends.
Why are people obsessed with the idea of his death???

Short sellers, basically, people who are positioned to profit from AAPL going down in price. Driving Apple down does something else, which is to drop the S&P 500 and the NASDAQ 100 indexes as well since that stock is a major component of both. It is a relatively cheap way to move those indexes this way (where the big money is made).

Hedge funds do that sort of thing all the time to companies like RIMM and AAPL. You go short, you feed a news story to the media, it doesn't have to be true (ie - sales are lagging this quarter, etc), and it will gain some traction and move the price because neither company comments on rumor, nor do they create stories to move their own stock price. Again, pretty easy way to move the stock and those indexes. The fact that AAPL, RIMM, etc, are high beta stocks (ie - they move at much greater percentage swings than the indexes) and relatively easy to move based on rumor makes this very profitable trading.

The difference here is that this private citizen fed a story that was so outlandish that Apple had to comment on it. Word is already that this guy will be arrested and investigated by the SEC.

We'll see!
That is why, my friend, as soon as you master the skill of diserning fact from fiction there is a boatload of cash waiting for you. You actually make more money by bucking the trend. For instance, the other day when the market dropped 8 or 9%, the average American thought, "oh no this is bad my 401k (or stocks) took a dump", but in reality, it was a very very good opportunity to dump as much money as you could comfortably afford into the the market. The markets will always come back with even higher returns over time.

It was an even better time to sell short or be holding put options. This was one of my most profitable weeks all year! :D :D :D
Why are people obsessed with the idea of his death???

I mean he's got a firm grip on the iMarket just like Bill Gates has a fairly firm grip on the PC market, yet no one wants Gates dead...

I just think there are more deserving of death attention... not that I want anyone dead, but I mean this is just weird honestly.

i've seen plenty of hate propaganda against bill over the years.... not as much in recent years but like the 90's heaps of ppl trashed his name... and really.. eventually geeks identify with bill... cas well hes just a geek... steve is a ponce...
Well what do you know...there are others debating the potential for stock manipulation as well. Criminal charges will be filed if there was malicious intent.

Shoot- that's been known for awhile now...
This was filed awhile back and (surprise, surprise) haven't heard anything out of it.

About the time they start looking into it, it's like Stevie gives them something else to fuss over (a tablet PC!!!!) and all is forgotten about criminal charges.
Bill Gates actually thought of his company... Retiring now, handing everything over to other executives: pulling out.

Jobs just cares about one person: Jobs.

Steve Jobs is a great example of a sociopath in the work place.
Confused as to what's going on here ... but ...

Steve Jobs is dead. He passed away October 5, 2011 (aged 56) from pancreatic cancer / cardiac arrest.
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