Stinking Heat Wave forces 90% decrease !


Jul 19, 2005
So 90% of my points are produced in-house... and with 103 degree days I''ve been forced to shut off 95% of my in house machines... This sucks !
Wife wants to know why I have continued buying new parts ! I'm still trying to tell her that I need to replace those watt-sucking P4's....... With Conroe's ( well, she doesn't know that the Conroes aren't quite here yet.. But that cheap AMD 3400 w/MB for $99 was just too good when I had all the other parts laying around !) And I know that AMD3400 will displace one of my overheated P4's.... for the summer anyway !!

Heat vs. Points.... that seems to be my dilemma

saturday here was 119
today close to the same
roftranspo said:
And I live on the Oregon/Washington border with the Columbia River in sight of my house... We should be a little cooler than you hot blooded Sacto guys !

Server room at work today was 102 degrees at 8 AM. With the A/C running at full capacity. And we're on top of a freaking mountain! Not at all ready for this damn heat. Make it go away!

Fortunately I haven't had to shut off any folding boxes yet.
exactly RPHarrow

and amenthes....just come down the hill buddy....saying its hot is starting to be an understatment
ya 118 in so cal for like better then a week

luckily just bought a window unit in addition to house ac:D and my computer room stays nice and cool while elec bill is 300 + amonth:(
84gthatch said:
ya 118 in so cal for like better then a week

luckily just bought a window unit in addition to house ac:D and my computer room stays nice and cool while elec bill is 300 + amonth:(

Greater Good > Elec Bill of 300/mo

I've had to shut down my home machines several times now in the 100+ degree days, but tommorow it's supposed to cool all the way down to 98. This months electric bill is going to suck :mad:
I don't get this crap.

I used less juice in July than June, and I had the AC on most days in July!

Anyone need a home for some boxen? :D
Yep, temps along the Columbia River are down about 10-15 degrees, so all my boxen are back folding ! I've found that when it is 98+ I can shut down four or five boxen and turn them back on when I come home in the evening. Electric bills ? I don't need no stinking electric bills !!!!
(Eh, my wife has agreed to just pay them & not tell me ....)

RPhArrow --\\\---------------------->
RPhArrow said:
Yep, temps along the Columbia River are down about 10-15 degrees, so all my boxen are back folding ! I've found that when it is 98+ I can shut down four or five boxen and turn them back on when I come home in the evening. Electric bills ? I don't need no stinking electric bills !!!!
(Eh, my wife has agreed to just pay them & not tell me ....)

RPhArrow --\\\---------------------->
Good woman you have there.