Still having problems, please help!


Limp Gawd
Jul 7, 2006
I'm getting the same problems with the new card as I had in this thread:

P6t Deluxe V2
1600 ram
i7 920 stock
Corsair 750 psu

The problem:
I get these flickery horizontal purple/blue lines . I put the 7970 into my brothers comp and had no problems. I've tried moving it to different slots, tried different power cables. Also, when I put the card into my brothers comp, when the BIOS etc load on bootup, it takes up the full screem, like my previous sli gtx 260 and every other computer does. But when I put the 7970 into my comp the BIOS etc doesn't take up the full 24inch screem, there's a ~1" gap on either side, basically not widescreen. wth is going on?

EDIT: I'm starting to think its something physical, because when I mounted the card again its working ok. But it did this yesterday where it looked like it was ok after playing Crysis 2, then BAM artifacts
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Well, at least you know it's not the card which narrows it down some.

In the previous thread you never answered whether you got rid of the old nvidia drivers or what method you used to do so. Drivers are sort of the obvious answer considering that it does just fine in another machine. That or something else in your rig is defective. Do you have a random video card that you can throw in your machine to test? Do you still have one of your nvidia cards that you could try out?
Have you considered doing a clean install of windows?